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Upper Cross Syndrome: A Guide to Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Upper Cross Syndrome: A Guide to Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Chiropractors treat over 27 million Americans every year. Meanwhile, chiropractic adjustments are performed a million times every business day in America. However, not many patients realize they have a serious condition.

For example, your symptoms could indicate you have upper cross syndrome.

What are the common upper cross syndrome causes, and is upper cross syndrome curable?

Keep reading to find out. In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know about this condition. By learning more, you can spot the symptoms before scheduling a chiropractic appointment.

Read on to learn more!

What is Upper Cross Syndrome?

Upper cross syndrome develops due to poor posture. It can cause your neck, chest, and shoulders to become deformed over time.

Your back muscles of the shoulders and neck are usually affected the most. These muscles can become overactive and strained. Meanwhile, the muscles at the front of your chest will shorten and tighten.

Overactive muscles can cause surrounding muscles to become weak and underused. Over time, the overactive and underactive muscles overlap.

This causes an X shape to form, hence the name. 

Upper Cross Syndrome Symptoms

What’s on the list of common upper cross syndrome causes? Remember, poor posture can cause your upper cross syndrome symptoms. Activities that can cause your bad posture include:

  • Using your phone, laptop, or computer
  • Watching TV
  • Playing games
  • Biking
  • Reading
  • Driving

These activities can cause a long list of upper cross syndrome symptoms, including:

  • Jaw pain
  • Fatigue
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the upper back and shoulders
  • Weakness at the front of your neck
  • Trouble driving, sitting to read, or watching TV for long periods of time
  • Pain around your ribs
  • Pain, numbness, and/or tingling in your upper arms
  • Restricted movement in your shoulders and neck
  • Tightness and pain in the chest

Healthcare and indirect costs due to back pain are over $12 billion annually. As your symptoms, including back pain, get worse, it could lead to a disability.

If these symptoms sound familiar, consider visiting your chiropractor. 

Upper Cross Syndrome Treatment

Is upper cross syndrome curable? Yes. There are a few upper cross syndrome treatment options available, including chiropractic care and physical therapy.

Chiropractic care can realign your joints to improve your range of motion. 

Make sure to practice proper posture as well. 


You can also use upper cross syndrome exercises to ease your pain. 

One exercise to do while sitting is to sit with a straight back, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Press your palms down into the ground behind your hips and rotate the shoulders down and back. 

You should feel the tight muscles of the side neck, shoulders, and chest lengthen. For more of a stretch in the chest, push your palms into the floor without actually moving them. Stay in this position for 3 to 5 minutes, or as long as it feels comfortable. Repeat the exercise several times throughout the day.

While you might experience discomfort, restricting activity could otherwise cause soreness and stiffness.

You can complete these exercises sitting, standing, or lying flat on your back.


You can avoid developing this condition by:

  • Placing books, computer screens, phones, TVs, and steering wheels at eye level
  • Completing stretches to target your sore muscles
  • Taking breaks when sitting for long periods of time

Talk to your chiropractor for other methods you can use to prevent and treat this condition.

Sit Up Straight: Everything You Need to Know About Upper Cross Syndrome

Do these upper cross syndrome symptoms sound familiar? You don’t have to live in pain anymore. Instead, visit your chiropractor to discuss next steps.

Otherwise, improve your posture!

Ready for your next appointment? We can help.

Contact us today to get started.

What Guide to Piriformis Syndrome?

What Guide to Piriformis Syndrome?

Have you noticed your leg feels numb or has started to tingle? Are you experiencing constant leg pain? There’s a chance you’ve developed piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome affects 200,000 people in the US each year. What is piriformis syndrome, exactly? What causes this condition and how can you treat it?

Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know about the causes, treatment, and symptoms of piriformis syndrome.

Read on and dive in! 

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

First, let’s answer the question that’s likely on everyone’s mind: what is piriformis syndrome?

This syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that develops when your piriformis muscles compress your sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is located in the buttocks, above your hip joint. 

This muscle helps us maintain our balance, walk, and shift our weight between both legs. It also helps us lift or rotate the thighs. In other words, it’s a component of every movement involving the legs and hips. 

Your sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle and extends down the back of your leg. When the piriformis muscle irritates your sciatic nerve, it can cause pain and other symptoms. 

What are the Causes of Piriformis Syndrome?

The causes of piriformis syndrome are unknown. However, doctors have deduced a few probable causes.

