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Foot Pain

Foot Pain

Do You Have Foot Pain? Here’s What It Could Mean

Our feet probably don’t get the appreciation that they truly deserve. They have to bear weight whenever we stand and they help us get to where we want to go. Due to all this strain and stress, foot pain is fairly common. 

When you experience foot pain, that means that you’re feeling discomfort or pain in one or more parts of your foot. Those parts can include the heels, soles, arches, and toes. 

The pain can be severe or mild. It can also last for a short time or it can be an ongoing issue. Constant feet pain can be a major burden but that doesn’t mean the pain can’t be relieved. 

Continue reading and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about foot pain. 

Causes of Foot Pain

Foot pain can occur due to a medical condition or certain lifestyle choices. Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly is one of the most common causes of foot pain. High-heeled shoes can also lead to foot pain because they put a good amount of pressure on the toes.

Injuries from sports and high-impact activities, like aerobics or jogging, can also lead to foot pain. 

If you have arthritis, you may very likely experience foot pain. There are 33 joints in your foot, and arthritis can impact any of them. And people who have diabetes may end up with nerve damage or ulcers in their feet.

You’re also more at risk for experiencing constant feet pain if you have a foot injury, are pregnant, or have obesity. 

Symptoms of Foot Pain

Foot pain can lead you to limp or have an unsteady gait. You can also experience paresthesia, which is a burning or tingling sensation in the affected area. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe that you can’t move it at all. 

Home Remedies for Foot Pain

The home remedy that will best help you will depend on the cause of your pain and how severe it is. With that said, applying ice to the affected area can usually help. 

You also might want to take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever. Make sure that you rest your foot as much as possible and keep it elevated. In order to prevent rubbing on the affected area, you can use footpads. 

How Chiropractics Can Help Foot Pain

A chiropractor understands the importance of body mechanics in daily life. They take into account your strength, flexibility, stability, and mobility when they look to find the true cause of your foot pain. 

The feet are the foundation of the body. If they’re not working properly, it can lead to a whole bunch of other problems in the body.

A chiropractor can examine your posture and form. They can even make crucial assessments just from the way you walk. Sometimes, a chiropractor can simply pull on your foot in a specific way and relieve a great deal of your pain.

If you’re experiencing persistent pain in your feet, it’s important that you consult a chiropractor before things get any worse. 

The Importance of Treating Constant Feet Pain

As we can see, people who experience constant feet pain should not hesitate to resolve the issue. If you’re experiencing pain in your feet or other areas of the body, we can help. Contact us today and see what we can do for you!

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Chiropractic Relief for Pregnancy Back Pain

Pregnancy is one of the happiest times for a couple to experience.  There is the excitement of a new baby, the anticipation of the changes he or she will bring, and the hopefulness of a growing family.  As part of the changes a woman’s body will go through, back pain during pregnancy is quite common but chiropractic care can help through out the pregnancy to relief the aches and pains.

What Are the Causes of Pregnancy Back Pain? 

If you think about it, it’s no wonder you are experiencing discomfort…you are gaining weight in an isolated area very quickly, your center of gravity is shifting, and you are undergoing hormonal changes meant to assist in the birthing process.  Usually starting in the second half of pregnancy, many women begin to feel pain in their lower back and pelvis at the sacroiliac joint. 

This pain can begin after periods of standing or sitting with no breaks, following a restless night of sleep, or during stressful times and is caused by:

  • Weight gain—a woman usually gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy with most of it carried in the belly area putting additional stress on the lower back.
  • Shifting gravity—a woman’s “center of gravity” is in a constant state of flux during pregnancy as each day brings new weight gain, shifting posture, and possibly an altered gait.
  • Hormonal changes—Relaxing, a hormone meant to aid childbirth, causes muscles and ligaments in the pelvic region to loosen and relax so that the baby can be born more easily. This often causes pain in the back and spine as the relaxing muscles aren’t providing adequate support.

How to Relieve Back Pain

Understanding that back pain is common and isn’t an indication of something abnormal is a good first step in relieving unnecessary stress during a pregnancy.  Here are some good techniques to maintain back strength and help make the new Mom comfortable throughout her pregnancy:

  • Practice Using Good Posture
    • Stand straight
    • Keep your shoulders back
    • Use a wide stance for the best support
    • Sit using a chair that supports your back
    • Forget the high heels for now
    • Use good body mechanics when lifting
    • Sleep on your side
  • Gentle, moderate exercise helps by strengthening the back muscles and increasing flexibility—yoga is an excellent choice for pregnancy
  • Wearing a belly belt to support the weight
  • Warm baths and ice packs intermittently
  • Alternative therapies such as chiropractic care and massage

Chiropractic Care and Back Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, chiropractic care can be beneficial in a number of ways, including alleviating back pain, as well as pain in the hips and joints.  Used in conjunction with massage and exercise, chiropractic care during pregnancy seamlessly harmonizes with whatever birthing method and care team you have chosen, i.e., traditional OB-GYN, midwifery.

