Wellness Archives - Page 31 of 31 - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness
How a Chiropractic Adjustment Can Boost Your Immune System

How a Chiropractic Adjustment Can Boost Your Immune System

Immune SystemWith arrival of winter also comes the common cold. Of course, a cold arises due to a compromised immune system. Sure, you can boost your immune cells by increasing your vitamin C intake. However, as some studies are now suggesting, you may be able to strengthen your immune system with a chiropractic adjustment.

The Link Between the Nervous and Immune System

Studies have shown that the immune system and nervous system are interlinked. If your nervous system (comprised of your brain and spinal cord) is not functioning optimally, then the immune system may not be operating at full capacity either. This makes it more difficult for your body to ward off bacteria and viruses.

When your vertebral column is misaligned—a condition known as subluxation—the corresponding nerves may also be compromised. This hampers their ability to send proper signals to the brain and may also inhibit immune response. (more…)

Kyphosis Treatment: How to Correct a Hunched Posture

Kyphosis Treatment: How to Correct a Hunched Posture


Does your back naturally slouch? You may not quite resemble Quasimodo, but you may have a hunched back that is just terrible for your posture. A hunched back is a medical condition known as kyphosis. Fortunately, a chiropractic care unit can treat kyphosis and return your posture to the way it’s supposed to be.

What Causes Kyphosis?

Osteoporosis is the leading cause of kyphosis. Old age and/or poor health can cause the vertebral bones in the spine to weaken and become brittle over time. This leaves it susceptible to compression and cracking.

Of course, years of poor sitting posture can also cause a hunched back. You especially need to take heed if you work in an office cubicle and spend most of your hours sitting. When you’re seated, your shoulders are naturally pulled forward, constricting your muscles and causing the upper back to curve.

Kyphosis can also be caused by rickets, or a vitamin D deficiency. Nutritional kyphosis is more prevalent in children and seniors, though adults may also be diagnosed with the condition. In any case, you will need to speak with a qualified nutritionist. The solution may not be as simple as just drinking more milk or taking a vitamin D supplement. (more…)

Exercises for a Whiplash Injury

Exercises for a Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries often occur when another car hits yours from the side or from behind. Typically, the auto accident injury doesn’t warrant an extensive hospital stay, but it can create a lot of pain and discomfort. Of course, always follow your doctor’s advice. For the most part, though, they’ll recommend a set of exercises for whiplash injury. These are simple movements that will stimulate the muscles and provide some degree of relief.

Neck Rotation

With your spine erect, turn your head to the left while keeping your shoulders still. Turn your head as far as you can without causing discomfort. Hold the position for three seconds before turning your head to the right and doing the same. Perform three to five repetitions on each side.

Shoulder Stretch

Whiplash also causes pain in the upper back and shoulder area. Standing straight, interlock your hands behind your back and pull your arms as high as you can while keeping your back straight. Hold the position for about 10 to 15 seconds and repeat for three to four sets.

Sternocleidomastoid Stretch

With your back straight, place one hand on the opposite shoulder. Tilt your neck back and towards the opposite direction of the hand resting on the shoulder. You should feel the stretch in the area close to where the hand is. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat for three to five sets on each side.

What About Your Diet?

Most people are unaware that nutrition also plays an important role in whiplash recovery. One food we recommend is wheat germ, which contains Vitamins B and E, both essential for rebuilding damaged muscle tissue. It also contains magnesium, known for helping stiffened muscles relax.

We’ll Recommend the Best Exercises for Whiplash Injury

Please visit Amazing Life Chiropractic if you’re experiencing neck pain following an auto collision. Our chiropractic care team will come up with a customized treatment that includes in-clinic care, diet, and home exercises for whiplash injury.

Edited by Justin Vorhees

Full Chiropractic Care for Treating Whiplash Injury

Serving residents of Mill Creek

How to Treat a Frozen Shoulder

How to Treat a Frozen Shoulder

The shoulder is one of our most utilized muscle groups. Any extensive movement of the upper arm involves the shoulder to some extent. It’s no surprise then that patients often come to see a chiropractor about this body area. Aside from pain, patients may also experience a condition known as frozen shoulder.

Frozen Shoulder Defined

The condition is exactly what it sounds like. The shoulder dramatically stiffens, restricting or even preventing movement altogether. Even without treatment, a frozen shoulder will usually “thaw” or go away on its own. The condition, however, could last anywhere from one to three years. We believe frozen shoulder is caused by scar tissue which has formed in the shoulder capsule. It seems to occur more often in the non-dominant arm. (more…)