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What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

Headaches, aches and pains, leg cramps, and weakened immune systems. If you’re pregnant, you know that these are some of the common conditions pregnant women suffer from. While they might seem like a minor nuisance, they can put a damper on your quality of life. 

This is where chiropractic care during pregnancy can help. Instead of suffering day after day, consider seeing a chiropractor who can help alleviate your pain and get you back on the road to enjoying your pregnancy. 

Read on to learn more about the benefits of seeing a chiropractor when you’re pregnant. 

Is Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Safe? 

Yes! Chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. It’s always smart to clear it with your doctor before visiting a Doctor of Chiropractic, but overall, it is safe to have a chiropractic adjustment while you are pregnant unless you are experiencing any of the following: 

  • Toxemia
  • Ectopic pregnancy 
  • Placenta previa or placental abruption
  • Vaginal bleeding 

Licensed chiropractors will have training on prenatal care and will typically have adjustable tables to accommodate growing abdomens and to keep pressure off of the abdomen. 


How Can It Help? 

There are many different ways that seeing a chiropractor can help you if you are pregnant–some you might be aware of and some that might surprise you! 

Back Pain  

Did you know that 50% of pregnant women report that they suffer from back pain during pregnancy? 1/3 of those women report that their lower back pain is so severe that it alters their quality of life. A chiropractic adjustment can help align your spine or joins that become misaligned due to weight gain, postural adaptation, and pelvic changes. 


Nausea is very common during the first trimester, but some women may experience it throughout the entire pregnancy. It might surprise you to know that a chiropractic adjustment can help reduce nausea. When a chiropractor realigns your spine, it helps your nervous system function, which can help improve digestive issues like nausea, heartburn, and constipation. 


Swelling is another symptom of pregnancy. Both sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome are the result of swelling. A chiropractor can adjust your body to improve circulation, which can help reduce swelling.

Easier Labor and Delivery 

Regularly seeing a chiropractor can also help get your baby in the most ideal position for labor and delivery. The proper alignment of your spine, pelvis, and hips can help your nerves function optimally, which helps control contractions. 

Chiropractors also can help babies reposition themselves who may be previously in a breech position. If breech babies do not move to a head down position before delivery, you will need a C-section. 

Alleviate Your Pain Today 

The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy are numerous. From easing muscle aches and pains to helping your digestive system operate properly and helping get your body ready for labor and delivery, seeing a chiropractor can help make your pregnancy and delivery easier on your body. 

If you are in pain, call us today. We can provide chiropractic care, massages, and more.

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

How to Get Relief From SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is hard on the body, and there are many ailments that accompany it—sacroiliac joint pain is one of them. For women suffering from this condition, the aching and discomfort can last for quite a while. Thankfully, there are remedies to help with SI joint pain during pregnancy and even after childbirth.

To learn more about how to get relief for SI joint pain during pregnancy, keep reading the information below.

What Is SI Joint Dysfunction?

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a lower back/ pelvic disorder that causes joint stiffness or hypermobility in the sacroiliac joints and pelvis. The sacroiliac joint is located between the sacrum and ilium, or the pelvic bone. Both sides of the joint work together, so if one side becomes stiff, it causes discomfort in the entire area.

Also, pain may worsen when a person walks or bends over. The disorder occurs during pregnancy or menstrual cycles because of hormonal changes that cause the ligaments in the body to become more lax.

Many people with SI joint pain feel a sharp, stabbing feeling on one side of their pelvis, back, tailbone, or groin. The pain may also go down to the knees when certain movements are performed, like standing up or turning over in bed. Unfortunately, 15-30% of all individuals who experience lower back pains are suffering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

How to Relieve SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Believe it or not, there are several things you can do to relieve SI joint pain during pregnancy. Below are a few of them:

1. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is one of the best methods for relieving SI joint pain during pregnancy. A chiropractor can provide adjustments to help with pain and discomfort by giving a spinal manipulation. It reduces stiffness in the joints and improves the joint’s range of motion.

Chiropractors also provide spinal mobilization, which is good for relieving SI joint pain as well.

2. Exercise

Performing exercises for SI joint pain during pregnancy is one of the most effective methods for alleviating aches and discomfort. For instance, pelvic floor activations strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help it to become more stable. Doing bridges works well too because it targets the glutes and keeps the pelvis in a stable position.

