Wellness Archives - Page 11 of 31 - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness
Chiropractic Care for Rheumatology Patients

Chiropractic Care for Rheumatology Patients

Chiropractic Care for Rheumatology Patients — A Missing Puzzle Piece?

Rheumatic disease is often debilitating and wreaks havoc on patients’ activities and their lives. As a Rheumatologist, your patients present to you with stiff, swollen, and painful joints and muscles that limit their movement and can lead to a host of related concerns from inactivity and being sedentary.

With over 54 million Americans suffering from some form of arthritis, from osteoarthritis to rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, or Scleroderma, the problem is only going to grow in size as our population continues to live longer and problems from joint pain and cartilage damage expands. While low by national standards, about 23% of the population in and around Mill Creek, Washington, suffer from some form of arthritis.

How Chiropractic Care Can Be Valuable to Your Care Team

Chiropractic practitioners specialize in all types of joint pain and discomfort.  Their skilled manipulation has been found to be beneficial in treating lower back and neck pain along with other joints, such as the hip and knee.

As a non-invasive alternative, chiropractic care is shown to ease pain and, coupled with stretching and a healthy, inflammation-reducing diet, can improve mobility in rheumatology patients.

Consider these ways a chiropractor will contribute to and expand your treatment team:

  • Chiropractic care can relieve inflammation and the associated pain, which is a main factor in arthritis. This non-invasive treatment can reduce the need for medications in many patients.
  • Chiropractic care is a beneficial and non-invasive way to treat rheumatoid and osteoarthritis by using among other things, gentle manipulations, infrared sauna, and full-body vibration plate machine.
  • Although chiropractic care cannot reverse arthritis, it has been shown to improve spinal posture which relieves pain from arthritis and may slow the advance of the disease.

A Holistic Focus

At Amazing Life Chiropractic & Wellness, we take a holistic treatment approach. By working with our referring providers to understand the scope of treatment being sought, we can then actively listen to the patient about the how their pain is progressing and develop a plan together as part of a cohesive team.

One of our core beliefs at Amazing Life is that the best care comes from treating the whole patient which means understanding their specific objectives, as well as their overall lifestyle and health goals. Once we can envision the patient’s whole situation, it becomes much easier to find treatment options that help the patient and that the patient will absorb as part of their own habitual program offering lifetime benefits.

Chiropractic Care Brings an Additional Steady Hand to Your Team

At Amazing Life, every chiropractor is board-certified and each one has a deep knowledge of treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal issues. Additionally, our providers are well-versed in treating chronic pain issues suffered by many rheumatology patients.

Our modes of treatment may include:

  • Chiropractic manipulation using the latest techniques that are proven gentle and effective for muscle and joint aches and pains.
  • We focus on stretching exercises that help alleviate the tightness and inflammation often experienced by rheumatology patients.
  • Massage therapy for patients to help them learn to relax while alleviating pain, inflammation, and soreness.
  • Lifestyle support with doctor-guided weight loss solutions, stretching exercises, and activity/exercise counseling.

At Amazing Life, our goal is to keep you fully informed on your patient’s treatment plan, progress, and final outcome. We are committed to open communication throughout the treatment of your patient and want to ensure that our treatment regime fits within your overall rheumatology philosophy. We are always open to guidance from the patient’s primary care or rheumatology provider.

If you are a Rheumatology physician or advanced care provider in the Mill Creek, WA, community, please contact Amazing Life to discuss how we can partner with you as part of your holistic care team or stop by for a visit — we’d love to show you around!

Nurse Practitioners’ Partner – Chiropractic Care | Amazing Life

Nurse Practitioners’ Partner – Chiropractic Care | Amazing Life

Referring Your Patients to Chiropractic Care as a Nurse Practitioner

As the ambulatory healthcare team has evolved and expanded, the position of nurse practitioner has taken on the role of trusted advisor and patient advocate within the leadership team of many primary and specialty care practices. With the skill and knowledge to diagnose, treat, and manage illnesses and injuries, nurse practitioners develop deep and long-term relations with their patients as health partners.

There are over 290,000 nurse practitioners practicing today and almost 90% of them are certified in primary care health delivery. They are an integral part of a practice’s care team managing patient health and preventing disease.

A Natural Fit

With this holistic and preventive focus, nurse practitioners and chiropractors make a natural, complementary team. Open to a full range of alternative options, nurse practitioners find a collaborative relationship with a team like Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, in Mill Creek, Washington, that brings a valuable synergy that exceeds patients’ expectations.

