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Obesity and it’s Connection to Nutrition

Obesity and it’s Connection to Nutrition

What’s the Relationship Between Nutrition and Obesity?

Over the nearly two decades from 2000 to 2018, the obesity rate in the U.S. increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. And severe obesity rose from 4.7% to 9.2%.

There are several causes of this obesity epidemic but one of the most common is nutrition, or more accurately, the lack of it.

Let’s take a look at the relationship between nutrition and obesity.

Nutrition Is a Double-Edged Sword

Your relationship with food is like any other relationship in your life — you can nourish it or you can neglect it. When you respect it and put some effort into it, nutrition can help you live a longer, healthier life.

If you don’t respect it and take the path of least resistance, it can lead to many health-related problems, including obesity.

Obesity Contributes to Many Other Health Risks

Obesity goes beyond simply being overweight. The clinical definition of obesity is based on your body mass index, or BMI. A normal BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range, overweight is 25-29.9, and obese is anything over 30.

Obesity has many side-effects, including conditions such as:

  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

It’s not all about your physical health though. Being overweight can also lead to mental health troubles like depression and low self-esteem.

These health problems can become a vicious cycle. Obesity makes you feel physically unwell, which contributes to feelings of depression. You ease those feelings by eating more of the junk food that led to the obesity problem in the first place, and so on.

Is Proper Nutrition Enough to Deal With Obesity?

Healthy eating habits will make a big difference in how you look and feel, especially if you’ve been eating poorly for a long time. The more extra pounds you’re carrying around, the quicker you can see improvements when you change your diet.

That’s not to say it’s easy. Learning how to eat properly and putting that knowledge into action by following an effective weight loss program will take some effort and willpower.

What’s the Relationship Between Nutrition and Obesity?  

Don’t expect to make the change overnight but a few simple adjustments over a few weeks can make a world of difference.

Improving your nutrition is only one half of the equation though. The other half is exercise.

There are plenty of diets to choose from but weight loss ultimately comes down to burning more calories than you take in. What kind of food you eat to get those calories plays a big part in it too.

You might get the same number of calories from a couple of slices of pizza or a salad and lean chicken breast but we probably don’t need to tell you which of those two options is better for you.

Where to Turn for Help With Nutrition and Obesity

If you want to solve your nutrition and obesity problems, it can be overwhelming. The internet is full of conflicting information and there are thousands of books on the topic, many of which also contradict one another.

How do you pick out the accurate advice and set the rest aside? Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness can help.

We’ll show you how to improve your health through an effective nutrition and wellness plan that will help you lose weight, feel better, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.

Benefits of Nutritional Detox

Benefits of Nutritional Detox

The Benefits of a Nutritional Detox: Your Body Will Thank You

By this point, we’ve all heard about the awesome results a detox can have for your body. But have you considered wading in and trying it for yourself? With so many mental and physical benefits to be had, there’s all the reason in the world to consider a detox process.

Treating your body the right way can help relieve a multitude of difficult problems. For anybody still on the fence, join us, today, as we break down five of our favorite detox benefits for your consideration.

Weight Management

One of the biggest benefits of a nutritional detox is also one of the most obvious. Changing your diet to eliminate toxins from your body allows you to drop all of the things causing weight gain and fat maintenance.

Instead, what you’re left with is a healthier gut biome and a body that isn’t constantly struggling against the substances you are eating. When your diet shifts to detox intake, your weight will also be less likely to fluctuate.

Increased Energy

Looking for an energy boost? Sugary drinks and strong coffee can do a lot of harm to your body, especially over time. On the other hand, the natural energy boost of a whole body cleanse detox has been well documented. And, what’s more, it’s not causing your body longterm harm.

Learning how to detox your body means clearing out all of the sugar and caffeine and other things that cause energy slumps when they run out. Instead, you’re left with a more stable, more sustainable energy source throughout the day.


If you want to deal away with cloudy headedness and absentmindedness, a whole body detox has a lot to offer you, professionally. Many times, detoxifications will include a mental component, as well, waking you up and sharpening your thought process.