3. Prenatal Massages

Although sacroiliac joint pain primarily exists within the pelvic area and the lower back, the pain can often go down the legs. Prenatal massages are great for helping relieve symptoms associated with sciatic pain, which is similar to sacroiliac joint dysfunction in many ways.

Furthermore, if you’re having a difficult pregnancy, getting a prenatal massage is the best way to get overall relief from SI and other ailments. 

Relief For SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

If you’re suffering from SI joint pain during pregnancy, Amazing Life Chiropractic can help. We offer a variety of chiropractic services and massages, including prenatal massage. Our team of expert staff will ensure that you’re free from Sacroiliac joint pain and other ailments.

If you have questions about our services, feel free to contact us at 425-737-5343 or contact us online.

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

4 Tips to Avoiding Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

4 Tips to Avoiding Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Avoiding Swollen Feet During Pregnancy: 4 Chiropractic Tips That Can Help

Did you know that each year 123 million women attempt to become pregnant and succeed? Are you currently pregnant, and want to make sure you avoid swollen feet during pregnancy? Or, maybe you’re currently experiencing swelling, and want to know what to do next? 

In this article, explore the top chiropractic tips for keeping your feet at a normal size with no swelling. Read on to explore these tips from your chiropractic office here at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness. 

When Do Your Feet Swell During Pregnancy? 

Swelling (edema) affects many pregnant women each year. You might notice it beginning between weeks 22-27. It’s common for it to stay until you give birth. 

What happens is your body fluids increase for both your baby and you. This increased fluid accumulates within the tissues in your body.

Pressure is experienced on your vena cava and pelvic veins from your uterus growing. This can cause swelling in your feet and ankles. It can also cause swelling in your hands as well. 

1. Exercise

To prevent swelling, do pregnancy-safe exercises, rest, drink plenty of water, and eat healthily. Make sure to choose comfortable shoes instead of anything too tight and restricting. Be mindful of your shoe size because some women might experience a permanent shoe size change from pregnancy. 

2. Stretch

During the day, have your feet up and stretch your legs to ensure you’re keeping the blood flowing. Don’t sit or stand for too long at a time. When you raise your legs, keep them higher than your heart. 

3. Avoid Socks

Avoid stockings or socks since they can restrict your blood flow. Instead, choose compression socks. They can help reduce any swelling you’re currently experiencing. 

4. Reduce Salt

In the United States, many Americans eat a high sodium diet. While some might find it delicious, it can increase your risk of swelling during pregnancy.

Ensure that you watch how much salt you use, and cut down on it. Instead, choose foods that are lower in sodium content. Choose fresh herbs instead of salt for your meals. 

Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

To decrease the swelling you’re experiencing, choose a high potassium diet. Examples of foods high in potassium are bananas, salmon, lentils, yogurt, beans, spinach, and sweet potatoes. 

If you drink coffee or tea with caffeine, you’ll want to cut back. Coffee can make the swelling you’re experiencing worse due to the caffeine. Instead, go for herbal tea or decaf coffee. 

Choose waist-high maternity support stockings during pregnancy to help out. Make sure that you’re getting enough water as well. If you’re not finding relief with at home care, you’ll want to schedule a chiropractic appointment

Tips for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Now that you’ve explored the top tips for reducing and preventing swollen feet during pregnancy, you should have better information to have less swollen feet soon. Are you uncomfortable from your swollen feet, and want relief? 

Or maybe you’re trying to get your baby into a good position before delivery? Contact us today and we’ll come up with an action plan that’s specific to your needs. 


Baby-Growing Aches and Pains: A Guide to Muscle Pain During Pregnancy

Baby-Growing Aches and Pains: A Guide to Muscle Pain During Pregnancy

Baby-Growing Aches and Pains: A Guide to Muscle Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings with it many different ailments that women may not have experienced previously. Extreme headaches, food aversions and nausea, pregnancy rhinitis, bleeding gums, a weakened immune system, and muscle aches and pains are all common during pregnancy.