In fact, many patients seek out chiropractic care on their own or through their insurance provider when faced with musculoskeletal injuries, car accident injuries, or work-related issues. To ensure thorough case management and a holistic, overall approach, patients are better served when there is a reciprocal, collaborative relationship between their primary care provider and their chiropractic team.

Chiropractors Make Terrific Holistic Referrals for Advanced Practice Nurses

At Amazing Life Chiropractic & Wellness, our clinicians are board-certified and have deep knowledge and experience in treating a wide array of musculoskeletal issues. When you send a patient for evaluation and treatment, we look at the overall picture and incorporate the patient’s lifestyle, socioeconomic environment, and their mind-body connection.

In working as part of your healthcare delivery team, we see our role as contributing to healing the whole person — it’s our guiding priority.

Our expertise includes:

  • Chiropractic manipulation — We incorporate the most up-to-date techniques in our treatment regime. Our manipulation process is outstanding for back, neck, and extremities problems. When a patient is faced with pain from exercise or work-related strains or injuries and is experiencing muscle aches and pains, chiropractic care can provide non-invasive relief – often without medications.
  • Lifestyle support — Our team is highly knowledgeable about weight loss solutions coupled with overall exercise counseling to support a patient in holistic healing.
  • Custom orthotics — We have found that chronic musculoskeletal pain is often a subset aggravated by posture issues and even problems with the feet. Our custom orthotics program provides an easy assessment process to identify options that will positively impact the patient for work and leisure activities.
  • Neuropathy care — Amazing Life has broad experience in treating patients, like diabetes patients, that struggle with nerve pain and weakness, numbness, and acute pain.

As fellow practitioners, we acknowledge that when referring patients to another practice, your expectation is that you will receive timely follow up.

At Amazing Life, we strive to keep our partner providers extensively informed about a patient’s progress. Our goal is to keep you fully informed on your patient’s treatment plan, progress, and final outcome. Please rest assured that your patients will be directed back to you when treatment is complete.

If you are a nurse practitioner in the Mill Creek community, please contact Amazing Life to discuss how we can partner with you as part of your holistic care team or stop by for a visit — we’d love to show you around!

Chiropractors Support the Primary Care Doctor

Chiropractors Support the Primary Care Doctor

Does a Primary Care Doctor Benefit by Referring Patients to Chiropractic Care?

The primary care doctor has long been assigned the role of gatekeeper or coordinator of care in the healthcare arena and with good reason. They are the initial contact for many patients and they have the unique ability to guide and follow up on treatment alternatives.

While the role is predefined, many providers are on the lookout for effective referral relationships that afford the best medical care and help treat the vast influx of patients needing treatment.

In Snohomish County, Washington, the primary care provider to patient ratio is 1,900:1, far above the national average that is closer to 1,100:1.

That means that you need a qualified and conscientious referral team of care providers that treat your patients effectively and return them to your practice reliably.

Making Chiropractors Part of Your Musculoskeletal Team

Whether in Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, or OB/Gyn, you find yourself with patients presenting with musculoskeletal issues, i.e., the car accident victim with whiplash, the pregnant woman with back aches.

These patients typically require more than just pain medication. They can benefit from non-invasive treatment options that help to correct the underlying problem before relying on surgical alternatives. In fact, patients frequently self-refer to chiropractors wanting to find a solution that doesn’t involve invasive options.

Can You Be Confident in Chiropractic Care?

When referring patients to chiropractic care, primary care doctors need to feel confident in the treatment being delivered. In a recent Harvard Medical School article, Robert Shmerling, M.D., suggests that offering chiropractic care to patients is a solid treatment strategy and one that he offers his patients.

Dr. Shmerling also points to a study cited by the JAMA Open Network entitled “Effect of Usual Medical Care Plus Chiropractic Care vs Usual Medical Care Alone”. This study showed that a statistically significant improvement in low back pain intensity and disability was experienced by patients when chiropractic care supplemented traditional back pain treatment by a primary care doctor alone

A Colleague with Solid Training and Experience

At Amazing Life Chiropractic & Wellness, our clinicians are board-certified and have deep knowledge and experience in treating a wide array of musculoskeletal issues. We listen to the patient and take a holistic treatment approach taking into account the patient’s lifestyle and overall health goals.

