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Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustment in Mill Creek

Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustment in Mill Creek

Prenatal Chiropractic in Mill Creek!

At the Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we understand how difficult your prenatal journey can be. From aches and pains, to swelling and pressure; we want to help. We offer natural and reliable pain relief for pregnancy and postpartum women, along with infant chiropractic services. Pain should be the last thing you have to worry about during pregnancy.

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Postpartum Back Pain

Postpartum Back Pain

Relief for New Moms: What You Need to Know About Postpartum Back Pain & How to Finally Get Some Relief!

Postpartum-related back pain is not uncommon. Up to 75% of women experience some sort of back pain after giving birth.

Are you experiencing back pain after pregnancy? Do you have soreness and nagging stiffness in your back from poor posture due to strained abdominal muscles?

Relieving postpartum back pain might take a back seat to caring for your new baby, but there is help out there. Chiropractic care for postpartum back pain might be just what you need to relieve your postpartum back pain!

If postpartum back pain is the last thing you have time to deal with right now, keep reading to find out what you need to know to get relief!

Postpartum Back Pain

Some women suffer from back pain during pregnancy and some women experience back pain immediately following childbirth.

This is because pregnancy hormones loosen up in your joints and ligaments. Couple that with carrying the extra baby weight, pushing during labor, and picking up your newborn and it wreaks havoc on your back.

How Long Does Postpartum Back Pain Last? 

Postpartum back pain can last for weeks or even months after giving birth. Your body stretched and grew to make room for your baby and now it is slowly trying to go back to normal. This can cause a lot of pain in your hips and lower back.

In addition to all of that, you are lifting and bending to take care of your newborn. You may be too exhausted and too busy to stretch and keep up with regular exercise to keep the pain away.

The longer you neglect your body, the longer the pain may last.

Natural Relief for Postpartum Back Pain

Rather than relying on medications to relieve back pain, there are some natural treatments that will have you feeling better. Let’s take a look at a few.

1. Pelvic Tilts 

Start off your morning with some pelvic tilts to stretch and strengthen your lower back muscles. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Your feet should be flat on the floor.

Lift your hips and squeeze your buttocks. Start off slowly and work up to ten every morning.

2. Be Mindful of Your Posture

While carrying and breastfeeding the baby, check that you are practicing good posture. Keep your shoulders down and back and keep your back straight.

3. Be Careful When Lifting and Carrying

You’ll do a lot of lifting and carrying after the baby is born…baby, baby carrier, and diaper bag. Remember to lift with your legs and distribute weight evenly.

4. Chiropractic for Postpartum Back Pain

A chiropractor can restore your pelvic balance and adjust your back through chiropractic manipulation.

Get the Relief You Need  

Now that you know how to find relief from postpartum back pain, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness offer natural and reliable pain relief.

Book an appointment today. We’ll have you fixed up and feeling better with our excellent care and outstanding service.

Iliotibial  Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome: Understanding IT Band Pain, Causes, and Treatment

You go out for a run, and out of nowhere, your knee starts hurting. 

Don’t ignore this pain. 

It might be the start of IT band syndrome, and if you don’t get the right treatment, it can turn into a much bigger problem. We’ve put together this guide to help you recognize IT band pain and learn what to do about it. 

So let’s get started!

Where Is the IT Band Located?

Your IT band starts at the outside of your hip, runs along the outside of your thigh and knee, and ends at the top of your shin. This band is made up of a thick group of fibers, and it can become painful if it gets too tight. 

What Is IT Band Syndrome?

IT band syndrome is an overuse injury. People who often bend their knees repetitively, such as runners, can develop this injury if their IT band becomes tight or inflamed. 

It can be hard to recognize the symptoms of IT band syndrome. Since this condition mostly causes pain around the knee, many people will mistake IT band syndrome for a different type of knee injury. However, if there isn’t any swelling accompanying your pain, you might have IT band syndrome. 

Natural Treatment for IT Band Syndrome

The best treatment for IT band syndrome is rest. 

You should immediately stop running (or doing whatever caused the pain) and get several days of rest. If you rest your leg right away, the pain probably won’t come back. It’s also a good idea to do some IT band stretches. These will help loosen the band and can prevent the pain from starting back up again. 

If you don’t take the time to treat your IT band syndrome, the condition can become chronic. 

IT Band Stretches and Exercises

There are a few different stretches that’ll keep your IT band lose and help relieve pain. You can start doing these stretches before you go running or do any other type of physical activity. 

Standing Stretch 

Cross your left leg behind your right leg. Put equal weight on both feet and, if you can, keep them about a shoulder’s width apart. Then lean as far to the right as you can (you lift your left arm over your head to deepen the stretch). 

Repeat this with the opposite leg crossed in the back. 