Muscle aches can really put a damper on enjoying your pregnancy and keep you from doing many of the things you are used to doing. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer through them for nine months. Muscle pain during pregnancy can often be treated with rest and stretching and when at-home treatments aren’t cutting it, a chiropractor can help. 

Read on to learn more. 

Lower Back Pain

This is one of the most common types of pregnancy muscle pains. The weight that you gain during pregnancy combined with a shifting center of gravity due to your growing abdomen puts stress on your lumbar spine. Pregnant women, especially during the later months of pregnancy, often alter their gait to compensate for this shift, which also contributes to low back pain. 

Stretching, rest, and chiropractic care are the best ways to treat low back pain during pregnancy.  

Round Ligament Pain

Round ligament pain is often worst during the second trimester. Between weeks 16 and 26, your uterus grows quickly and relocates from your pelvis into your abdomen. This can cause pain in the round ligaments that support the uterus.

You might feel this pain only on one side or both sides and it could be a sharp, stabbing pain or more of a throbbing, achy pain. You’ll feel this pain the most near your pubic bones. 

Like lower back pain, round ligament pain is best treated with rest, stretching, and chiropractic care. .   

Leg Cramps 

Leg cramps are very common during pregnancy, likely due to weight gain, changes in circulation, and pinching of nerves that often happens. These often happen at night and if you’ve ever woken up with a Charley horse, you know how excruciating they can be. The good news is that they usually come and go quickly and it’s not constant pain.

Make sure you are drinking enough water during the day, as that can often contribute to muscle cramping. When you feel a leg cramp coming on, gently stretch your leg, avoid pointing your toes, and instead pull your toes back towards your knee. You can also try to massage the muscle to work out the cramp.  


Your sciatic nerve runs from the base of your spine down both sides of your hips and glutes, then down to your feet. Any changes in posture, particularly ones that come about during pregnancy, can put pressure on it, causing pain. It could be a shooting pain or could feel like tingling or numbness anywhere along the nerve. 

Regular movement (avoid staying in the same position too long) and walking around regularly to stretch out can help alleviate this pain.  

You Don’t Have to Live With Muscle Pain During Pregnancy 

Muscle pain during pregnancy is inevitable, but you don’t have to suffer day in and day out. Stretching, getting plenty of rest, and using acetaminophen can help you relieve your pain on a daily basis. When these strategies don’t help, though, consider seeking chiropractic care. 

If you are in need of a massage or chiropractor, get in touch with us. Our providers at Amazing Life Chiropractic can help you spend less time in pain and more time enjoying your pregnancy.   


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(425) 737-5343

Treating Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: How Chiropractic Care Helps

Treating Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: How Chiropractic Care Helps

Treating Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy: How Chiropractic Care Helps

A whopping 75% of pregnant women found pain relief by seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy. 

The added weight on a woman’s body often contributes to lower back pain during pregnancy. It can also misalign the spine and can make labor more difficult. 

Don’t settle for stretches and yoga classes. Chiropractors solve the root of the issue and give you professional health advice. If you’re experiencing pain and stress with your pregnancy, read on for the benefits of visiting a chiropractor. 

Relieve Joint and Back Pain

The primary benefit of seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy is relief from strain on your lower back. 

Chiropractors not only reduce constant lower back pain during pregnancy, but they can also relieve stress on your joints. Your entire body can ache from the extra weight. Chiropractors make small adjustments to help ease pain and correct posture. 

Why reduce the pain? It may feel like a normal part of pregnancy, but it can be detrimental to your everyday functioning. Check the pregnancy mobility index to see how loss of mobility might affect you. 

Reduce Nausea 

Seeing a chiropractor during your pregnancy can surprisingly reduce morning sickness symptoms.

Through the realignment of your spine, chiropractors improve nervous system functioning. This eases feelings of nausea and boosts your immune system. Coupled with diet changes and other techniques, this can work wonders for your symptoms. 

Prevent Long-term Health Complications

Visiting a chiropractor will not only help your pregnancy but also your long-term health.

The strain of pregnancy and birth can cause lasting damage to hips, back, and pelvis. A woman’s body also undergoes radical mood and hormonal changes during this time. Her immune system, bones, and muscles can weaken.

Prevent issues during and after pregnancy by visiting a chiropractor. He or she can also recommend pregnancy stretches for lower back pain to further improve health.  