Going back to the question of sugar crashes, sudden drops in your energy from a lack of stimulants can also affect your mind. This is part of what makes detoxification such a positive experience. It brings out the best in your body, but also your mind.

Healthier Internal Organs

The whole point of a detox is to help your body flush out the toxins that are inside of it and might be doing it harm. These are your “waste removal” organs, and this cleansing gives them the break they need from the toxins that build up in and around them.

Your body can accumulate more toxins than you might expect. A detox is a good, active way to flush out these toxins so your internal organs can work more efficiently.

Clearer Skin

For thousands of people, the quest for clearer skin can seem like a neverending journey. All of the skincare products can come and go, but if your diet isn’t playing along, skin problems can and will still develop.

Detoxes are a great way to cleanse your skin when all else fails. With as little as a strict detoxification diet, you can see near-perfect results with your skin-clarity. A word of warning: as the detox process works its magic, your skin may flare up initially, before later clearing up, again, after completion. 

Detox Benefits

A detox food plan can take any one of a dozen different forms. What’s important is to get one that helps flush out toxins, encourages natural energy, and benefits your body in ways that matter to you.

Ready to learn more about nutritional detox and its benefits for your body? Check out some of our other blog posts, today, and find out more about our nutritional detox services (as well as many others).

Hip Flexor Pain

Hip Flexor Pain

Understanding Hip Flexor Pain: The Causes and Symptoms of Aching Hip Flexors

Did you know that the average American adult spends up to 6.5 hours a day sitting? 

For teens, that number is even higher. On average, teenagers ages 12-19 spend about eight hours a day sitting. This position keeps our hip flexor muscles flexed constantly, and rarely leaves room for extension of the hip flexor.

This fact could be one of several reasons for hip flexor pain in a wide range of people, both young and old. Hip flexor pain also commonly occurs in people with less sedentary lifestyles who remain more physically active. 

If you’re experiencing pain or strain in this region, you’re likely wondering why. How can you relieve this aching feeling? What can you do to combat it?

We answer all this and more below.

Causes and Symptoms of Hip Flexor Pain

The hip flexors, located near the groin/inner thigh area, can cause noticeable pain that disrupts many day-to-day activities. 

Hip flexor pain is most often caused by people who overuse their hip flexors—in particular, athletes. If you’re actively using your hip flexors (for example, if you’re a runner), you may notice pain there more often than those who don’t use them.

Some common symptoms of hip flexor pain include:

  • Muscle pain, which can be present at all times, or in specific movements, like when bringing the knee up towards the chest (for example, walking upstairs)
  • Muscle spasms
  • Decreased mobility 
  • Acute achiness

Often, people change the way they walk to compensate for pain on one side, which can cause limping or various issues with the side they’re now leaning on for support.

These symptoms can range from mild and annoying to severe and debilitating. 

How to Stretch and Strengthen the Hip Flexor

If you’re noticing pain while the hip is flexed, you can combat it by allowing the muscles to extend instead. This opposite motion allows your hip and inner thigh muscles to lengthen.

You can try various exercises and yoga poses to achieve this, such as:

  • High or low lunges
  • Pigeon pose
  • Three-legged dog pose (raising one leg high, extending through the spine, from a downward dog)
  • Gate pose (essentially, a kneeling side bend)
  • Reclined pigeon pose (an ideal posture for those with especially tight hips)
  • Bound angle pose, commonly called diamond or butterfly

Postures like bridge pose can not only lengthen but also help to strengthen the hip flexor muscles. 

How to Treat Hip Flexor Strain

Other than stretching and lengthening through the hip flexor muscles, you can also allow your body some rest time. If you’re an active person, perhaps you include more recovery days into your routine.

Chiropractors can also help treat hip flexor pain and strain.

They can achieve this by identifying the cause or root of the problem and then through assisted stretching, ensuring the proper alignment. Improper alignment while stretching may cause more strain, but a professional can ensure you’re doing things correctly.