Regular chiropractic visits can promote and establish pelvic balance and alignment creating a healthier environment for the baby and less pain for the mother during pregnancy.  In fact, there is research that suggests chiropractic care improves a woman’s ability to have a successful natural birth and reduce the time she is in labor. 

In Mill Creek, Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness has compassionate and experienced providers available to answer your questions and to discuss a pregnancy-supportive care plan, including alleviating back, hip, and pelvic pain brought on by the pregnancy itself.  If you are seeking relief for the discomfort of back pain brought on by pregnancy, consider the benefits of managing that pain through chiropractic care.

All of us at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness wish you a safe and happy pregnancy with terrific health and freedom of movement.  Please contact us at our Mill Creek location to discuss the natural and healthy benefits of chiropractic care during and after your pregnancy.


Phases of Healing with Regence Insurance During Chiropractic Care in Mill Creek

Phases of Healing with Regence Insurance During Chiropractic Care in Mill Creek

Phases of Healing during Chiropractic Care 

Often in our clinic we are asked: “How long will it take to get me feeling better?”. This is a loaded question as the patient’s lifestyle and degree of injury determines the intensity and duration of the treatment plan.

What are the 3-steps of care with Chiropractic?

  • First Phase: At the initial stage, the chiropractor will help decrease pain and inflammation. At our clinic, a muscle massager, mechanical traction table and hands-on adjustments is used to increase joint mobility and reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Second Phase: In the second phase, the chiropractor will aim for stabilization. He/she will introduce rehabilitation exercises such as hamstring pull, lunges or fences stance. The best exercises for joint pain are stretch exercises.

Your chiropractor may ask you to wear a supportive belt or strap to stabilize the joint that won’t stay in the right place. This will limit the movement of the joint in order to reduce painful symptoms. In addition, Core stabilization exercises will be given to stable your core and strengthen your muscles.

  • Third Phase: By now, your chiropractor will have largely relieved your pain. Without pain, you can perform most, if not all the activities normally.

This phase is considered the maintenance and wellness phase. Your chiropractor will guide you on topics regarding developing a healthy lifestyle and exercises to perform in order to prevent recurrent pain.

In addition to this, your chiropractor may check if you are required to wear custom shoe soles, and prescribe natural health supplements for example glucosamine, turmeric and omega-3 fatty acid which produces an anti-inflammatory effect.


At our Mill Creek clinic, we treat various injuries. If you have an injury that needs assistance, contact us today to schedule an evaluation and stop living with pain.



Choosing a Chiropractor in Mill Creek

Choosing a Chiropractor in Mill Creek

Choosing the Right Chiropractor in Mill Creek

6 Inspiring Things to Remember When Choosing a Mill Creek Chiropractor

There are a variety of reasons why someone may want to consult a Mill Creek chiropractor…maybe they’re interested in exploring healthy lifestyle alternatives, are experiencing some minor aches and pains, or they recently suffered an acute injury.  Whatever the reason, now may be a great time to look at the holistic wellness benefits of chiropractic care.

6 Inspiring Things to Know About Mill Creek Chiropractic Care

Without a doubt, we are the total sum of our individual parts!  There is equal benefit in evaluating both our physical well being and our lifestyle choices, such as nutrition and exercise.  This way, a Mill Creek Chiropractor can develop an overall approach that is both wide-ranging and comprehensive.

When considering this unique approach to healing the body and preventing illness, remember these six inspiring concepts:

  1. Chiropractic care is ageless. From infants to seniors, chiropractic care can improve your quality of life, reducing the need for medications and invasive interventions.  It can restore proper nerve function, increase joint mobility, and improve coordination.  And for someone facing surgery, it can lessen pain and swelling post-procedure.


  1. Your chiropractor looks at your health holistically and assesses action and reaction instead of random and spontaneous elements. They understand that all things are truly linked together.


  1. Most people don’t seek out a Mill Creek Chiropractor until they experience pain (most often back pain), but that’s not usually the first sign or symptom. Often, they have been masking a problem with home remedies like over-the-counter pain medications or the application of heat or cold.  Also, if you experience headaches, diarrhea, asthma, or allergies, this may be a symptom of a bigger problem manifesting physically.