Ease Labor Process

Did you know there’s a specific chiropractic technique to help with labor?

The Webster technique helps align the pelvis for an easier birthing process. And don’t worry, there’s no risk to the infant during this technique. In fact, it can prevent complications during labor and emergency c-sections. 

Improve Mood and Pregnancy Experience

A difficult pregnancy leads many women to avoid getting pregnant again. The lack of sleep, constant stress, aches, nausea, and other symptoms can put a strain on the mother’s mental well-being. 

Why not let a chiropractor ease physical symptoms so you can get back to being the happiest, healthiest version of you? A low mood coupled with stress can affect your child as well. Get your immune and nervous system into good shape so you can be ready to deliver your little angel!  

Treating Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy doesn’t need to be an excruciating nine months. 

Find a certified chiropractor to ease your lower back pain during pregnancy. He or she can turn your experience from an exhausting one into the exciting adventure motherhood should be. 

Looking for low back pregnancy treatment in the Mill Creek area? Check out the chiropractic services on our website today!

How to Boost Your Immune System When Pregnant: 5 Natural Methods

How to Boost Your Immune System When Pregnant: 5 Natural Methods

How to Boost Your Immune System When Pregnant: 5 Natural Methods

Now more than ever, a healthy immune system is a top priority for every individual. This point is especially valid for pregnant women, as their immunity affects not only them but their babies, too.

In a nutshell, the immune system fights against infection, as well as protects from future reinfections. A weak immune system leaves individuals prone to sickness, conditions, and more.

Are you wondering how to boost the immune system when pregnant? Do you have other questions about pregnancy and immunity—such as, does pregnancy actually weaken immune systems?

These are all valid questions, and we want to provide you with as many scientifically-backed answers as possible. Keep reading for more.

Does Pregnancy Weaken Immune Systems?

While pregnancy does alter the immune system, it doesn’t weaken it.

It’s been long-believed that carrying a child can weaken a woman’s immune system—in reality, an aggressive immune system response is essential for fertilization. The immune system is so smart that its strength or weakness is precisely timed for implantation to take place when it’s most beneficial for Mom and baby.

For an embryo to implant at all, immune cells flood the womb’s lining, and the immune system remains in this heightened state for the first 12 weeks. This process allows the fetus to establish fully. 

How to Boost the Immune System When Pregnant: 5 Natural Ways

Naturally boosting your immune system when pregnant is simple.

Consider the following five tips, always consulting with your primary care physician if any questions arise:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluids, primarily water
  2. Enjoying light exercises (with permission from your doctor), such as walking, stretching, prenatal yoga, and other low-impact activities
  3. Making sleep a priority, which can mean several things: eliminating caffeine, participating in regular movement, aiming for 7-8 hours a night, removing distractions, etc.
  4. Eating nutritious foods, such as leafy greens, salmon, natural probiotics (such as Greek yogurt), almonds, etc., while also eliminating unhealthy foods such as processed sugars or excess gluten
  5. Getting the recommended 85mg of vitamin C every day, which can be done with supplements or by eating fruits and veggies high in vitamin C

It’s always important to discuss these things with your doctor to ensure you’re staying safe. For example, a doctor wouldn’t recommend taking vitamin C if you’re already taking a prenatal, which likely has enough vitamin C in it already.

Another Consideration: Chiropractic and Pregnancy Immunity Benefits

We’ve got another bonus tip for you: paying the chiropractor a visit. A thorough chiropractor can not only increase your mobility, but also takes a holistic approach that observes your general nutrition and wellness.

Another benefit of seeing the local chiropractor is Webster’s Technique, which is an approach designed with the safety of pregnant women in mind. It can actually encourage the baby to get into a position that makes the birthing process more comfortable and more straightforward for the mother. 

In addition to all this, a chiropractor can assist with lower back pain (a common ailment of pregnant women), muscle pains, headaches, and so much more.

Healthy You, Healthy Baby

Now that you know how to boost the immune system when pregnant, you’re well on your way to a healthy life for you and your baby-to-be. None of these methods require the use of chemicals or medication—allowing you the peace of mind that is so needed during pregnancy.

Click here to request an appointment with Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness. We look forward to hearing from you.