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Why is Neuropathy Worse at Night

Why is Neuropathy Worse at Night

Why Is Neuropathy Worse at Night? 3 Ways to Find Nighttime Relief

Peripheral neuropathy affects more than 20 million Americans. This condition involves damage to one or more nerves, including those responsible for walking and pain perception. Its symptoms range from mild to severe and can develop over days or years.

But why is neuropathy worse at night? A possible explanation is that there are fewer distractions around. As a result, you may become more aware of your surroundings.

Stress, cooler temperatures, and some medications may worsen nerve pain during sleep. Certain lifestyle habits, like smoking and alcohol consumption, may contribute to this issue too.

Interested to find out more? Here’s what you should know about managing nerve pain at night so you can enjoy better sleep.

Why Is Neuropathy Worse at Night?

Neuropathy symptoms vary from one person to the next and depend on which nerves are affected. Some people experience numbness and tingling in the limbs, while others report shooting or stabbing pain. What most sufferers have in common is that their symptoms tend to get worse at night.

Individuals with nerve damage are more sensitive to external stimuli than the average person. Cooler temperatures, for example, may worsen their pain.

If your neuropathy is due to diabetes, you may also experience sleep apnea. A 2009 study has found that more than one-third of subjects with diabetes had moderate obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that may lead to awakenings at night.

Physical and emotional stress can further worsen nerve pain during sleep. Even simple things, such as worrying over an upcoming exam, may increase stress and amplify your symptoms.

Luckily, there are ways to address nighttime neuropathy without resorting to sleeping pills. Consider using these strategies to prevent or reduce nerve pain and get proper rest.

1. Change Your Sleeping Position

Many sufferers find relief from nerve pain by sleeping in a different position than usual. Sleeping in a recliner with a pillow underneath the thighs may reduce neuropathic symptoms in patients with spinal stenosis.

If you’re sleeping on your side, place a pillow between the thighs. Stomach sleepers, on the other hand, may benefit from placing a pillow under their bellies to maintain the spine in proper alignment.

2. Reduce Your Stress Levels

As discussed earlier, stress may worsen nerve pain and other symptoms of neuropathy. It also contributes to anxiety, depression, and other conditions that can further affect your sleep.

Chamomile or valerian tea may help — just make sure you drink it at room temperature. Any beverage that’s too hot or too cold can make your symptoms worse.

Consider getting a massage after work to relax your mind and body. Massage therapy helps lower the stress hormone cortisol levels. At the same time, it promotes the release of serotonin and other “feel-good” hormones.

3. Try Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care can make it easier to manage the symptoms of neuropathy. Early treatment may reduce the severity of nerve damage and prevent complications.

This form of therapy targets your body as a whole. Over time, it may help improve nerve function and decrease pain, leading to a better night’s sleep. When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, its benefits are even greater.

Restore Your Sleep and Energy Levels

Still wondering “Why is neuropathy worse at night?”

At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, we can identify the cause of your symptoms and help you restore your sleep naturally. We use a holistic approach to neuropathy treatment, which involves good nutrition, chiropractic care, and other non-invasive therapies.

Contact us today and start your journey to better health! We’re here to discuss your needs and answer any questions you may have.

Understanding Neuropathy

Understanding Neuropathy

Understanding Neuropathy: Questions to Ask Your Neuropathy Doctor

Over 20 million Americans suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy.

Neuropathy causes discomfort and weakness in your extremities. Damaged peripheral nerves send interrupted messages to your brain that results in pain. Common neuropathy causes include diabetes, injuries, alcoholism, and infection.

Do you have neuropathy questions? If so, keep reading. Our expert neuropathy doctor has created a go-to guide for frequently asked neuropathy questions.

Why Is Neuropathy Worse at Night?

Medical professionals believe neuropathy symptoms may have something to do with temperature changes during the night. Bodily temperatures fluctuate as we sleep. The same nerves that signal temperature changes also send pain signals.

Damaged nerves may translate fluctuating temperatures to tingling, sharp, or burning pain. The cool temperatures also slow your heart rate, leading to reduced blood flow.

Poor sleep quality may also play a role in neuropathy symptoms. Less sleep leads to increased pain perception and irritability.

Does Peripheral Neuropathy Get Worse in Cold Weather?

Neuropathy can get worse in colder climates. Cold temperatures decrease blood flow. As circulation decreases, nerve pain (especially in the hands and feet) increases.