For example, your muscle could tighten after you’ve sustained an injury or experienced a spasm. Such an incident could cause the piriformis muscle to swell as well. Muscle spasms and bleeding are potential causes too.

Piriformis Syndrome Symptoms

Piriformis syndrome symptoms include:

  • Increased pain after you’ve remained seated for some time
  • Reduced range of motion of your hip joint
  • A dull ache in your buttock
  • Pain down the back of your half, thigh, and foot
  • Pain when you walk up stairs

These symptoms could get worse after walking, sitting, or running for some time. You might begin to feel better after lying on your back. 

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment

Your doctor will complete a physical examination and instruct you to move your hip to recreate the pain. They’ll also use diagnostic tests such as an MRI or X-ray.

Once they’ve reached a diagnosis, your doctor might instruct you through a series of stretches. Stretching the hamstrings, hip extensors, and piriformis could ease your pain symptoms. 

Your doctor might suggest physical therapy or a deep tissue massage as well. Physical therapy can stretch the muscle to reduce spasms. Massage therapy can increase blood flow to the area for healing.

Improving your posture could help you prevent piriformis syndrome from developing. Use good posture while exercising, running, and walking, too. Consider visiting a chiropractor to ensure your spine is aligned to improve your posture.

What is Piriformis Syndrome?: Your Complete Crash Course

To recap, what is piriformis syndrome? It’s a neuromuscular disorder that could cause pain and tingling in the leg and buttocks.

Don’t live life in pain! Instead, consider visiting a licensed massage therapist. Start healing today!

Ready to schedule your first appointment? We can’t wait to see you!

Request an appointment with our team today to get started.  

Can Chiropractic Treat an Ear Infection

Can Chiropractic Treat an Ear Infection

Does Chiropractic Work for Ear Infections?

Are you looking for an alternative treatment method for ear infections that are affecting you or your child? Does chiropractic work for ear infections?

Keep reading to learn more about chiropractic ear adjustments, what causes ear infections, and how chiropractic work may help. Find the best solution for you or a loved one with this guide. 

What Causes Ear Infections?

Ear infections are mostly bacterial infections. With children, an ear infection occurs when the Eustachian tubes get swollen and become clogged. This blockage then causes fluids to accumulate behind the eardrum. 

There are a number of factors that could cause these issues, such as allergies and colds that may cause excess mucus. It could also be caused by air pressure. A child with an upper respiratory infection or sore throat is more likely to get this infection. 

Additionally, moving between two different temperatures and air pressures can cause an ear infection. 

Some common signs of an ear infection in children are trouble sleeping, fussiness, or tugging at the ears. A parent should also look out for liquid draining from the ears. Getting a fever, as well as ear pain or pressure, are also common signs of an ear infection. 

Does Chiropractic Work for Ear Infections? 

Some may be surprised by this, but the first thing to do when an ear infection is identified is nothing. This is because these infections tend to heal itself over time. In some cases, a doctor will recommend medication such as antibiotics, although they may come with side effects

However, chiropractic work can help to relieve and treat ear infections by working to improve the ear drainage. Additionally, one of the side effects that come with ear infections is having issues with the ability to balance properly, which a chiropractor can also help with. The chiropractor will use various techniques, such as a chiropractic ear pull to do so.

This will be especially useful for a child that is prone to getting ear infections, as consistent chiropractic work may reduce the frequency of infection. This is a great way to manage and reduce the pain that comes with ear infections and can be a good treatment method for both children and adults. Routine chiropractic work is a good option for those looking for an alternative treatment for ear infections so that they can avoid medication. 

This is a great way to manage pain and swelling in a method that is non-invasive. This can reduce inflammation while improving coordination. 

Consider Chiropractic Treatment for an Ear Infection 

Does chiropractic work for ear infections? The answer is yes. Whether you or your child are suffering from ear infections, chiropractic work can help. 

This is a great ear infection treatment option for those looking for a healthy and non-invasive way to reduce the pain, swelling, and other difficulties that come with this infection. Consider this treatment option that is helpful for both children and adults. 

Are you ready to get the chiropractic relief you need? Request an appointment with us today to get started. 

What Causes Osgood-Schlatter Disease and What Are the Treatment Options?

What Causes Osgood-Schlatter Disease and What Are the Treatment Options?

Do you have a young athlete in your family who is experiencing knee pain, swelling, or tight thigh muscles? It is possible that your child has Osgood-Schlatter disease. 

Many professional athletes suffered from Osgood-Schlatter disease as teenagers. If your child or teenager is experiencing knee pain, ask your doctor about Osgood-Schlatter disease. 