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Spread your feet apart so they’re wider than your shoulders. Then bend as far forward as you can. If you can’t touch the floor, you can bend your knees slightly or use a chair to help support yourself. 

Twist your upper body and put your hands on the outside of your right leg. After holding this for at least 15 seconds, repeat this on the left. 

Lying Glute Stretch 

Start by lying down on your back. Then lift your right knee to your chest. Hold it there for a few seconds before crossing it as far as you can over your left leg. 

Repeat this process with the other leg. 

Chiropractic for IT Band Pain

If rest and stretches aren’t helping your IT band syndrome, you might need additional treatment from a professional. Getting a chiropractic adjustment can fix IT band pain and prevent this condition from coming back in the future. 

Not sure where to find chiropractic help?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today! We’ll walk you through the best treatment plan for your personal IT band needs. 

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain

Understanding Pelvic Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Why does my pelvis hurt?

There could be a number of culprits behind your pelvic discomfort, ranging from serious medical conditions to temporary pain. If you’re experiencing any type of pelvic pain, there are a few steps you should take next. 

We’ve put together this guide to walk you through the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for pelvic pain. 

So let’s get started. 

What Is Pelvic Pain and Where Is It Located?

Pelvic pain is most commonly associated with women, but men can experience it as well. This type of discomfort is located around the pelvic bone area, the reproductive organs, or other non-reproductive internal organs. 

The exact pain you feel will vary depending on the cause of the condition and your personal pain tolerance. You might feel sharp pain, dull throbs, sensitivity, mild discomfort, etc. 

What Causes Pelvic Pain?

There are many different reasons your pelvis might hurt. 

For example, the source of the pain may be a medical condition, an infection, or an injury. Because of this, you should never ignore pelvic pain. The pain is your body telling you something is wrong, such as:

  • Appendicitis 
  • Bladder disorders
  • Broken pelvic bone
  • Hernias
  • Intestinal problems 
  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney infection 
  • Nerve conditions 
  • Pelvic disorders 
  • Prostatitis 
  • STDs
  • Testicular conditions 

Women may experience additional types of pelvic pain as well, including things like:

  • Cervical or uterine cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ovulation
  • Miscarriage

If you start to notice any discomfort in your pelvic area, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. They’ll be able to catch any potential problems before they get worse, and they can recommend the best treatment options. 

However, just because you feel pain in your pelvis doesn’t mean you should panic. It may not be a serious problem, and there may be a few simple ways to take care of it. 

How to Relieve Pain in Your Pelvis 

The best way to relieve pain in your pelvis pain is to take basic, over-the-counter pain medications, such as Advil or Ibuprofen. After you talk to your doctor, they may also prescribe stronger medications or antibiotics. It can also be beneficial to visit a chiropractor. 

If the pain you’re feeling is due to menstrual cramps, a heating pad can also help lessen the pain. You can use an electric heating pad or, if you don’t have one, a hot water bottle will do the trick, too. 

In some cases, you might not get full relief until you receive the right treatment. 

Natural Pelvic Pain Treatment

Since pelvic pain can indicate a serious medical condition in some cases, you should always follow your doctor’s recommended treatment options. However, there are several natural remedies for pelvic pain that can help ease your discomfort as well. 

Again, heat is a good thing to try first. This will help relax your muscles if they’re cramping. You can also give yourself a pelvic massage, which can reduce your pain. 

It can also be helpful to change your diet. You might want to avoid certain foods, such as:

  • Gluten
  • Dairy products
  • Processed foods 
  • Sugars 
  • Red meats

In some cases, eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains can prevent pelvic pain from developing or getting worse. 

Can a Chiropractor Help Relieve Pelvic Pain?

The short answer to this question is yes. 

If your pelvis pain isn’t caused by an internal problem, it can also form if your body is out of alignment. Getting chiropractic adjustments can reposition problematic areas in your body, which can relieve the pain. 

Not sure where to find a chiropractor in the Mill Creek, Washington area?

We can help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more or set up your first appointment today. 

Coccyx Pain Treatment

Coccyx Pain Treatment

Understanding Coccyx and Tailbone Pain, Causes, and Treatment

The spine is made up of 33 individual bones. More specifically, they’re divided into four main regions—the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacrum spine.

At the bottom of the spine is the coccyx aka tailbone. While it’s considered vestigial (aka no longer necessary), it does have a few important functions.

That is, it serves as the insertion site for tendons, ligaments, and muscles. In addition to that, it supports you while you’re sitting.

Like the rest of the body, however, it can be affected by various conditions.

What causes coccyx and tailbone pain? How can you treat it? Want to know? If so, be sure to read the rest of the post!

Where is the Coccyx/Tailbone?

The tailbone is made up of four small bones that are fused together at the bottom of the spine. Triangular in shape, it is located just below the sacrum.

In fact, it connects with the bony structure through the sacrococcygeal joint. When you move, there is also a slight movement between the sacrum and the coccyx.

