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Does Exercise Boost Your Immune System?: The Science Driven Facts You Need to Know

Does Exercise Boost Your Immune System?: The Science Driven Facts You Need to Know

Does Exercise Boost Your Immune System?: The Science Driven Facts You Need to Know

Did you know only one in three American adults get the recommended amount of exercise every week? Exercise offers more than a method to lose weight and stay fit. Regular exercise improves your heart health, relieves stress, and you’ll overall feel better and stronger.

But what about your immune system? Does exercise boost your immune system? Or does it weaken it? How does exercise improve your immune system?

If you want to start exercising to enhance your immunity, continue reading to discover the science and how to improve your immune system.

Can Exercise Boost Your Immune System?

Yes, exercise does boost your immune system. But the process is different than what you would expect. Exercise kickstarts your immunity, and may not provide long-lasting effects in everyone.

There is an immune response when you exercise, and it’s perfectly normal. That’s because exercise is a physiological stressor; no matter if you’re jogging or lifting heavy weights, your body will respond to this stress in many ways.

One of the most beneficial exercise immune responses is the release of white blood cells into your bloodstream. White blood cells are the ones that actively fight viruses, bacteria, and other harmful organisms. During exercise, your body releases more white blood cells, which can more effectively detect and kill pathogens.

So, why doesn’t exercise provide long-lasting benefits for everyone? After you’re finished exercising and are at rest, your body releases fewer white blood cells. The cells that were released migrate to other bodily areas, performing immune surveillance to try and rid your body of other infections.

There’s only one way you can reap the immunity benefits of exercise: you have to exercise frequently.

How often should you exercise? This depends on many factors, such as the workouts you perform. If you perform a moderate cardio activity, such as walking, aim to do this five days a week. If you perform a vigorous aerobic activity (HIIT) or lift weights, aim for three days a week.

Which exercise is best for your immune system? Both cardio and strength training are recommended.

Can Too Much Exercise Hurt Your Immune System?

Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. While exercise is essential, too much exercise can only weaken our body and cause other issues.

But what effects do excessive exercise have on your immune system? While exercise can boost your immune system, most agree that exercising more than 90 minutes at a time will put too much stress on your body. This makes your body temporarily unable to do its job.

But what if you need to exercise for long periods of time? For example, what if you’re competing for a race or a fitness competition? You can train for long periods of time without impacting your immune system.

The key is to rest. Do a little bit of exercise in the morning and a little bit at night, or exercise throughout the day. If you perform certain exercises such as HIIT, make sure you take longer rests in between movements.

Does Exercise Boost Your Immune System? Yes! 

Does exercise boost your immune system? It can, as long as you exercise frequently but nit too excessively. But many people don’t know how to exercise to boost your immune system.

Don’t worry, we can help. We offer weight loss and nutrition plans to ensure you stay fit and lose weight in a healthy way. If you’re in Mill Creek, take a look at our services.


The Proven Benefits of Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy

The Proven Benefits of Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy

The Proven Benefits of Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy

Did you know that chiropractic care was established in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer? Did you just have your baby, and you’re wondering if you should see a chiropractor or not? 

Explore the many benefits of chiropractic care after pregnancy, and why so many choose it. Read on to explore all of these benefits, and find out why you can feel better in no time!

Chiropractic Treatment After Pregnancy

Whether you’re seeing a chiropractor before, during, or after pregnancy, it has numerous benefits. Chiropractic care will help to make sure your pelvic area is in proper alignment. This is also beneficial during pregnancy as well. 

Back Pain Relief

If you’re experiencing lower back pain, chiropractic care can help with this. Your chiropractor will fix any misalignments that are contributing to your low back pain. 

Normal Biomechanics

As your baby grows, you gain weight as well. This extra weight will cause pressure in different parts of your body. 

You might notice that your posture overall is different during and after pregnancy. If you let it go, this can cause other problems for you. 