Patients living with neuropathy should take precautions to bundle up when the seasons change. Light cardio can warm up muscles and promote circulation. Patients should avoid caffeine, as it can restrict blood flow.

Does Neuropathy Get Worse Over Time?

While neuropathy treatments can alleviate symptoms, there is no known cure for peripheral neuropathy.

If left untreated, neuropathy will worsen. Damaged nerves will send irregular messages to the brain more frequently, leading to constant numbness and burning sensations. Over time, the spinal cord may get so used to the pain signals that it starts to send them on its own.

Seeking immediate neuropathy treatment is the key to slowing down nerve signals and preventing severe pain.

What Foods Make Neuropathy Worse?

If you’re living with neuropathy, avoid starchy foods that are high in gluten. Research has shown a gluten-free diet may protect against nerve pain.

Incorporate gluten-free alternatives into your meals. Steer clear of pasta, bread, and pizzas.

Neuropathy patients should also avoid sugary, salty, and processed foods. This includes:

  • Potato chips
  • Cold cuts
  • Candy
  • Soft drinks and fruit juices
  • Fast food

Instead, focus on maintaining a nutritious and wholesome lifestyle. Foods rich in anti-inflammatories and vitamin B12 are ideal. Whole grains, lean meats, nuts, fish, and veggies can decrease neuropathy symptoms.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Neuropathy Symptoms?

Chiropractic, physical therapy, surgery, and injections can treat peripheral neuropathy. However, patients can make healthy lifestyle changes to naturally decrease their symptoms.

First things first, quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake. Smoking decreases blood circulation and increases discomfort. Alcohol causes inflammation and stress, which can trigger nerve pain.

In some cases, neuropathy is related to vitamin deficiencies. Increasing your vitamins B and D intake can ease the condition’s symptoms. Vitamin B boosts nerve health, while vitamin D lessens nerve pain.

Incorporate cayenne pepper into your diet. The pepper naturally lowers the intensity of pain signals, which is why it’s a common ingredient in topical creams.

Take warm baths to prevent discomfort. The warm water boosts circulation and lowers pain symptoms.

Meditation lowers stress and improves sleep quality. It allows those living with neuropathy to feel as if they have some control over their bodies.

Are You Looking for a Neuropathy Doctor?

Neuropathy is a chronic pain disorder that can hinder your quality of life. Fortunately, a professional neuropathy doctor can help.

Request an appointment to learn more about how we treat peripheral neuropathy. Our medical professionals use a variety of treatment methods to decrease pain and heal your body. 


The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Protein Shakes

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Protein Shakes

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Protein Shakes

Your body is 17% protein, and that protein is essential to the functioning of your cells, tissues, and organs. For fitness enthusiasts, it’s also important for getting the best results from your work out. 

It’s no wonder that protein powders and protein shakes have taken over store shelves. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to know which is right for you. 

Read on to learn more about what makes a good protein powder and which you should be using in your smoothies. 

What Is Bioavailability?

You can’t choose the right protein powder without understanding bioavailability. Bioavailability is how easily and how much of something that you consume actually absorbs into your body.

In other words, the bioavailability of a food or nutrient is what determines how beneficial it is to your health. Eating extra supplements won’t do you any good if your body isn’t actually absorbing them. Some of the most important micronutrients like vitamins and minerals can be the hardest to absorb completely. 

Your stomach acid can also destroy some of the nutrients you digest before they’re absorbed into your bloodstream. This is why the greater the bioavailability of food, the better it is for you. 

Why It’s Important When Choosing a Protein Powder

So why does bioavailability matter when it comes to choosing your protein shakes?

Well, there are many types of protein powders available, and not all of them are as bioavailable as the rest. For your protein smoothie to really do its job and not go to waste, you want to absorb as much of that protein as possible. Not only is it better for you, but you get more out of your money. 

Studies have shown that whey protein powders are the most easily absorbed, and therefore, the most effective. They also help you feel full for longer, which means it helps in the weight loss category as well!

Which Protein Powder Is the Most Effective

When looking for a premier protein powder, you should consider the source of protein, the amount of sugar, and the excess ingredients. All-natural products without added sweeteners are the best for your body. 

You should also choose powders with whey protein because of its bioavailability and because it’s a complete protein. A complete protein is a protein that contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs. 

For many, Solutions4 is the best premier protein option. Not only is it whey protein, but it’s zero sugar, 100% all-natural,  gluten-free, soy-free, lactose-free, and contains extra digestive enzymes to boost bioavailability. 