What Causes Pain in Your Coccyx?

A number of things can cause coccyx pain. For example, the tailbone can start hurting if you sit on a hard chair or bench for a long period of time.

Injuries such as falls can also cause bruising. In some cases, it can even lead to fractures.

While anyone can experience tailbone problems, those who are overweight are more prone to issues. For one thing, more weight puts extra stress on the coccyx. 

How to Treat Coccyx Pain

Assuming that there’s no fracture, the pain should go away on its own within a couple of weeks. In the meantime, there are over-the-counter medications that you can take to relieve the pain.

Aside from that, you can apply heat or ice, both of which should help with the discomfort. The way you sit matters as well—that is, you want to make sure that your feet are flat on the ground and that your back is pressed against the chair.

There are also donut-shaped pillows that you can get that’ll help relieve pressure from the tailbone area.

Chiropractic Treatment for Tailbone/Coccyx Pain

Depending on the injury, the tailbone can move out of alignment. When this happens, it can irritate the tissues and nerves around the area, which can be quite painful.

That’s where chiropractors come in. They’re able to fix the underlying problem by correcting the misalignment.

In addition to that, they might suggest massage therapy. Not only will that help reduce inflammation but it’ll also promote muscle recovery.

Understanding Coccyx and Tailbone Pain

Now you know all about how to treat coccyx and tailbone pain. Remember, you don’t always have to go for medications—there are many other options!

Are you in the Mill Creek, WA area? Looking for a chiropractic clinic? Feel free to reach out—we’d be happy to help!

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Chiropractic Relief for Pregnancy Back Pain

Pregnancy is one of the happiest times for a couple to experience.  There is the excitement of a new baby, the anticipation of the changes he or she will bring, and the hopefulness of a growing family.  As part of the changes a woman’s body will go through, back pain during pregnancy is quite common but chiropractic care can help through out the pregnancy to relief the aches and pains.

What Are the Causes of Pregnancy Back Pain? 

If you think about it, it’s no wonder you are experiencing discomfort…you are gaining weight in an isolated area very quickly, your center of gravity is shifting, and you are undergoing hormonal changes meant to assist in the birthing process.  Usually starting in the second half of pregnancy, many women begin to feel pain in their lower back and pelvis at the sacroiliac joint. 

This pain can begin after periods of standing or sitting with no breaks, following a restless night of sleep, or during stressful times and is caused by:

  • Weight gain—a woman usually gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy with most of it carried in the belly area putting additional stress on the lower back.
  • Shifting gravity—a woman’s “center of gravity” is in a constant state of flux during pregnancy as each day brings new weight gain, shifting posture, and possibly an altered gait.
  • Hormonal changes—Relaxing, a hormone meant to aid childbirth, causes muscles and ligaments in the pelvic region to loosen and relax so that the baby can be born more easily. This often causes pain in the back and spine as the relaxing muscles aren’t providing adequate support.

How to Relieve Back Pain

Understanding that back pain is common and isn’t an indication of something abnormal is a good first step in relieving unnecessary stress during a pregnancy.  Here are some good techniques to maintain back strength and help make the new Mom comfortable throughout her pregnancy:

  • Practice Using Good Posture
    • Stand straight
    • Keep your shoulders back
    • Use a wide stance for the best support
    • Sit using a chair that supports your back
    • Forget the high heels for now
    • Use good body mechanics when lifting
    • Sleep on your side
  • Gentle, moderate exercise helps by strengthening the back muscles and increasing flexibility—yoga is an excellent choice for pregnancy
  • Wearing a belly belt to support the weight
  • Warm baths and ice packs intermittently
  • Alternative therapies such as chiropractic care and massage

Chiropractic Care and Back Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, chiropractic care can be beneficial in a number of ways, including alleviating back pain, as well as pain in the hips and joints.  Used in conjunction with massage and exercise, chiropractic care during pregnancy seamlessly harmonizes with whatever birthing method and care team you have chosen, i.e., traditional OB-GYN, midwifery.

Regular chiropractic visits can promote and establish pelvic balance and alignment creating a healthier environment for the baby and less pain for the mother during pregnancy.  In fact, there is research that suggests chiropractic care improves a woman’s ability to have a successful natural birth and reduce the time she is in labor. 

In Mill Creek, Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness has compassionate and experienced providers available to answer your questions and to discuss a pregnancy-supportive care plan, including alleviating back, hip, and pelvic pain brought on by the pregnancy itself.  If you are seeking relief for the discomfort of back pain brought on by pregnancy, consider the benefits of managing that pain through chiropractic care.

All of us at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness wish you a safe and happy pregnancy with terrific health and freedom of movement.  Please contact us at our Mill Creek location to discuss the natural and healthy benefits of chiropractic care during and after your pregnancy.