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Benefits of Trigger Point Massages

Benefits of Trigger Point Massages

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Did you know that the history of massage dates back over 5,000 years to ancient Egypt?

Even without our modern knowledge of the human body, healers back then learned that people responded well to touch. Massage techniques have evolved over the centuries, but the basis remains the same.

One modality that’s scientifically proven to reduce pain is trigger point massage. Would you like to experience this type of massage therapy for yourself?

Read on to learn more about pressure point therapy and how it can improve your health.

What Is a Trigger Point?

You might refer to them as “muscle knots,” but what are those little lumps exactly?

Rest assured that they’re not actual knots in the muscle fibers. Their scientific name is a myofascial trigger point.

In basic terms, it’s a tiny cramp inside the muscle tissue. Think of it as a miniature “charley horse” that only affects one small section of the muscle. Common trigger points include those “knots” between your shoulder blades that never seem to go away.

These “cramps” may be small, but they can create a lot of pain and discomfort. Reduced blood flow irritates the muscle even more, creating a vicious cycle of myofascial pain. In some cases, the pain can even radiate (or refer) to other parts of the body.

What Is Trigger Point Massage?

The goal of trigger point massage is to find those active trigger points and get them to “calm down.” If you can release the trigger point, the entire muscle will relax and function normally.

Your therapist will start by palpating your muscles to identify the source of your pain (often a nagging trigger point). Then she’ll use direct pressure on the point to encourage it to release. She may also include some stretching and kneading techniques to further help the muscles relax.

This may feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you’ve had the problem for a while. Communication is key to ensure that the pressure isn’t too much for you.

How to Massage Trigger Points

Even if you’re not an expert in pressure point therapy, there are some basic techniques you can try at home.

Start by downloading a trigger point chart or trigger point map. This will help you identify the specific points that may be causing your pain, whether it’s headaches, tennis elbow, or lower back.

Use the chart to find those trigger points on your own body. You’ll know when you’ve found them because they’re likely to be tender. They may even refer pain to other parts of your body.

Apply consistent pressure to each point, pressing as firmly as you can without making the muscle tense. Hold each spot for 3-5 minutes and repeat up to 5 times a day.


Benefits of Therapeutic Massages

Benefits of Therapeutic Massages

Why You Should Experience Therapeutic Massage

According to ACA, chronic pain is one of the most likely reasons people miss work.

Pain and stress both put a damper on everyday activities. When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to enjoy the present.

You deserve to enjoy the little moments that make life enjoyable. Hands-on approaches like a therapeutic massage could be just what the doctor ordered!

Below are the basics of therapeutic massage therapy. We will talk about different massage techniques and the quick relief they bring!

What Is a Therapeutic Massage?

Therapeutic massage is a safe and effective form of therapy. People from all over the world practice massage therapy at a professional level.

A therapeutic massage involves mobilizing soft tissue like muscle and body fluids to restore normal use. Therapeutic massage therapy can help treat most musculoskeletal problems.

Licensed Massage Therapists use their hands to manipulate different parts of the body. If illness or injury leaves pain or stress in your body, you could seek a massage therapist to massage the affected areas.

Therapeutic massage can be done alongside other medical treatments. Simply discuss your options with a health professional before your first session.

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What Is the Difference Between Swedish and Therapeutic Massage?

There are several types of therapeutic massage techniques based on the firmness and focus of touch.

Swedish vs. therapeutic massage is a popular query among people looking for the right therapeutic massage.

Therapeutic massage is the umbrella term for all massage techniques. Swedish massage is one of those techniques.

Swedish massages use flowing and kneading hand movements. These help to relieve tension and have a calming effect on the body.

Some other massage techniques are reflexology, which focuses on pressure points in the body, or lymph drainage therapy, which improves the movement of lymph fluid in your body.

If you aren’t sure which technique to try, simply let your massage therapist know which area of your body is in distress. Let them know when aches, pain or stress flares up on a typical day. Your massage therapist can then use a light or firm touch accordingly.

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

A common complaint from patients is stress and its negative effects on both mind and body. Stress can cause a chemical imbalance, fatigue, and a lowered immune system.

Regular therapeutic massages combat stress by stimulating fatigued areas of the body. As your body begins to feel better, you may feel the stress melt away. Blood flow can help you feel more focused and energized.

You may notice better circulation after just one massage. Doctors often note improved function among lymph nodes, too.

Even your brain benefits from therapeutic massage. Neurological function in patients is much higher after utilizing therapeutic massage therapy.

The best benefits of therapeutic massage? The sense of harmony and overall well being. Your body needs regular attention to align with your mind.

