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Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic

Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic

It was once considered a fringe medical treatment, but chiropractic has come into its own in recent years, with tons of research and clinical studies to support its effectiveness and safety.

More than 35 million Americans now visit a chiropractor every year. Most of these patients visit a chiropractor to ease back pain and avoid the need for meds or surgery. Although, pain relief is only one of the many benefits of chiropractic.

Keep reading to discover all the different benefits that chiropractic care offers.

Improved Immune Function

Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the nervous system. As a result, this can then offer immunity improvement. When the nervous system can perform as it should, it’s better able to fight off infection and disease.

Easier Breathing

Once your nervous system is in line, your body’s functions will all start to regulate. Because of this, many chiropractic patients notice that they can breathe easier. Patients with asthma also report better asthma control following chiropractic care.

Fewer Headache Symptoms

Headaches are often the result of tension in your joints and muscles. Chiropractic adjustments help release this tension by realigning your body. This ensures that headaches and any accompanying symptoms are a thing of the past.

Better Sleep

Pain and tension inhibit true rest and relaxation. Thanks to the way chiropractic relieves these, patients often sleep better after treatment.

Increased Energy Levels

Chiropractic care can help you get in tune with your body’s natural circadian rhythms. As a result, you’ll likely have more energy during the day.

Lowered Blood Pressure

Forty-seven percent of American adults have high blood pressure. This is a huge risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Chiropractic adjustments can be effective at lowering blood pressure over time.

Better Balance and Posture

By realigning your body, chiropractic adjustments improve your posture and balance. Posture improvement also helps prevent further pain and degeneration later in life.

Healthier Pregnancies

Chiropractic can relieve the pain caused by a changing center of gravity during pregnancy. Here, the Webster technique is especially beneficial. Through this method, chiropractic offers expecting patients healthier pregnancies and easier childbirths.

Improved Range of Motion and Sports Performance

Chiropractic adjustments relieve inflammation and tension in your joints and muscles. Following chiropractic, patients often notice greater mobility, flexibility, improved sports performance, and improved recovery time.

Faster Recovery

The increased mobility that chiropractic promotes can help you recover from sports faster. Other benefits, such as better sleep and less tension, also boost your chances of a quick sports recovery as your body can rest and recuperate.

Your Guide to the Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic

As this long list shows, there are many unexpected benefits of chiropractic.

From easier breathing to better sleep, chiropractic can help in many more ways than people realize.

To find out how chiropractic could help you, schedule an appointment with us today. Or, for more information, contact us at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness!

X-Rays: Why We Use Them and Why We Don’t

X-Rays: Why We Use Them and Why We Don’t

Why We Use X-Rays and Reasons We Don’t

Spine specialists–that’s what some people call chiropractors. While chiropractors do pay special attention to the spine, they can also specialize in other fields, such as neurology, clinical nutrition, and radiology.

Speaking of radiology, did you know that Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) and chiropractic radiologists use imaging equipment? These include computed tomography (CT) scanners and X-rays.

If you’re wondering why chiropractors would need X-rays, read on. Here, we’ll discuss why chiropractors take X-rays and instances when they don’t recommend it for their patients.

Chiropractic Care: The Importance of Correct Diagnoses

Conducting diagnostic tests is one of the ways doctors use differential diagnosis. Chiropractors also employ diagnostic tools to diagnose a patient’s condition better. 

Of course, X-rays aren’t the only means for chiropractors to identify a patient’s source of pain. However, your chiropractor could insist on taking one if your condition is related to a recent trauma. 

X-rays are also helpful for patients with a higher risk of osteoporosis and spondyloarthritis. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of X-Rays

Do all chiropractors require spinal X-rays to diagnose patients accurately? 

The answer is not everyone and not all the time. After all, manipulation and mobilization techniques are enough to address simple dysfunctions. If such conditions don’t improve, or for more complex cases, chiropractors may consider X-ray analysis.

