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Ignore Fad Diets: Change Your Lifestyle Instead

Ignore Fad Diets: Change Your Lifestyle Instead

Did you know that the United States ranks 12th in the world regarding obesity?

Many people attempt to lose weight quickly by following a fad diet. The diets can sometimes work long enough for you to lose weight for a special event. Other times they don’t work at all, and you gain ten more pounds by the time you give up.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that fad diets fail. They promise to lose 30 pounds within two weeks, which is unrealistic.

Rather than trying to become vegan or follow the keto diet, change your lifestyle. Don’t know how to do it? Below, we’ll tell you why you should avoid fad diets and how you can lead a healthy lifestyle.

Why Should You Be Avoiding Fad Diets?

Crash diets are so popular because they promise you the body of your dreams within a short time. Unfortunately, while it is tempting to change your diet for two weeks to eat only certain foods, you will only do further harm to your health. 

The struggle of following a fad diet damages your body physically and mentally. Below are some of the ways crash dieting harms your body:

  • It puts your body at risk of nutritional deficiency
  • The diet can make your metabolism slower
  • You start having an unhealthy food group balance
  • Fad diets make it harder for you to socialize with friends and family

The biggest risk you put on yourself is developing an eating disorder. This is because the yo-yo dieting and worrying about calories make you obsessed with food. 

These actions can lead you to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. You can start overeating or undereating when this happens, eventually damaging your health.

Instead, decide to make permanent lifestyle changes that will create healthy habits you’ll follow for life instead of following the latest diet.

What Lifestyle Changes Should You Make?

The road to making healthy lifestyle changes depends on what you want to accomplish. For example, do you want to lose weight by making small changes to your diet or becoming more active?

Of course, you should do both, but sometimes it’s better to tackle one healthy habit instead of five at the same time. For example, let’s say you want to make small changes to your diet by cutting out soda and fast food. 

You start taking the time to fix more healthy meals at home and drinking water. Then you can include walking around the neighborhood for fifteen minutes three times a week for exercise. 

In this example, you’re putting more emphasis on your diet than exercising. You can also switch this around by going to the gym three times a week to focus your weight loss more on becoming active. 

Changing your lifestyle isn’t just about these two things. To cope with the stress of the weight loss journey, you can also try to meditate or read more to help you build a better mindset.

What Are the Benefits of Lifestyle Changes?

You hear all the benefits of fad diets, which are usually lying. But what about the benefits of lifestyle changes? Below are some of the benefits of lifestyle changes:

  • Lowers your risk of obesity diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure
  • You gain more energy
  • It helps you handle stress better
  • Self-confidence increase 

Choice and action go hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy living is dependent on the choices you make every day and how you act on those choices.

Making positive choices in fitness, stress, and nutrition promotes happiness and overall well-being.

A Chiropractor in Mill Creek, WA Can Help Change Your Lifestyle

Instant gratification is the norm in our world, and discomfort is frowned upon. A magic pill that promotes weight loss sounds easy and convenient, but it isn’t healthy.

So instead of following a diet, decide to make healthy decisions to change your lifestyle. If you need any help changing your lifestyle, schedule an appointment with us today.

Paleo vs. Primal: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Paleo vs. Primal: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Picture yourself in the world about 10,000 years ago, long before Great Grandmama and Richard III and even agricultural farming. It’s lunchtime for cave-you, and you’re on the hunt.

With a club in hand, you’re scouring the ancient plains and creeks for… a Twinkie? 

That doesn’t seem right, and many evolutionary biologists would agree. This article will explore modern-day primal vs. paleo diets, the differences between each, and how you can benefit from getting back to basics. 

Primal vs. Paleo Diets

Before diving into the differences between these two biology-based diet trends, let’s consider their similar roots. Both primal and paleo diets focus on human evolutionary biology. While our food sources have changed and evolved rapidly, our bodies have stayed much the same. 

If you could travel back in time to give a caveman a Twinkie, what would happen? Well, seemingly not much. His body would digest the Twinkie in the same way ours would, which is to say: not very well. 

Both the paleo and the primal diet focus on low carbohydrates, high protein and fats, and high vegetable contents. These are the kinds of foods our ancestors would have eaten, and the foods we are still built to eat today. So a Twinkie won’t kill us (or our caveman), but it’s not ideal for health. 