While Osgood-Schlatter disease is painful, it does not last forever. Continue reading to learn more about what causes Osgood-Schlatter disease.

What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is inflammation of the growth plate at the top of the shinbone, below the kneecap. 

The growth plate is a cartilage layer towards the end of the bone. This part of the bone is weaker and more susceptible to injury. 

Osgood-Schlatter disease usually does not cause permanent damage. It goes away when the person stops growing. 

What Causes Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

The pain most often occurs during growth spurts. The pain increases with physical activity such as jumping, running, or walking uphill. 

A tendon connects the shinbone and kneecap. During sports and physical activities, this tendon pulls on the growth plate which causes injury and pain. 

Osgood-Schlatter disease is most common in boys aged 12 to 14 and girls aged 10 to 13. The disease is more common in boys, but as more girls get involved with sports, the gap is lessening. 

Osgood-Schlatter Treatment

Treatments of Osgood-Schlatter disease are often simple. Ice, rest, and over-the-counter pain medication help decrease swelling and ease the pain. 

Your Chiropractor may prescribe specific stretches and strengthening exercises. 

It is usually okay for your child or teen to continue playing sports. But, severe pain may warrant a total break from high-impact activity until the pain gets better. 

Osgood-Schlatter Chiropractic Treatment

In cases where simple Osgood-Schlatter treatment isn’t enough, visiting a chiropractor is an option. If playing sports is important to your child, working with a chiropractor can offer a quicker and safer return. 

A chiropractor will use a combination of therapies to ease the pain and resolve symptoms. This will accelerate the recovery time compared to rest alone. 

Sever’s Disease vs. Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Another common pain-causing disease in adolescents is Sever’s disease. Although Sever’s and Osgood-Schlatter disease are similar, they are not the same. 

While Osgood-Schlatter disease causes knee pain, Sever’s disease causes ankle pain. The Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle can become inflamed as children grow. 

Both conditions result in aches and pain in the affected area. Pain from Sever’s disease can also increase after playing sports or other physical activities. 

If your child has Sever’s disease, you can seek out similar treatment options for their pain. 

Looking Forward 

Thankfully, long-term effects from Osgood-Schlatter disease are rare. Symptoms usually stop once your child stops growing. 

Now that you know what causes Osgood-Schlatter disease, you can take the appropriate steps towards treatment. Take the first step towards a pain-free life, and contact us to set up an appointment today!

Back Pain or Sciatica: What’s the Difference?

Back Pain or Sciatica: What’s the Difference?

Back Pain or Sciatica: What’s the Difference?

About 65 million Americans have reported recent episodes of back pain. Unfortunately, not many people realize their back pain could indicate a completely different condition: sciatica.

What’s the difference between back pain and sciatica? Does a back brace help sciatic pain? How do sciatic pain symptoms differ from back pain symptoms?

Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know to differentiate the two.

Read on to discover the difference between sciatic pain vs back pain. 

Back Pain Symptoms 

Most people experience lower back pain near the beltline. The pain can feel like a stiff ache to a stabbing pain.

Different situations can cause lower back pain symptoms, such as stress, poor lifting techniques, physical activity, or accidents. 

Back pain symptoms include:

  • Dully or achy pain
  • A burning, stinging sensation
  • Difficulty standing or walking
  • Muscle spasms and tightness
  • Pain that gets worse after sitting or standing

If your symptoms persist, visit a chiropractor for an adjustment. 

Sciatica Pain Symptoms

Sciatic pain symptoms usually start in the lower back. However, they can also affect the buttocks, legs, and hips. About 40% of people experience sciatica during their life. 

Sciatic pain develops when nerve roots in the sciatic nerve become compressed or pinched. You’ll likely experience symptoms on one side of the body.

Acute sciatic pain can last for one to two weeks before resolving itself. You might have episodes throughout the year. Chronic sciatica, on the other hand, can become a life-long condition. 

Sciatic pain symptoms include:

  • A pins and needles sensation
  • Pain that gets worse when you move
  • Weakness or numbness in the feet or legs
  • Painful tingling in the feet or toes
  • Incontinence 

You could develop sciatica after an injury. Some conditions can cause sciatica, including:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated disks
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Spondylolisthesis

Make sure to seek medical attention right away if you experience sudden, excruciating pain. A medical professional might recommend treatments like hot or cold therapy, stretches..

Chiropractic manipulations, massages, and acupuncture might help as well. And does a back brace help sciatic pain? Yes!