Chiropractors can also determine if the pain is coming from somewhere else, such as the pelvis.

Stay Hip Healthy

Now that you know some common causes of hip flexor pain, as well as solutions, you can begin to get some much-needed relief.

We at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness can help you feel even better with personalized treatments to restore flexibility and mobility. 

New patients, click here to begin the appointment process. We can’t wait to help you get your life back!

Coccyx Pain Treatment

Coccyx Pain Treatment

Understanding Coccyx and Tailbone Pain, Causes, and Treatment

The spine is made up of 33 individual bones. More specifically, they’re divided into four main regions—the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacrum spine.

At the bottom of the spine is the coccyx aka tailbone. While it’s considered vestigial (aka no longer necessary), it does have a few important functions.

That is, it serves as the insertion site for tendons, ligaments, and muscles. In addition to that, it supports you while you’re sitting.

Like the rest of the body, however, it can be affected by various conditions.

What causes coccyx and tailbone pain? How can you treat it? Want to know? If so, be sure to read the rest of the post!

Where is the Coccyx/Tailbone?

The tailbone is made up of four small bones that are fused together at the bottom of the spine. Triangular in shape, it is located just below the sacrum.

In fact, it connects with the bony structure through the sacrococcygeal joint. When you move, there is also a slight movement between the sacrum and the coccyx.

What Causes Pain in Your Coccyx?

A number of things can cause coccyx pain. For example, the tailbone can start hurting if you sit on a hard chair or bench for a long period of time.

Injuries such as falls can also cause bruising. In some cases, it can even lead to fractures.

While anyone can experience tailbone problems, those who are overweight are more prone to issues. For one thing, more weight puts extra stress on the coccyx. 

How to Treat Coccyx Pain

Assuming that there’s no fracture, the pain should go away on its own within a couple of weeks. In the meantime, there are over-the-counter medications that you can take to relieve the pain.

Aside from that, you can apply heat or ice, both of which should help with the discomfort. The way you sit matters as well—that is, you want to make sure that your feet are flat on the ground and that your back is pressed against the chair.

There are also donut-shaped pillows that you can get that’ll help relieve pressure from the tailbone area.

Chiropractic Treatment for Tailbone/Coccyx Pain

Depending on the injury, the tailbone can move out of alignment. When this happens, it can irritate the tissues and nerves around the area, which can be quite painful.

That’s where chiropractors come in. They’re able to fix the underlying problem by correcting the misalignment.

In addition to that, they might suggest massage therapy. Not only will that help reduce inflammation but it’ll also promote muscle recovery.

Understanding Coccyx and Tailbone Pain

Now you know all about how to treat coccyx and tailbone pain. Remember, you don’t always have to go for medications—there are many other options!

Are you in the Mill Creek, WA area? Looking for a chiropractic clinic? Feel free to reach out—we’d be happy to help!

Sprained Ankle

Sprained Ankle

The Sprained Ankle Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options: A Helpful Guide

Do you think you may be suffering from a sprained ankle, but aren’t quite sure?

Sprained ankles are one of the most common injuries in the US. In fact, over 25,000 people in the US sprain their ankle every day, and over 1 million people visit the emergency room each year because of an ankle injury.

But, even though sprained ankles are very common, not everyone knows when a sprained ankle looks like or feels like. If you’re looking to learn more about sprained ankles, you’ve come to the right place.

Read on to learn about sprained ankle signs, symptoms, treatments, and more in this helpful guide.

What is a Sprained Ankle? 

Before we dive into the symptoms, we first need to answer the question, “What is a sprained ankle?”

A sprained ankle occurs when there is an injury to the ligaments (tough bands of tissue) that surround and connect the bones of your leg to your foot. This type of injury typically happens when you turn or twist your ankle in an unnatural manner. This can cause the ligaments that hold your bones and joints together to twist and tear.