What is the Primal Diet?

The primal diet focuses on foods that our ancestors would have had access to before the agricultural revolution. To figure out what foods fit into a primal diet lifestyle, ask yourself: would my ancestors have been able to find this in nature? 

Acceptable foods on the primal diet include: 

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruits, berries, and flowers
  • Vegetables
  • Honey and maple syrup
  • Fish and mussels
  • Meat
  • Wild game
  • Wild eggs
  • Raw dairy products
  • Ancient grains, wild rice, quinoa
  • Tea and sometimes coffee

Foods to avoid include:

  • Grains
  • Beans and legumes
  • Wheat, rye, barley
  • Corn
  • Alcohol
  • Soy
  • Processed oils
  • Sugar
  • Preservatives

People following the primal diet avoid all processed foods. If a food item can safely be eaten raw, it is best to eat it raw to gain all of the nutritional value. Primal diet followers eat fresh and organic food whenever possible. 

What is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet follows the same premise as the primal diet. Followers should avoid processed foods and seek foods that our ancestors had access to in nature. The paleo diet is somewhat stricter than the primal diet. 

Acceptable foods on a paleo diet include: 

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruits, berries, and flowers
  • Most vegetables
  • Honey and maple syrup
  • Fish and mussels
  • Meat
  • Wild game
  • Wild eggs
  • Ancient grains, wild rice, quinoa
  • Tea

Foods to avoid include: 

  • Dairy
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant)
  • Coffee
  • Grains
  • Beans and legumes
  • Wheat, rye, barley
  • Corn
  • Alcohol
  • Soy
  • Processed oils
  • Sugar
  • Preservatives

As you can see, both diets are relatively similar. The paleo diet is slightly stricter in that it doesn’t allow any dairy, nightshade vegetables, or coffee. These foods would have been hard to access and potentially poisonous for our ancestors. 

Benefits of a Primal or Paleo Diet

Although it is a tricky diet to maintain in our modern highly-processed, fast-food-loving society, primal and paleo diets can have some great health benefits, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Decreased abdominal fat
  • Improved blood pressure
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Lower cholesterol

These are all great benefits of paleo or primal diets. Anybody using these diets should use discretion, however. Technically, one could eat nothing but bacon and eggs on a primal diet, but this wouldn’t be good for your health. 

Cleaning the Plate

Both the primal and paleo diets attempt to realign our current food intake with that of our ancestors. In the debate between primal vs paleo, it’s important to note that not everyone is perfect, and these diets can and should be adjusted to suit individual needs. 

Want to learn more about how you can boost your health and change your life? Check out our other articles on dieting, therapy treatments, and more!


4 Reasons To Stop Drinking Energy Drinks and Healthier Alternatives

4 Reasons To Stop Drinking Energy Drinks and Healthier Alternatives

Did you know that a growing body of scientific evidence shows that energy drinks can create major health problems for young adults and children?

Energy drink manufacturers claim that their products can improve concentration and make you feel more alive. What they don’t tell you is that they can also rot your teeth, interrupt your sleep cycles, and increase your blood pressure. 

This is why it’s so important to seek out healthier alternatives to energy drinks. If you want to find out more, read on and we’ll tell you what you need to know. 

1. Energy Drink Addiction Is Bad for Your Heart

Because it’s so effective at helping people stay alert, energy drinks contain lots of caffeine. Many people don’t realize that if they consume too much caffeine in one day, they’re likely to develop health issues. This includes heart palpitations, higher blood pressure, and increased heart rates. 

Since most energy drinks contain anywhere between seventy and one hundred and forty milligrams of caffeine, you only need to drink several beverages per day to do damage to your heart.

Energy drinks are particularly harmful to those who have preexisting heart conditions such as heart disease. 

2. They Have Lots of Sugar

Most energy drinks have more than twenty grams of sugar per eight-ounce serving. This is more than half of the total amount of daily sugar that the American Heart Association recommends.

When too much sugar is in the body, it starts to become inflamed, a condition that is linked to many chronic diseases. Too much sugar can also increase the risk of obesity, type II diabetes, and liver disease. 