What’s the Difference?

What exactly is the difference between back pain and sciatica?

Back pain refers to a range of various symptoms. Sciatica, however, is a type of back pain. Since sciatic pain symptoms are unique, they’re easier to identify.

Back pain can happen anywhere along your spine. Sciatica pain, on the other hand, specifically restricts the sciatic nerve. Sciatica can only develop where the sciatic nerve is located.

Sciatica can also take longer to resolve, while low back pain might resolve itself.

Having a difficult time differentiating your sciatic pain symptoms from back pain ones? Walk across the room on your heels. Is it difficult to elevate your feet?

If so, you could have sciatica.

Visit a chiropractor for a professional diagnosis. 

Let’s Straighten It Out: The Difference Between Back Pain and Sciatica

To recap, what’s the difference between back pain and sciatica? Back pain is a general term, while sciatica is a more specific condition. 

Don’t live your life in pain. Instead, visit a chiropractor to find relief.

Eager to get started? We can help. Request an appointment today.

Can a Car Accident Cause Arthritis? A Guide

Can a Car Accident Cause Arthritis? A Guide

Being the victim of a traumatic traffic accident is a big deal. Depending upon the severity of the crash, the injuries suffered can range from minor to severe, or even fatal.

Many victims of severe car accidents also suffer from PTSD, brain injuries, or a range of trauma-related mental and physical disorders.

Some physical and mental if injuries will heal, but others may be more persistent. Victims of all ages even report feeling recurring pain in their joints. This begs the question, can a car accident cause arthritis?

The answer is an emphatic yes. Typically, when people think of the cause of arthritis, they associate it with old age, but your joints can become inflamed at any age if the right conditions are met. In the case of severe automobile accidents, your chances of suffering from car accident arthritis are high no matter what.

How Can a Car Accident Cause Arthritis?

First of all, humans are soft, fleshy bags of skin, muscle, and bone. Cars are thick metal machines that travel at high speeds. When they hit things, they hit hard. And your soft body doesn’t like that one bit.

It rattles you. It ripples through your bones and jerks your body in ways it should never be jerked. Imagine your body is a computer and someone dropped you on a thick marble floor. You might still work, but your system needs repairs. You can bet a few screws came loose.

When your bones and cartilage are twisted, yanked and cranked during a car crash, post-traumatic arthritis is what you get as a result. This means post-trauma of the body and the wear and tear that occurs afterward are the likely causes of arthritis in people of all ages. 

What Is Post-Traumatic Arthritis?

The keyword here is post-traumatic. The definition of arthritis, particularly post-traumatic arthritis, is the inflammation of and around the joints over time caused by a severe injury. Hence the term, post-traumatic.

Some symptoms to look out for include:

  • Swelling joints
  • Stiffness around the joints
  • Fluid buildup around the joints
  • Difficulty moving the area around the joint.

Keep in mind that post-traumatic arthritis symptoms may not be apparent until many years after the injury. It can sometimes take up to 5 years or more to notice any signs or symptoms.

The speed and severity by which the symptoms arrive can also be affected by age and weight. Trauma victims of a young age and a healthy weight are likely to dodge some of the more debilitating symptoms.

Those who are older and/or overweight/obese may be at higher risk of suffering severe chronic pain soon after the accident.

Diagnosing and Treating Post-Traumatic Arthritis

Your doctor will begin by performing a series of tests and procedures before prescribing medicine or recommending physical therapy.

X-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs should aid in leading to a proper diagnosis.

Can a Chiropractor Help With Arthritis?

The next step in arthritis treatment is Chiropractic. You can seek out a chiropractor nearby. Chiropractic is a natural arthritis treatment that can aid in strengthening the area around the affected joints.

Chiropractors can teach you how to exercise your affected joints to alleviate your pain and make the movement around it less painful and more functional.

Keep in mind that Chiropractic can significantly reduce the pain and swelling, but it will rarely get rid of your arthritis altogether.

Are You Worried About Suffering From Post-Traumatic Arthritis?

If you were involved in a car crash, the crucial next step you must take is in consulting with a professional about your physical health and well-being.

Can a car accident cause arthritis? It sure can. Suffering any injury from a car accident is no joke, but if you’re worried about suffering from chronic physical pain, consider booking a consultation with Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness.

Our team strives to provide you with excellent care and service so you may leave feeling alive, refreshed, and ultimately, like a new you. Our services include massage therapy, neuropathy, weight-loss consulting, automobile accident consulting, and more!