Our expertise includes:

  • Chiropractic manipulation using the latest techniques that are proven gentle and effective for muscle aches and pains throughout the body. Excellent when a patient is faced with back, neck, and extremities pain from exercise or work-related strains or injuries.
  • Neuropathy care for patients experiencing nerve pain and weakness, numbness, or acute pain.
  • Care for people who have suffered injuries due to car accidents, most often neck and back pain.
  • Lifestyle support with weight loss solutions, exercise counseling, and custom orthotics for work and leisure activity.

We also understand that when referring patients to another practice you want to feel confident that you will receive timely follow up. At Amazing Life, we inform your practice by sending patient progress and updates back post-care. We want you to be fully informed on the progress we’re making and rest assured that your patients will be directed back to you when treatment is complete.

If you are a primary care physician in the Mill Creek community, please contact us to discuss how we can partner with you and your patients.

Some Injuries Are More Common Than Others Among Tech Workers

Some Injuries Are More Common Than Others Among Tech Workers

Some Injuries Are More Common Than Others Among Tech Workers

Tech jobs seem like safe office jobs that place strain on the brain, not the body. In fact, many tech workers spend so much time sitting at their desk that they have to be actively reminded to stand up and stretch every once in a while for their own wellbeing.

But despite the fact that most tech jobs are performed in an office setting, tech injuries are actually more common than you think. 

Tech injuries like ‘tech neck’ and eye strain can affect tech workers like developers, designers, IT specialists, and anyone else who spends their day in front of a computer. 

Tech Injuries – Tech Neck

Tech neck is a condition that occurs due to the constant bending of the neck from looking down at phone, tablet, and computer screens. Due to the large amount of daily screen time they experience, the condition tends to be more prevalent among those working in the tech industry.

But tech neck is certainly not exclusive to those working in tech. Heavy smartphone users can find themselves suffering from the condition too.

Tech neck can negatively affect posture, cause pain in the neck area, and can even lead to problems such as herniated discs. 

Thankfully, there are several exercises you can do in order to relieve the pain of tech neck and potentially even realign your neck. If you suffer from tech neck, try these 3 exercises.

Chin Tuck

  • While standing, tuck your chin in towards the rear of your body (like giving yourself a double chin)
  • Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times twice a day
  • Will reset the curvature of your neck

Neck Extension

  • While sitting up straight – arch your shoulders back and extend your head backward to look up towards the ceiling or sky
  • Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 5 times twice a day
  • Will improve your neck’s range of motion

Neck Tilt Stretch

  • While standing upright, tilt your neck towards your left/right side by bringing your ear towards your shoulder 
  • Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times
  • Will stretch out the muscles on both sides of your neck and improve motion

Remember to take great care when performing these exercises! If you experience any pain or discomfort stop right away!

Tech Injuries – Eye Strain

Large amounts of screen time won’t just affect your neck, but also your eyes. 

Eye strain is also a condition that is common among tech workers. Too much screen time strains the eyes and can result in a variety of symptoms including red eyes, headaches, and sore or tired eyes. 

Optometrists have noted a significant increase in patients with tech-related eye strain. They recommend the 20-20-20 method to give your eyes a break and prevent eye strain. Every 20 minutes you should spend 20 seconds focusing on an object 20 feet away. This will give the eyes a chance to reset and rest. 

There are other things you can do to relieve eye strain as well. The best thing you can do is limiting screen time and giving your eyes a break. Additionally, keeping a greater distance away from the screen and adjusting screen brightness may also help.

Another way to potentially relieve the pain of tech injuries is through chiropractic treatment. While chiropractic treatment won’t fix eye strains, it could help with tech neck. Contact us today to learn more!


The Best Natural Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

The Best Natural Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

The Best Natural Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

Did you know there are immune cells in every tissue of your body? They are like watchdogs constantly looking for pathogens that may infect us like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. 

Is there a way that you can help boost these immune cells and your immune system? Does exercise boost your immune system? What changes can you make in your life to be as healthy as can be? 


Do you want to give your body the extra protection it needs to fight illness day in and day out? Keep reading to learn more about supplements to boost your immune system!


Have you seen some brands of yogurt touting “probiotics” on their label? That’s because probiotics are good bacteria that you want in your body to maintain your digestive health which in turn boosts your immune system. 

They also stimulate activity in your immune cells waking them up to fight off illness. 