Relief Requires a Professional Touch

Tackling pain head-on requires the knowledge of a professional.

Instead of having kids walk on your back or ignoring your pain, get the therapeutic massage you need. The right professional will have years of experience putting patients’ minds and bodies at ease!

Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage for Moms-To-Be in Mill Creek

A massage can help with many different ailments, including chronic pain, injuries, sore muscles, headaches, anxiety, and depression and those are just the benefits for someone who isn’t pregnant. If you are pregnant and considering a massage, it’s a smart choice.

A prenatal massage can help any pregnancy-related aches and pains, such as sciatic pain, and also help you relax. Pregnancy can take its toll on a woman’s body and a massage can help alleviate many of the effects of carrying a baby. To learn more about prenatal massages, read on.

What is Prenatal Massage?

A prenatal massage is similar to a regular massage, but there are some special adjustments that may be made. During a regular massage, you generally start by laying on your stomach. This obviously isn’t possible during a prenatal massage unless there is a special pregnancy pillow with a cutout for your stomach which we have here at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness. Otherwise, you will get the massage lying on your side or on your back.

All muscles are safe to massage during a prenatal massage, so be sure to let your massage therapist know if you have any areas that you would like them to focus on (or avoid).

prenatal massage amazing life chiropractic in mill creek

When Can I Get a Prenatal Massage?

Generally, women can get a massage at any time during their pregnancy. However, some therapists will not massage a woman who is in her first trimester, as the miscarriage risk is highest during this time period. Discuss this with your doctor and your massage therapist to determine when the right time for you is to get a massage.

Is It Safe?

In general, prenatal massages are safe, but if you are a high-risk pregnancy you should always speak with your doctor first. If you are high-risk or have certain conditions, your doctor may recommend that you don’t get a massage. These conditions include:

  • preeclampsia
  • high blood pressure
  • pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • pre-term labor
  • severe swelling
  • bleeding

If you get the okay from your doctor to get a massage, you should make sure that your therapist is certified in prenatal massage. Prenatal massage therapists have extra training and know how to safely position you while you are pregnant, watching for symptoms like blood clots or varicose veins, and making sure that you have support to prevent straining uterine ligaments.

Swedish massage is the most recommended type of massage for pregnant women, as it focuses on reducing muscle tension and improving blood circulation and lymphatic functions in your body. Your therapist can focus on areas where you are having pain, sore muscles, or simply focus on relaxation to benefit your overall well-being.


Benefits of a Myofascial Massage

Benefits of a Myofascial Massage

What’s a Myofascial Release Massage & How It Can Treat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain…20% of the US population lives with pain on most days or every single day. That means 1 out of every 5 people around you is suffering with chronic pain.

Instead of popping pain pills, which can lead to side effects on the stomach and liver; what are some options for dealing with pain?

If you’re a person who likes to get to the root of the problem rather than putting a bandaid on it, alternative methods are right up your alley.

A myofascial release massage is becoming a great source of pain relief for many people. Keep reading to learn more about this treatment.

myofascial massage mill creek

Got Pain?

If you’re living with chronic pain, what’s the best way to get relief? Let’s look at this hands-on technique known as myofascial release massage.

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a technique used to relieve pain that originates in the myofascial tissue of the body. This tissue is the tough membrane that wraps, supports, and connects the muscles of your body.

What is Myofascial Release Massage Therapy?

Myofascial physical therapy is a technique used in massage that focuses on pain caused by sensitivity and tightness in the myofascial tissue.

During the therapy, the massage therapist locates and focuses on the areas in the myofascial tissue that feel stiff and tense instead of elastic and loose.

These areas, known as trigger points, are not always easy to locate but they are believed to be the cause of the widespread pain.

The hands-on pressure the therapist uses loosens up the muscles and in turn, relieves the pain.

Benefits of Myofascial Release Therapy

This type of therapy has many benefits and can be a source of pain relief for many different ailments. Let’s look at some of the benefits.

  • Range of motion and overall flexibility improves
  • Correction of muscle imbalance
  • Headache and migraine relief
  • Reduces blood pooling and the pain from venous insufficiency
  • Hydrates your tissues and increases blood flow
  • Relieves muscle soreness and joint stress

Myofascial Techniques

Massage therapists using myofascial massage gently rub the trigger points in your muscles to release the tension and relieve pain.

Myofascial release tools like the fascia massager allow you at home to gently apply pressure to the muscle with the same intended consequence of loosening up the muscle and releasing the pain.

Other techniques use rollers or balls to apply gentle, sustained pressure to the knots and tight spots in the myofascial tissue.

Benefits of a Medical Massage

Benefits of a Medical Massage

Are Medical Massages Necessary?