Where to Find Solutions4 Nutritional Shakes

If you’re wondering where to find Solutions4 premier protein shakes, you can get them at the Amazing Life Chiropractic office.

Nutrition is just as important to your health as chiropractic care, so Amazing Life Chiropractic offers a variety of nutrition services including vitamin and mineral supplements. 

Get the Perfect Protein Shakes for You

Everyone’s body and needs are different. What doesn’t change from person to person is the importance of bioavailability when it comes to your supplements. 

When choosing a protein powder, make sure to choose one with whey protein, so you know you’re doing what’s best for your body.

If you want to optimize your health, check out our collection of services for a better body and life.

Guide to Treating Diabetic Neuropathy

Guide to Treating Diabetic Neuropathy

A Guide to Recognizing, Diagnosing and Treating Diabetic Neuropathy

A recent study showed that in 2018, over 10% of the American population was diagnosed with diabetes. Couple that with the fact that there’s a proven correlation between rising obesity levels and Type-2 diabetes, and it’s clear this number will only rise from here.

However, there are a lot of extra problems that pop up thanks to diabetes. One of the worst among them is diabetic neuropathy. But how can you recognize and treat this condition in tandem with “normal” diabetes?

Well, look no further! We’re here to give you the guide to recognizing, diagnosing, and treating diabetic neuropathy! So without further ado, let’s jump right in.

Recognizing Diabetic Neuropathy

So what exactly is neuropathy? Well, neuropathy is a condition that results from the nerves in the body becoming damaged. Diabetes causes this thanks to the high levels of blood sugar damaging nerve sensors over time.

Neuropathy appears in four different types to boot. Peripheral neuropathy deals with pain and numbness in the arms and legs. Autonomic neuropathy targets your stomach and other organs, causing discomfort and bloating.

Proximal neuropathy involves pain located on one side of your body. Finally, focal neuropathy goes after specific nerves in the torso or head.

Some obvious symptoms of neuropathy include numbness and a tingling or burning feeling in your appendages. Differences in touch sensitivity are also common with this disorder.

Other symptoms include vomiting, bladder problems, dizziness, diarrhea, and bloating. In certain cases, erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness have also been signs of neuropathy.

Diagnosing Diabetic Neuropathy

If you believe you have diabetic neuropathy, your doctor will perform a reflex test. This involves checking your touch sensitivity and the reflexes of your tendons. From there, your doctor can order a variety of different tests to ensure that their diagnosis is accurate.

One of these tests (sensory testing) involves seeing how your nerves respond to different temperatures. Filament tests involve brushing soft nylon over your skin to get an even clearer picture of how much touch sensation you have.

In some cases, your doctor will even recommend an autonomic test. This determines how your blood pressure flows when you sit or stand in different ways.

Treating Diabetic Neuropathy

One of the main ways doctors slow the progression of the disease is by making sure your blood sugar levels stay at healthy levels. The general guideline for fasting blood sugar levels is to stay below 100 milligrams per deciliter.

Different types of pain medication will also help treat the painful sensations that come with diabetic neuropathy. But what about the individual symptoms caused by diabetic neuropathy, at Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness we treat the neuropathy with a proper nutrition plan that targets nerve regeneration!

A Brighter Tomorrow

So now that you have this guide on how recognizing, diagnosing, and treating diabetic neuropathy works, you’re ready to tackle this disease head-on! If you or someone you know is suffering from neuropathic disease, contact us, and see how we can help!

How to Read Nutrition Labels

How to Read Nutrition Labels

Understanding Nutrition: A Guide on How to Read Food Labels

In the U.S., 67% of the food we eat comes from a trip to the grocery store. Shopping at a supermarket rather than ordering takeout gives us control over the food we eat and helps us make healthier choices. 

Eating a healthy diet can help you control your weight, improve your brain health, lower your risk for disease, and help you live a longer life. 

The trouble is, flashy product packaging makes it tough to see which products are healthy. 

Luckily, understanding nutrition labels can help. Read on to learn how to read nutrition facts labels and how they can help you make better food choices.  

Read the Ingredient List

Manufacturers list ingredients by weight, from the highest amount to the least. In other words, the first ingredient makes up most of the product, while the last makes up the least amount. 

Look for wholesome ingredients like whole wheat. Avoid ingredients like artificial flavorings, hydrogenated oils, and added sugars. 