3. Don’t Ever Mix Energy Drinks With Alcohol

Did you know that mixing energy drinks with alcohol can alter your intoxication levels? This often makes people feel less sensitive to the effects of alcohol even though they are still intoxicated. This can make people think that they’re able to do things that they shouldn’t be doing while drinking. 

People who mix energy drinks with alcohol are also more likely to binge drink. Since binge drinking can create problems such as liver disease and memory problems, it’s important to seek out healthier alternatives to energy drinks when you’re consuming alcoholic beverages. 

4. Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful to Young People

Youth and adolescents are still growing, and their bodies are not always ready to handle the effects of energy drinks. Teens and youth who consume energy drinks put themselves at risk of developing conditions such as cognitive under-development, difficulty sleeping, and an increased risk of developing mental health conditions. 

How to Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

If you want to stop drinking energy drinks, the best thing you can do is find healthy alternatives. Instead of reaching for an energy drink before you start your day, consider making yourself a cup of green tea. 

Another healthy alternative is ginkgo balboa. Though this species of tree has been used in China for many centuries, only recently has it gained popularity in the West. The plant will boost your energy. It also treats circulatory problems and issues related to respiration. 

It will also be easier to stop drinking energy drinks if you change your diet. It’s a great idea to limit the amount of sugar and processed foods you consume. Instead, start consuming plenty of green juices, smoothies, and whole grains.  

Avoid Energy Drinks and Seek Healthier Alternatives 

There are many reasons why you should avoid energy drinks and choose healthier alternatives. They are bad from your heart. Since they contain so much sugar, they increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes. 

Do you need help to treat health conditions related to consuming energy drinks? Make the change and switch to healthier alternatives.

Mediterranean, Paleo, and Keto Diets. What’s the Difference and Which Should You Try?

Mediterranean, Paleo, and Keto Diets. What’s the Difference and Which Should You Try?

From 2013 to 2016, 49.1% of adults engaged in weight loss efforts within the past year. With so many diets and exercise regimes, it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you.

Paleo, Keto, and Mediterranean diets are some of the best plans for weight loss and disease management. But, before starting either of these, you need to learn the difference between Paleo and Keto diets.

Continue reading to learn how to eat a Paleo and Keto diet and the best type of food for a Paleo and Keto diet!

Keto Diet

To answer the question of what is the paleo and keto diet, you need to first understand the basics of the Ketogenic diet.

On the Keto diet, your goal is to have your daily food intake be mostly fat at 80%, some protein at 15% to 20%, and very little carbohydrates. Your meals will mostly consist of dairy products, nuts, fish, and vegetables. Starchy or high-carbohydrate items like potatoes, chips, bread, and fruits are not recommended.

You should choose this diet if the food restrictions would be sustainable for your lifestyle. Since the diet is low in carbohydrates, it’s good for people with health conditions such as type 2 diabetes or obesity. Despite the health benefits, risks include kidney stones, nutritional deficiencies, or stomach problems. 

Paleo Diet

Though they are similar, the biggest difference between a Paleo versus Keto diet is the restriction level.

The Paleo diet focuses on eating foods that were available during the Paleolithic period. This includes a lot of nuts, meats, and fresh produce. Dairy, grain, starch, and processed products, such as crackers and potatoes, are not allowed. This diet is less restrictive than Keto but has a lot of the same focus on reducing carbohydrate intake.

This is a good choice for people looking to reduce their junk food intake to lose weight or improve high blood pressure. You should always consult with your doctor or chiropractor about any diet changes

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is the least restrictive of these three diets and also includes a healthy carbohydrate intake.

You would be eating foods popular near the Mediterranean sea like fresh produce, whole grain, nuts, olive oil, and fish. Dairy products like yogurt and carbohydrate-heavy items like rice are encouraged. Discouraged foods are red meat and processed items like candy.

This diet is the best choice for those seeking to improve their health by reducing their packaged food intake and eating healthier foods. The biggest disadvantage is the time consumption of cooking meals despite its cost-effectiveness.

Difference Between Paleo and Keto Diets

Now that you understand the difference between Paleo and Keto diets, you can choose the right one for your needs and preferences. Whether a more restrictive diet like Keto or a more balanced diet like Meditteranean is best depends on its long-term potential.

If you need a bit of help let us know Mill Creek, Washington, visit Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness today! 