  1. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and natural treatment. People report feeling lighter or relieved following an adjustment session and some say they experience fewer colds and flus.


  1. Mill Creek and Snohomish County are home to many athletes and people seeking healthy, active lifestyles. Chiropractic care encourages them to maximize their true potential and to help maintain flexibility, keep their lungs functioning properly, and improve their coordination.


  1. Chiropractors are for more than back pain! The Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness in Mill Creek is a lifetime partner in nutrition, weight management, and fitness.


Much like visiting a trusted friend, a Mill Creek chiropractor is committed to your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.  People seeking a healthy, less invasive style of care have been drawn to chiropractic care in expanding numbers the last 15 or 20 years.  With its fundamental core foundation resting on the body’s ability to self-heal, chiropractic practitioners focus on evaluating and treating the musculoskeletal system as it affects other systems for overall health.


Your Mill Creek Chiropractor Solution


At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness in Mill Creek, we have created a wellness retreat where you can comfortably experience the benefits of chiropractic care.  Please talk with one of our providers or staff members about our full range of services that work in a complementary way including:


  • Nutrition and supplement counseling
  • Doctor-guided weight loss programs for the benefit of your whole life
  • Massage therapy that compliments as an integrative practice
  • Custom Orthotics for foundational support for a lifetime
  • Treatment and care following an auto accident injury


Our mission is to help you have the best health for an Amazing LifePlease contact us at our Mill Creek Location to discuss the natural and healthy benefits of chiropractic manipulation.


Best Weight Loss Program in Mill Creek!

Best Weight Loss Program in Mill Creek!

Weight Loss

It’s the New Year…Let’s Start with a 7-Day Weight Loss Cleanse

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”

–Oprah Winfrey

If you’re like 60% of Americans, you’re planning your New Year’s Resolutions!  And of those people, more than 70% are pledging to lose weight, diet, or eat healthier.  Sadly, when all is said and done, only about eight percent will actually achieve those goals.  We believe that’s because they rely on the latest fad diet or exercise regime where interest fades fast and goals are left aside.

The Right Way to Lose Weight

There is a better way!  One that combines a sensible, healthy eating plan, nutritional supplements that enhance the experience, and an exercise plan developed with your interests and goals in mind.  To ensure a positive outcome, we encourage you to consider these things:

Kick Off the Right Way – a 7-Day Cleanse!

With a doctor-assisted 7-day cleanse, you can quick start your weight loss efforts while also detoxifying your liver and ridding your body of dangerous toxins.  By starting with a 7-day cleanse, people report feeling slimmer, having more energy, a clearer complexion, and reduced feelings of depression.  Once you have completed the liver cleanse, you should feel more confidence and be ready to move forward with changes to your current eating and exercise regime.

Nutritional Guidance

In Mill Creek, living a healthy lifestyle is part of the appeal.  We have options for fresh produce that are almost limitless…farmer’s markets, co-op farm deliveries, farm-to-table restaurants.  The list goes on.

Unfortunately, people still resort to easy, quick, processed food choices foregoing better nutrition for convenience.  At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we feel strongly that good nutrition, coupled with homeopathic and herbal supplements, creates the foundation of better health.  Having an experienced clinician available to talk with (and ask questions) elevates your chances of success as you embark on new lifestyle changes.

No Way Around it – Exercise is Key!

Some people enjoy exercise, but many people do not.  Our goal is to find an exercise plan that is reasonable and achievable so that you can reach your desired outcomes.  There are so many terrific choices – walking, yoga, bicycling…join a gym!  At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we’ll help you define your plan and find options to add variety to your workouts in Mill Creek.

We often forget that exercise, coupled with ongoing chiropractic adjustments, has the potential to improve your mood, lift your spirits, but to also can relieve a variety of aches and pains from a sedentary lifestyle.  If your career has you sitting at a desk or working on a computer all day, even a brisk half-hour walk can do wonders both physically and emotionally.

All of us at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness wish you a Happy New Year with terrific health and freedom of movement.  Please to contact us at our Mill Creek location to check out our New Year’s weight loss program, as well as to discuss the natural and healthy benefits of chiropractic manipulation.



Graceful POV Chiropractic Adjustment by Mill Creek Chiropractor

Graceful POV Chiropractic Adjustment by Mill Creek Chiropractor

Graceful POV Chiropractic Adjustment in Mill Creek!

Graceful point of view chiropractic adjustment from the Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness team! This is a video that is first of its kind. With the help of the Go Pro Hero 8, we are able to bring you a different view of the chiropractic videos you are used to seeing. Enjoy 🙂

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]