You should also aim for short ingredient lists. The fewer ingredients there are, the less processed the food is. Whole foods are an important part of nutrition and wellness.

Look for the Serving Size and Calories

The serving size is at the top of the nutrition facts, along with the servings per container. This information helps you compare similar products and tells you how many calories you can expect from one serving.

It’s not necessarily the amount you should eat or drink, it’s the amount of food that the nutrition information is measuring. For example, if you eat half a serving you’d halve the calories and nutrients, and for two servings you’d double it. 

Check Out the Percent Daily Value

The Percent Daily Value tells you how many nutrients and calories are in a serving compared to a standard 2,000 calorie diet. It takes the total recommended daily value of a nutrient (like vitamin C or sodium) and tells you how much the product fulfills. 

For example, the federal guidelines say Americans should consume 2,300 mg of sodium or less per day. If a serving of chips had 300 mg of sodium, that is 13% of the daily value. To make a healthier choice, pick a snack with a lower percent daily value. 

Notice the Nutrients 

Nutrition Facts separates nutrients into two categories: the ones you need more of and the ones to consume in moderation. 

You should watch how much sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat you eat. Too much can lead to heart disease, weight gain, and high blood pressure. 

Try to hit the recommended daily amount of calcium, dietary fiber, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. These are all important nutrients that can keep you regular, strengthen bones, prevent high blood pressure, and protect your immune system. 

A Healthy Lifestyle Starts with Understanding Nutrition

Understanding nutrition labels is a step towards making better food choices. The next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t forget to read the nutrition labeling before you buy. 

If you want to start living a healthier life but don’t know where to start, Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness can help. We offer nutrition plans in addition to our chiropractic care that will help you thrive.  

Contact us today to learn more or make an appointment.

Contact us to see how we can help!

What Happens When You Intermittent Fast?

What Happens When You Intermittent Fast?

What Happens When You Fast? The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

A recent study by the National Institute of Aging published in the New England Journal of Medicine points to a range of health benefits related to intermittent fasting.

Weight loss is one of those benefits but there’s more to it than simply losing weight.

Let’s take a look at what intermittent fasting is and what happens when you fast.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that includes a certain number of hours or days during which you eat little or no food. IF schedules are usually written with two numbers, the first indicating the number of hours you fast and the second the number of hours you can eat.

Some of the most common IF patterns are 16:8 (16 hours of fasting with an 8-hour eating window), 18:6, and 20:4. Another popular pattern is the circadian rhythm fast, or 13:11. This pattern emulates your body’s internal clock by fasting roughly from sunset to morning.

Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy?

You should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new diet or exercise plan but the science behind fasting shows that intermittent fasting is a healthy way of eating.

The idea behind IF is that your body’s insulin levels drop when you’re not eating food. When those levels go down enough, for a long enough time, your body will start to burn fat to create energy.

A Harvard research study indicates this can help slow the aging process and lead to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.

How to Start Intermittent Fasting

The easiest way to start an intermittent fasting routine is to pick an eating pattern that’s not too much of a change from your normal lifestyle. If you typically eat 3 meals a day in the morning, mid-day, and evening, making the switch to a 20:4 pattern could be challenging.

Start by alternating days. Eat normally one day and follow the fasting routine the next. The goal isn’t to lose weight immediately, it’s to get accustomed to the new way of eating. After a week or two, move to fasting every day.

Once you feel comfortable with the pattern, you can move to a longer fasting window. You can also dial in your nutrition as you go, avoiding certain foods to help maximize your results.

What Happens When You Fast?

What does fasting do to the body that helps you lose weight? Once your insulin levels drop during a fast, your body starts to convert stored glucose into energy.

When you repeat this process daily, your body will get accustomed to it and switch into “fat burning” mode more quickly. This is why following a pattern is so helpful – it trains your body to expect it.

Longer fasting periods give your body more time to burn off those excess pounds to create energy.

Intermittent fasting also lets your GI tract rest and repair itself while you’re in the fasted state.

Where to Turn for Help Getting Started

Knowing what happens when you fast probably makes intermittent fasting sound pretty good. It can be an effective way to lose weight and feel healthier but the eating and fasting pattern is only part of the solution.

Fasting for 16 hours and then gorging yourself on burgers and pizza isn’t going to be very helpful.

If you want to learn how to get the most out of intermittent fasting, Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness can help. We’ll help you design a nutrition and wellness plan that fits your lifestyle perfectly.

Get in touch with us today to learn more.