Chiropractors also have to weigh the disadvantages against the benefits of X-rays. Remember, X-rays expose patients to radiation. While the level is safe for most adults, it may not be safe for a developing baby.

If you’re pregnant, be sure to tell your chiropractor. Also, if you believe your condition is related to your soft tissues (e.g., muscles, tendons, or ligaments), there’s no need for chiropractors to order an X-ray. Only conditions associated with bones and joints benefit from X-rays.

Some Notes to Keep In Mind

Beyond researching the answers to “how do X-rays work?” and “what can X-rays detect?” it’s more crucial to understand its use in chiropractic healthcare settings.

If your chiropractor requires X-rays for every condition, you may want to switch to another DC. Reputable chiropractors only use X-rays when needed. 

As for what to expect when chiropractors take X-rays, you may be surprised if the process differs from what you’re familiar with. Chiropractors consider the patient’s posture and weight. That is why they tend to look at images taken in standing positions instead of prone or supine positions. 

Also, don’t be surprised if your chiropractor takes multiple X-rays. If your condition requires monitoring, your chiropractor may request additional X-rays after the initial evaluation. They need to look at images of the spine and joints from various angles to check if their treatment plan is working.

Are You In Need of Chiropractic Care?  

If you need a chiropractor near the Mill Creek, Washington area, we can help. At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we provide chiropractic services, red light therapy, custom orthotics, etc.

To provide the highest quality of chiropractic care, we use diagnostic tools such as X-rays. Should you have questions about our services, feel free to contact us.

4 Ways to Fix Your Posture For A Healthier Back

4 Ways to Fix Your Posture For A Healthier Back

Recent studies have shown that at least 58.9% of American adults are living with back pain. Back pain can make going about our daily lives difficult. It can even make laying down uncomfortable, and no one likes that!

There are a lot of reasons back pain can occur. Bad posture and the negative effects of bad posture are some of the biggest ones. Fixing your posture can be the first step for correcting back pain.

But, how do you fix your posture for a healthier back? Keep reading, and we’ll help you fix your back and live a more comfortable and amazing life!

1. Fix Your Seated Posture

For many people, the reason their posture is bad is that they work on a computer all day. Our screens might be too low and we arch our necks downward to look at them, like when we use our phone, tablet, or laptop. Or, because we get tired, we relax and embrace a slouched position for hours.

Our spines will develop a curvature to them, like a shrimp. Our necks might be more forward than they should be naturally. Some people even experience pinching along their spine or shoulder blades.

Developing correct sitting posture can alleviate back pain. A correct sitting posture has your back straightened and your shoulders back. Your buttocks touch the back of your chair and, if possible, you have a pillow to support the lumbar curve in your back.

One way to do this is by creating a desk set up that has your computer or monitor high enough so you don’t have to slouch to see it. While working, you can also try to keep your ears lined up with your shoulders.

2. Learning to Stand

Instead of sitting, you can always get a standing desk. But, you need to understand what makes a good standing posture. Standing posture is important for anyone who performs manual labor or is on their feet all day.

Correct standing posture will once again have your shoulders back, just like when you’re sitting. Your head should be in line with your body like a pole is going from your head to your toes. Then, bring in your stomach and keep your feet shoulder-width apart without locking your knees.

The weight of your standing position should be on the balls of your feet. But, if you need to stand for a long time, shift your weight from one foot to another. This can help make standing for prolonged periods easier.

3. Stretching and Exercising

Another way to improve your posture is by taking a break from technology. Stepping away from your computer and taking a walk can stretch out your muscles, plus it gives your eyes a break. You can also do upper body stretches.

To do this, face a corner with your arms raised, elbows and shoulder height, and hands flat against the wall. Place one foot in front of the other and bend forward with your knees, exhaling as you lean into the corner. With your back straight and head up, there will be a stretching sensation across your chest. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then relax your body. 

4. Visiting a Chiropractor

When you’ve experienced poor posture for a long time, or begin to feel pain in your back, the best thing you can do is visit a chiropractor. These trained professionals can ease back pain. They can even help you find ways to maintain a correct posture all day.