Sciatica Treatment

You might notice your spine having problems causing radiating pain down one leg which is known as sciatica. This is when your nerves compress in the lower spine. Common symptoms you might experience include a tingling and numbing sensation. 

Pain Relief

You might notice pain in your shoulder blades and neck over time. This can lead to headaches. A chiropractor can help to relieve any elbow pain, sciatica, or wrist pain you’re experiencing. 

Harmful Movements

After having a baby, you’ll be doing different movements that are harmful to your body such as rocking your baby to sleep, breastfeeding, and carrying car seats. This can all cause changes and pain to your mid-back. You’ll learn stretches and different movements that will help you alleviate any pain you’re experiencing. 

Evaluate Joint Movement

Your chiropractor can take an in-depth look at your joints, and evaluate the pain you’re experiencing. They can tell whether you’re not moving enough, or overdoing it. They can then make any adjustments necessary. 

At Home Backcare Relief

Before heading in to see your chiropractor, there are a few home methods you can try. You might notice that your back pain will last for a few months after pregnancy and delivery. 

First, try out different gentle exercises. Even if it’s just walking, that can help with some pain relief. Take it easy when you first begin and receive the clear from your doctor. 

Exploring Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy

Now that you’ve explored the different benefits of chiropractic care after pregnancy, you shouldn’t have to suffer anymore. Don’t delay, contact us today! We’ll come up with an action plan that’s specific to your needs. 

Relax and Rejuvenate: The Benefits of a Sauna on Immune Health

Relax and Rejuvenate: The Benefits of a Sauna on Immune Health

Relax and Rejuvenate: The Benefits of a Sauna on Immune Health

Our immune system is one of the most important bodily processes. That’s because our immune system can save our lives. But not everyone has a powerful immune system. Poor diet, bad lifestyle decisions, and too many sicknesses can decrease your immunity.

Does that mean it’s too late to strengthen your immunity? Simple lifestyle changes, such as exercising and eating healthy, can make you healthier and more prone to defeat viruses and other infections. There are also surprising ways to improve your immune system, such as using a sauna regularly.

Does the sauna boost your immune system? Here are the benefits of a sauna and how they improve your immune system.

Increased Circulation

Improved blood circulation is connects the sauna and immunity. The hot temperatures inside the sauce cause your blood to circulate faster. This not only sends nutrients throughout your body but also flushes out harmful toxins when you perspire, a process called detoxification.

The increased nutrient flow and detoxification are beneficial to your immune system, helping protect you from viruses and infections. You’ll also have better heart health so you can achieve better immune health for the long term.

Increases White Blood Cell Count

What’s another way that connects a far infrared sauna and immune system? Your white blood cells are your body’s natural defense against outside organisms. High heat tells your body to make more of these white blood cells. When your body has more white blood cells, that means your body won’t only fight off infections better but will fight them off earlier.

Creates Other New Cells

Heat doesn’t only entice your body to make new white blood cells. The heat from the sauce entices your body to replace old and damaged cells with brand new cells. This process is called regeneration and it doesn’t happen frequently.

When your cells don’t regenerate, this causes many issues, such as wrinkled skin. But one of the first drawbacks of lack of regeneration is your immune system is weaker. New cells are stronger, improving your immune function.

Enhances Immune Function

Do you know why you get a fever? A fever is your body’s natural defense to kill foreign organisms. Many types of bacteria can survive in your body when your temperature is normal but has a hard time surviving when your body temperature increases.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be sick to mimic this process. Just sit in a sauna. When your body is exposed to high temperatures, your immune system kicks in and destroys germs.

Lowers Stress

There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting in a sauna. When you walk out, you feel refreshed and serene.

This relaxing sensation can also do wonders for your immune system. Stress can lower immune system function, so taking some time to rest in a sauna will not only benefit your body but also your mind.

Take in the Benefits of a Sauna

Do you know the benefits of a sauna? Many people wouldn’t guess the sauna is great for your immune system.