This supplement helps to balance out immune response by not overreacting and keeping a lid on inflammation that can cause damage to your health. It keeps an immune response from “spiraling out of control.”  

Omega 3s

You can find these in fish oil supplements for the immune system or in fish, like salmon, anchovies, and herring, oysters, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseed. 

They work to help the body return to normal after the threat of infection has passed by lowering the cell stress response. This limits long-term damage to cells and tissues saving you from chronic health problems. 

Vitamin C

This is one of the best immune booster supplements for kids and adults alike. It is another powerful antioxidant that works to prevent infections from viruses and bacteria. It reduces the duration and severity of the common cold. 

Vitamin B6

You can find this vitamin in foods like chicken, tuna, salmon, green vegetables, and chickpeas, if you’d prefer to find it in your food rather than taking a supplement. 

Vitamin B6 is very important for biochemical reactions in your immune system. 


This powerful antioxidant is important to your innate immune response, which is your first line of defense against invading pathogens. 

It also helps you sleep. Getting the proper amount of sleep is one of the best ways to naturally boost your immune system. 


This is a spice that is extracted from the turmeric plant. It is widely known as a powerful antioxidant and for the positive effects on inflammation in the body. 

Taking this immune health supplement also enhances the response of your body’s antibodies and promotes the immune response of your white blood cells. 


Immune System Support Supplements

Now that you know some of the supplements to boost your immune system, which ones will you choose? Remember to speak to your physician especially if you are taking medication. 

At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we can help you achieve optimum health. We are dedicated to providing you with excellent care and service. Contact us today for an appointment with our experienced staff. 


Understanding Chiropractic Care for the Management of Pregnancy Pains

Understanding Chiropractic Care for the Management of Pregnancy Pains

Understanding Chiropractic Care for the Management of Pregnancy Pains

Being pregnant is a journey of joy and pain. It’s so exciting to be close to welcoming a new life into your world, and yet — does it have to be so uncomfortable?

Pregnancy pain is a fact of expecting a child. Most mothers have back pain during pregnancy, and many have neck pain as well. Another common source of discomfort is tailbone pain during pregnancy.

The good news is that you don’t have to simply suffer. Chiropractic care can make a big difference. Here’s what you need to know!

Is Seeing a Chiropractor During Pregnancy Safe?

Understandably, many mothers are concerned about the safety of the baby and aren’t sure about seeing a chiropractor. However, seeing a chiropractor while pregnant is considered safe.

Chiropractic care doesn’t involve drugs or surgery, and it’s based on gentle movements to align your spine and reduce pressure on your nerves. Of course, you want to be sure to get a doctor’s approval before any treatment when you’re pregnant.

There are times you shouldn’t seek chiropractic care during pregnancy. For instance, if you’ve had vaginal bleeding, toxemia, or placenta issues, it’s not a good idea. You also don’t want to get chiropractic care if you have an ectopic pregnancy.

If you’re not experiencing those complications, seeing a chiropractor can make a big difference in your pregnancy pain!

How Chiropractic Care Addresses Pregnancy Pain

As your baby grows, your center of gravity shifts, and your posture changes as well. This can impact the alignment of your spine. Back pain in pregnancy is a common complaint.

Chiropractic adjustments realign your spine and help provide pregnancy back pain relief. You can also address tailbone pain during pregnancy with adjustments to realign your pelvis. Having your pelvis in the right place will help your baby have the space they need to grow and move.

Receiving care from a chiropractor can help with pregnancy pain relief in every area. You’ll be healthier and more comfortable, and you’ll have less pain in your back, neck, hips, and joints.

Other Ways to Manage Pain During Pregnancy

Staying comfortable between chiropractic visits is essential as well. Our professionals can show you stretches and gentle movements that can help.

Don’t forget to exercise regularly to strengthen your abdominal muscles. You can treat cramps with a warm bath or shower. A heating pad may also help relieve back pain.

Try to minimize the time you spend on your feet and be careful when lifting heavy objects — including other children. You may also want to get chair massages to help relax your muscles.

Being pregnant isn’t comfortable, but there’s a lot you can do to reduce your pain.

Connect With a Chiropractor Today

Over six million women in the United States get pregnant every year. You deserve the best care you can receive to stay healthy and comfortable.

Seeing a chiropractor can make a huge difference in managing pregnancy pain. The practitioners in our office have specialized equipment and training to help. You’re worth it!

Contact us to make an appointment today. Your body will thank you!