For example, Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness has a chiropractor in Mill Creek that specializes in providing pain relief. Professional chiropractors will use their hands to manipulate your spine and other back muscles. This can help realign your spine or end any pinching you might feel.

Correct Your Bad Posture Today!

The negative effects of bad posture include back pain, neck pain, and spinal damage. Bad posture can make living life uncomfortable. These tips for fixing your posture can help you develop positive posture habits in any environment!

If you’re experiencing back pain or have tried to fix your posture on your own and failed, reach out to our team at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness. Located in Mill Creek, WA, we want to help you live a more comfortable life. Don’t let back pain stop you from doing what you want.

Contact us today to make an appointment!

A Guide to Heat and Ice Therapy

A Guide to Heat and Ice Therapy

Have you heard of the acronym R.I.C.E? It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It’s commonly given advice in the sports injury world. But you may have also heard about the benefits of heat therapy.

So, what is heat and ice therapy? And how do you know when to use heat and when to use ice?

The guide below will help you decide between heat and ice therapy so that you can get back to feeling better and moving comfortably.

Heat Therapy

You can use heat therapy to increase blood flow and reduce pain through muscles, joints, and tendons in the body. Heat therapy can also improve range of motion – meaning it is easier to move parts of the body even after an injury. Many people prefer to use heat therapy because it’s more comfortable than cold therapy, especially in cold weather.

Heating pads are one of the most effective ways to deliver heat therapy. They are affordable, easy to use and reuse, and you can find them at most drug stores. You may also use hot water bottles or warm towels if you prefer wet heat therapy over dry.You can use heat therapy for minor injuries, sore muscles, cramping, and aches. 


Ice Therapy

Ice therapy can be used to reduce swelling or inflammation. The best time to use ice therapy is directly following an injury. You can use ice therapy for muscles, joints, and tendons. 

Ice therapy works by narrowing the blood vessels and reducing pain and swelling. You can use an ice pack, bag of ice, or a bag of frozen vegetables to ice an injury. Do not apply ice or ice pack directly to the skin. Instead, wrap it in a towel to provide a barrier between your skin and the ice.

Apply ice for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. You can continue to apply ice throughout the day. If the swelling does not improve, consult a medical professional. 



Try Heat and Ice Therapy

Whether you’ve suffered an injury or you experience chronic pain, heat and ice therapy could be right for you. These easy forms of therapy can be completed at home with minimal effort and maximum results.

If you are still struggling with pain and want to seek professional care, contact us. At Amazing Life Chiropractic we help people of all ages recover from injury, improve range of motion, and live better lives.

5 Amazing Side Effects of Seeing the Chiropractor

5 Amazing Side Effects of Seeing the Chiropractor

5 Amazing Side Effects of Seeing the Chiropractor

Believe it or not, the second most common reason people go to the doctor in the United States is for lower back pain. It so happens that this is also one of the many ailments and everyday struggles that seeing the chiropractor can help with.

Chiropractors are medical professionals who help patients with the neuromusculoskeletal system, including the spine, nerves, muscles, tendons, and more. 

Whether you suffer from chronic pain or not, a visit to the chiropractor can do you a lot of good.

Read on to learn five amazing benefits of seeing a chiropractor. 

1. Get Better Sleep

Chiropractic care can actually help you get better sleep at night. 

For those who suffer from pain that keeps them up at night, a chiropractor can reduce this pain for you. 

For those who aren’t in pain, you may still have mild spine misalignment or muscle tension issues causing unnoticeable physical strain. When the chiropractor removes this strain, it allows your body to relax more fully. As a result, you sleep better and feel more rested in the morning!

2. Reduce Pain Throughout Your Body

Short-term and long-term pain can be treated with chiropractic care. In fact, some doctors will recommend non-invasive treatments like chiropractic care before suggesting surgery or medication. 

One study even showed that spinal manipulation treated non-specific neck pain better than medication treatment. 

Chiropractors are often taught after for neck and back pain, but they can also treat headaches caused by tension and neck pain. 