The Truth About Why You Need Fats In your Diet

The Truth About Why You Need Fats In your Diet

In looking for a healthy diet, you are probably not thinking about the daily intake of fats that you will include. Fats tend to be viewed as the villain of a healthy lifestyle, to be reduced and avoided at all costs. The truth about fats, however, does not measure up to all the bad press it has gotten. In fact, you need some fat in your diet so that your body can do important things like absorb vitamins, clot blood and move muscles.  The key is understanding which are the bad fats, which are the good fats and which are the great fats.

Bad Fats

Saturated fat is a type of fat that can increase your LDL cholesterol level (the bad cholesterol) and, ultimately, contribute to heart disease. Saturated fats are found in foods like butter, red meat, cheese and whole milk. A small amount of saturated fats is unlikely to have damaging effects but experts recommend that your consumption of saturated fat be no more than 10% of your total daily calories.

Good Fats

Mono-saturated fats have actually been found to lower LDL cholesterol, thereby contributing to lower risk of stroke and heart disease. These are the fats that keep your body running at optimal performance. Mono-saturated fats found in healthy oils also provide vitamin E which is an antioxidant needed to protect the body’s cells from damage. Mono-saturated fats are found in food like unsalted nuts such as almonds and cashews, avocado and plant or seed based oils such as olive oil, canola oil or peanut oil.

Great Fats

Poly-saturated fats do all the wonderful things that mono-saturated fats do, with some added bonuses. Poly-saturated fats are considered essential fats. This means that your body requires them to function properly but your body cannot make them on its own.

These fats lower LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, which can thicken the artery walls and lead to heart disease. They have also been found to reduce inflammation and result in the use of less medication in the pain management of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Poly-saturated fats included Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. It can be found in food such as walnuts, flax seeds, safflower oil and corn oil. Poly-saturated fats are also found in fish such as salmon, tuna and trout.

How Much Fat Do You Need?

 It is recommended that fats make up 25% to 30% of your total daily calories. While there is no specific recommendation of how much good (mono-saturated) and great (poly-saturated) fat should be included in a healthy diet, it is safe to say that replacing saturated fat with these healthy fats will have a positive effect on your body functioning and overall heart health.

Swelling and Edema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Swelling and Edema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Edema can be a difficult disease to deal with in severe circumstances. It is an issue with swelling and fluid retention in the body which can lead to bad inflammation.

To learn more about edema and how to treat it, read on.

What Causes Edema

There are a few causes of edema.

It can be related to kidney problems due to the issue of filtering excess water from the body. It can also be a problem with weak veins and even a fault lymphatic system that prevents the body from self-draining.  

Edema is also present in pregnant women or sitting and standing for too long where both of the symptoms are most often present in the legs and feet.

Serious causes of edema can be a red flag for possible chronic kidney disease or even congestive heart failure. It’s important to visit a doctor as soon as you see unexplained symptoms of edema to rule out any serious medical conditions.

Symptoms of Edema

The symptoms of edema is the excess fluid making its way to the extremities of the body instead of being filtered out via the kidneys. The fluid is then trapped and makes the affected extremities appear puffy and swollen.

The location varies from person to person but it is most typically found in the legs more specifically the feet, and in the hands. When you press on the skin it will be left with an indent. The indent will take a while to pop back up.

You may also see indents from your socks around your ankles that take a while to go down. This is also an indicator of edema.

Some individuals will complain of their rings not being able to come off or are too tight around their fingers. This is also a symptom of edema.   

Edema Treatments

Serious cases of edema will require medical attention and most likely be put on medication to help with draining excess fluid. 

Those who have symptoms related to sitting or standing for long periods can easily treat their edema with regular massages.

Massages support the lymphatic system in draining excess fluid in your body without the use of medication. Massages will target your back and your neck where lymph nodes are located.

They are a great option for whether you visit a registered massage therapist, or if you do them yourself at home.

Additionally, baths with Epsom Salts are a natural at-home remedy to help the body to release the stubborn fluid that doesn’t want to budge.

Consulting Your Doctor

For more serious edema issues, consult your doctor to determine the right path for your treatment. It’s best to go as soon as possible to rule out any significant health problems that require medical attention.

If you’re ready to treat your less serious edema with a relaxing massage, contact us to book your appointment today.