34% of people believe that massages are only a form of pampering. But did you know massage can greatly improve your health?

More people are turning to medical massage to improve certain conditions. Medical massage can relieve muscle tension, decrease pain, and improve circulation. Medical massages also improve your mental health by managing stress and anxiety. When used alongside medical treatment, massage can decrease pain and stress.

Is this your first time getting a medical massage? If live near Mill Creek, continue reading and know all about medical massages.

amazing life chiropractic and wellness medical massage mill creek

What Is Medical Massage?

Medical massage is prescribed by a doctor to complement a patient’s existing medical treatment. Most patients receive a medical massage prescription after enduring a chronic injury, an accident, or are in severe pain.

Medical massage therapists focus on the problematic areas of the body and use different techniques to heal those areas.


Does Health Insurance Cover Medical Massage?

Every health insurance plan has different medical massage coverage options. Whether or not your insurance covers medical massage depends on your insurance provider’s definition of medical massage and the reason for receiving a medical massage prescription.

Your medical massage treatments may be covered if:

Fortunately, more health insurance providers are starting to cover medical massage. In addition, you may be able to use your health savings account (HSA) to cover your massage costs.


What Is the Difference Between Medical Massage and a Swedish Massage?

Medical massage differs from many types of massages, such as a Swedish massage. Medical massage requires a doctor’s prescription and only focuses on a problematic area of the body. There are also other differences that first-time clients should know.

Swedish massage is a type of therapeutic massage. It uses long strokes to stimulate blood flow to the heart. It’s the most popular and widely-performed therapeutic massage technique.

While Swedish massage offers many physical benefits, relaxation is the ultimate goal. Swedish massage also focuses on the whole body instead of a specific area. This helps clients feel revitalized and rejuvenated.

Massage therapists also make the experience more enjoyable and serene. Playing peaceful music is the most famous example.

While medical massage can be relaxing, the goal is to relieve pain and tension to a specific part of the body. Medical massage therapists may use specific techniques to achieve this. For example, they may use long, relaxing strokes to loosen the muscles before applying more pressure to engage treatment.

Medical massage focuses on an injured or painful area of the body to heal and decrease pain. This type of massage therapy complements a patient’s existing medical treatment to heal a certain area of the body.

Medical massages are often prescribed by a doctor and some health insurance plans cover medical massage treatments. Unlike relaxing massage techniques, such as Swedish massage, medical massage is used to relieve chronic pain and treat injuries.

Benefits of a Lymphatic Massage

Benefits of a Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic Massage

Are you part of the approximately one in 1,000 Americans who struggle with secondary lymphedema? Do you deal with chronic pain from a condition like fibromyalgia? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, regular lymphatic massage could be very beneficial to you.

Never heard of this type of massage before? Read on to learn more about lymph massage and the benefits it has to offer.



What is Lymphatic Massage?

Lymphatic massage is a special type of massage therapy. Before we get into the specifics of it, though, let’s back up and explain the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system contains fluid that helps to remove toxins and waste from the tissues of the body. Some health conditions, such as lymphedema and fibromyalgia, can cause lymph fluid to build up in the body (lymphedema). This, in turn, can lead to pain, swelling, and other symptoms.

The goal of lymphatic massage is to help make the drainage process more efficient. It boosts the body’s detoxification systems to get rid of fluid buildup, relieve pain, and improve one’s overall quality of life.

Lymphatic Massage Benefits


There are lots of reasons to consider a lymphatic massage, even if you don’t struggle with one of the conditions mentioned above. The following are some of the greatest benefits this type of massage has to offer:


Improved Immune System Function

When the lymphatic system is functioning in the proper way, the whole immune system becomes stronger and more resilient. Lymphatic massage specifically targets the lymph nodes, which play an important role in cleansing the blood. It also increases the body’s production of antibodies, which minimize inflammation and fight off infections.


Reduced Stress

If a person is dealing with high levels of stress, they might be more prone to lymphedema. Stress can also make chronic pain worse and dampen the immune system. Regular lymphatic massages can keep everything working properly and promote relaxation as well as better sleep quality.


Faster Healing

Lymphatic massage can help to speed up the healing process after one has experienced an injury or undergone surgery, too. It helps to carry waste products out of the body to reduce inflammation, and it also provides the affected areas with more of the blood and nutrients needed to recover.

Improved Skin Health

Many people with skin conditions (eczema, severe scarring, etc.) notice improvements when they start incorporating lymphatic massage into their routine. This type of massage can promote faster healing externally as well as internally. It may also help to hydrate the skin so it feels softer and is less irritated.