Saunas aren’t the only immune boosting method. Weight loss, massage therapy, and more can strengthen your immunity. We offer many of these services and other ways to live a healthier life. If you’re in Mill Creek, WA, take a look at our services.

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

Headaches, aches and pains, leg cramps, and weakened immune systems. If you’re pregnant, you know that these are some of the common conditions pregnant women suffer from. While they might seem like a minor nuisance, they can put a damper on your quality of life. 

This is where chiropractic care during pregnancy can help. Instead of suffering day after day, consider seeing a chiropractor who can help alleviate your pain and get you back on the road to enjoying your pregnancy. 

Read on to learn more about the benefits of seeing a chiropractor when you’re pregnant. 

Is Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Safe? 

Yes! Chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. It’s always smart to clear it with your doctor before visiting a Doctor of Chiropractic, but overall, it is safe to have a chiropractic adjustment while you are pregnant unless you are experiencing any of the following: 

  • Toxemia
  • Ectopic pregnancy 
  • Placenta previa or placental abruption
  • Vaginal bleeding 

Licensed chiropractors will have training on prenatal care and will typically have adjustable tables to accommodate growing abdomens and to keep pressure off of the abdomen. 


How Can It Help? 

There are many different ways that seeing a chiropractor can help you if you are pregnant–some you might be aware of and some that might surprise you! 

Back Pain  

Did you know that 50% of pregnant women report that they suffer from back pain during pregnancy? 1/3 of those women report that their lower back pain is so severe that it alters their quality of life. A chiropractic adjustment can help align your spine or joins that become misaligned due to weight gain, postural adaptation, and pelvic changes. 


Nausea is very common during the first trimester, but some women may experience it throughout the entire pregnancy. It might surprise you to know that a chiropractic adjustment can help reduce nausea. When a chiropractor realigns your spine, it helps your nervous system function, which can help improve digestive issues like nausea, heartburn, and constipation. 


Swelling is another symptom of pregnancy. Both sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome are the result of swelling. A chiropractor can adjust your body to improve circulation, which can help reduce swelling.

Easier Labor and Delivery 

Regularly seeing a chiropractor can also help get your baby in the most ideal position for labor and delivery. The proper alignment of your spine, pelvis, and hips can help your nerves function optimally, which helps control contractions. 

Chiropractors also can help babies reposition themselves who may be previously in a breech position. If breech babies do not move to a head down position before delivery, you will need a C-section. 

Alleviate Your Pain Today 

The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy are numerous. From easing muscle aches and pains to helping your digestive system operate properly and helping get your body ready for labor and delivery, seeing a chiropractor can help make your pregnancy and delivery easier on your body. 

If you are in pain, call us today. We can provide chiropractic care, massages, and more.

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is hard on the body, and there are many ailments that accompany it—sacroiliac joint pain is one of them. For women suffering from this condition, the aching and discomfort can last for quite a while. Thankfully, there are remedies to help with SI joint pain during pregnancy and even after childbirth.

To learn more about how to get relief for SI joint pain during pregnancy, keep reading the information below.

What Is SI Joint Dysfunction?

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a lower back/ pelvic disorder that causes joint stiffness or hypermobility in the sacroiliac joints and pelvis. The sacroiliac joint is located between the sacrum and ilium, or the pelvic bone. Both sides of the joint work together, so if one side becomes stiff, it causes discomfort in the entire area.

Also, pain may worsen when a person walks or bends over. The disorder occurs during pregnancy or menstrual cycles because of hormonal changes that cause the ligaments in the body to become more lax.