3. Improve Your Digestion

Since chiropractic care boosts the health of your spine and everything attached to it, it also benefits your nervous system.

It’s no secret that your nervous system and digestive system are connected—many of the nerves that are ultimately attached to your spine play key roles in your digestive processes. 

As a result, seeing a chiropractor can improve digestion ailments. In some cases, it has even been known to help with IBS, heartburn, and constipation.

4. Enhance Your Range of Motion

Another of the many reasons to see a chiropractor is that it can improve your range of motion.

Over time, many of your body’s connective elements – like your tissues, joints, and ligaments – wear down. Chiropractic services can slow down this deterioration, saving you from pain down the road.  

5. Gain Better Posture

Poor posture is a prevalent problem as many people sit too much throughout the day. If you have poor posture, chiropractors can work with you to improve it over time and reduce any resulting pain. 

Better back mobility and strengthened muscles will also help you maintain good posture later in life. 

Seeing the Chiropractor Can Change Your Life

Regular chiropractic care can truly change your life by helping you maintain a healthy and pain-free existence. 

On top of treating common causes of pain, seeing the chiropractor can improve your posture, enhance your range of motion, improve your digestion, and help you get better sleep at night. 

Interested in taking advantage of these prime benefits and more? Check out our services today.

5 Unexpected Ways to Herniate a Disc

5 Unexpected Ways to Herniate a Disc

5 Unexpected Ways to Herniate a Disc

Did you know that per 1,000 adults in the United States, there are up to 20 cases of herniated discs every year? Herniated discs are extremely common and can be quite painful. 

But just because they’re common doesn’t mean they always have normal causes. 

Read on to learn five unexpected ways that you could herniate a disc and end up with back pain.

1. Grocery Shopping

Everyone goes grocery shopping, and it’s a fairly safe errand. Still, you can herniate a disc while doing it. How?

Common causes of herniated discs are lifting heavy items the wrong way and deterioration from frequent lifting. 

When shopping, it’s not usual for people to try to lift heavy items, especially when you only want to make one trip out to the car when bringing your groceries in. You also do a lot of bending and lifting when picking up and setting down grocery bags and items.

2. Shaving Your Legs

If you shave your legs by bending down, it’s time to change that routine. Bending in half to shave your legs in the shower puts a lot of strain on the part of your back most susceptible to herniated discs – your lumbar. 

Worse yet, showers are slippery. If you fall while shaving in that position, one of your resulting injuries will likely be a herniated disc. 

3. Sneezing

As you probably know, sneezing causes an uncontrollable and forceful reaction. This reaction causes you to hunch over in a way that can actually herniate a disc. 

While this cause is rare, it’s a result of discs that are already degenerated and in poor condition due to other causes, including bad posture, being overweight, heavy lifting, and so on. 

Herniated disc symptoms also include back pain when you sneeze. If you experience this, you should see a doctor.

4. Office Work

Office workers and other individuals who work at a computer for long periods throughout the day without getting up or stretching are also at risk for disc herniation. 

Looking at a computer all day causes you to bend your neck in a way that can result in tech neck. Symptoms of tech neck include neck pain, bad posture, and herniated discs. 

You can also get tech neck from looking at your phone screen too often.

5. Exercising

Exercising is good for your health and can even help strengthen your back muscles to prevent injury.

At the same time, the wrong type of exercise can do more damage. This is because your discs absorb the shock your back experiences when exercising. Very intense workouts that put a lot of strain on your back can wear down your discs. 

To prevent this, avoid overly high-impact back exercises and those that put pressure on your lumbar in particular. 

Avoid These Herniated Disc Causes

Herniated disc causes aren’t always what you would expect. Your discs can wear down over time from everyday activities until one day you’re surprised by an injury. 

While you can’t stop exercising, shaving, working, sneezing, or grocery shopping, you can work to limit your disc deterioration and risk of disc herniation. 

If you’re interested in how to maintain a healthier spine, check out our services today.