Sprained Ankle Symptoms 

You know you’ve injured your ankle, but you’re not quite sure if it’s sprained. How can you tell? Here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Swelling, tenderness, and pain
  • Bruising or discoloration
  • Trouble moving your ankle
  • Inability to put your full weight on your ankle
  • Stiffness

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you should see your doctor, as they’ll be able to properly diagnose the injury. During your visit, your doctor will likely perform a physical exam to figure out which ligaments have been torn. They may also order image testing, such as X-rays, to rule out bone fractures.

Degrees of Sprained Ankles 

Sprained ankles fall into different grades depending on the severity of the injury. Sprained ankles are classified as:

  • Grade 1: This occurs when the ankle is in pain, but there is little loss of function and ligament damage
  • Grade 2: This occurs when there’s moderate damage to the ligaments and the ankle joint is a bit loose
  • Grade 3: This occurs when one or more ligament is torn and the ankle is extremely unstable or loose

Treatment Options 

How you treat your ankle will depend on the severity of your sprain. In general, the first phase of treatment focuses on RICE. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

You should rest your ankle and avoid putting weight on it. You should also ice it for 20 to 30 minutes at a time every few hours. You should use an elastic wrap to apply compression to your ankle, and elevate it when sitting.

If your sprain is more severe, then you may need to wear a brace for extra stability and protection. Or, you may need to use crutches.

Some people also take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help alleviate the pain.

You may also want to seek chiropractic care, as a chiropractor can help you get your ankle back in shape.

Sprained Ankle Signs: Are You Ready to Care for Your Sprained Ankle?

Now that you’ve read all about sprained ankle signs, symptoms, and treatment, you should have a better idea as to whether or not you have a sprained ankle.

If you’re seeking chiropractic care for your sprained ankle, contact us today.



Heel Spurs

Heel Spurs

What is a Heel Spur? The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Do you have a sharp pain in your heel when you stand or walk? Can you feel a small, bony lump underneath foot when you try to investigate the cause of your pain?

If you can feel a small lump protruding from the bottom of your foot, then you might have a heel spur.

What is a heel spur, and what heel spur treatment options are available? Here’s what we want you to know about living with foot pain.

What is a Heel Spur?

A heel spur is a calcium deposit on the underside of your heel. The deposit causes your bone to stick out, which can cause significant pain when you put pressure on it when you stand or walk.

Although heel spurs aren’t uncommon among younger people, they become more common as you get older.


What Are the Symptoms of Heel Spurs?

If you have a heel spur, you’ll experience pain all day – beginning when you stand up in the morning. It won’t take overuse to flare up. Your pain will be sharp in the morning and simmer as a dull ache until you go to sleep at night.

You may also experience heat radiating from the area. In some cases, you can even see the spur sticking out from your heel.

While heel spurs are best associated with heel pain, only 50% of people who have heel spurs experience any pain at all. It’s not uncommon for people to live with heel spurs for years and never realize it.

What Causes Heel Spurs?

The calcium deposits that cause heel spurs usually take several months to build up and cause you any grief. But what causes those deposits to occur in the first place?

Your foot is a complex web of tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bones. When any one of them becomes injured, inflamed, or irritated, it can wreak havoc on your whole foot. Some of the common causes can be:

  • Long periods of standing
  • Standing on hard ground
  • Repetitive stress
  • Injuries
  • Age-related shrinkage of the fat around the heel
  • Poorly-fit shoes

If you experience a heel spur, the most likely cause is a strain on your plantar fascia or another muscle and ligament around your heel. It can also be caused when you repeatedly tear the membrane over your heel bone.

Because heel spurs are so closely linked to the plantar fascia, it’s not uncommon to confuse heel spurs with plantar fasciitis.

Can Chiropractic Care Treat Spurs?

Chiropractic care can help you deal with both heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. As chiropractors, we ensure that your foot’s biomechanics operates the way it should. Chiropractic care can help stretch your calf muscles, provide taping to protect the fascia, and prescribe custom foot orthotics for arch support.

You Don’t Have to Live with Painful Feet

Chiropractic care can help relieve your pain and keep you walking right.

Are you ready to walk without pain? Get in touch to learn how Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness can help you put your best foot forward.