Many people with SI joint pain feel a sharp, stabbing feeling on one side of their pelvis, back, tailbone, or groin. The pain may also go down to the knees when certain movements are performed, like standing up or turning over in bed. Unfortunately, 15-30% of all individuals who experience lower back pains are suffering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

How to Relieve SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Believe it or not, there are several things you can do to relieve SI joint pain during pregnancy. Below are a few of them:

1. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is one of the best methods for relieving SI joint pain during pregnancy. A chiropractor can provide adjustments to help with pain and discomfort by giving a spinal manipulation. It reduces stiffness in the joints and improves the joint’s range of motion.

Chiropractors also provide spinal mobilization, which is good for relieving SI joint pain as well.

2. Exercise

Performing exercises for SI joint pain during pregnancy is one of the most effective methods for alleviating aches and discomfort. For instance, pelvic floor activations strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help it to become more stable. Doing bridges works well too because it targets the glutes and keeps the pelvis in a stable position.

3. Prenatal Massages

Although sacroiliac joint pain primarily exists within the pelvic area and the lower back, the pain can often go down the legs. Prenatal massages are great for helping relieve symptoms associated with sciatic pain, which is similar to sacroiliac joint dysfunction in many ways.

Furthermore, if you’re having a difficult pregnancy, getting a prenatal massage is the best way to get overall relief from SI and other ailments. 

Relief For SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

If you’re suffering from SI joint pain during pregnancy, Amazing Life Chiropractic can help. We offer a variety of chiropractic services and massages, including prenatal massage. Our team of expert staff will ensure that you’re free from Sacroiliac joint pain and other ailments.

If you have questions about our services, feel free to contact us at 425-737-5343 or contact us online.

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Common Injuries In The Janitorial Industry

Common Injuries In The Janitorial Industry

Common Injuries In The Janitorial Industry

Janitors, cleaners, and others working in the janitorial industry often perform physically demanding work. These jobs can take their toll on the body, causing janitorial injuries that result in back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and more. 

How can you relieve the pain of these injuries?

Janitorial Injuries – Back Pain

Janitorial work can often include heavy lifting and constant bending and twisting. All of this pressure and strain on your back can inevitably lead to injuries and back pain. Strained and pulled back muscles are some of the most common janitorial injuries that people experience. 

Repeated lifting and bending can place strain on the muscles and spinal ligaments in your back. Muscle strains occur when muscle fibers are torn or stretched irregularly. Most muscle strains take between 4 to 6 weeks to heal, with some severe ones taking as long as 10 weeks. 

But taking even 4 weeks off work is simply not possible for most people. As such, managing and relieving pain is crucial to living with janitorial injuries. 

If you are suffering from back pain, a lumbar brace may be able to help you. 

A lumbar brace can work to reduce back pain in several different ways. It can provide additional spinal support that improves stability, reduce pressure on your spinal structures and unload some of the weight usually placed on the lower back, and reduce range of motion, helping to restrict or prevent painful movements.  

Janitorial Injuries – Neck And Shoulder Pain

People in the janitorial industry can often also struggle with neck and shoulder pain.

Similarly to back pain, neck and shoulder pain can occur due to overexertion and awkward movements leading to stretched or torn muscle fibres. 

Neck and shoulder pain can also often occur due to bad posture. If you are a janitor or cleaner, it’s important to maintain good posture when performing your job. Performing physically demanding work with bad posture can quickly result in injury and pain. 

If you are suffering from neck or shoulder pain, an Epsom salt bath may be able to help you. Epsom salt is a magnesium sulfate compound that has been used for healing purposes for hundreds of years.  

Many people believe that Epsom salt baths provide relief by soothing muscles and reducing swelling. 

Making a salt bath at home is very simple. Just add Epsom salt to warm bath water and soak yourself in it for about 15 minutes. The Mayo Clinic recommends that adults use 2 cups of Epsom salt for every gallon of water, but lower concentrations may also be effective if you find this much salt to be drying to your skin. 

Are you a cleaner or janitor suffering from janitorial injuries or just simply dealing with irritating back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain? Contact us today to find out how chiropractic treatment can help to relieve your pain.