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Breastfeeding and Chiropractic

Breastfeeding and Chiropractic

Chiropractic Help for Breastfeeding

Chiropractic Help for Breastfeeding

Whether you are a first-time parent or adding another child to your family, caring for an infant can be overwhelming. You know all too well about the non-stop demands on your time, body, and sleep-deprived brain power. And then there’s breastfeeding. It seems like breastfeeding should be natural and instinctive, but it is a common struggle.

When you plan to breastfeed but it’s not working, your days and nights become a nightmare. Your baby is hungry and uncomfortable. And “hangry” babies are loud babies. Some women think they are failures at breastfeeding and go right to bottles, even if they don’t want to. Call a pediatric chiropractor for an evaluation. We often see that a small adjustment can make a huge difference.

Chiropractic Treatments for Babies and Moms

Lactation nurses and pediatric chiropractors both know it’s not always the way you’re attempting to breastfeed, it could be a structural issue. A pediatric chiropractor is trained to assess and treat abnormalities preventing a proper latch such as jaw tightness, a tongue tie, or a neck issue. Moms can also be helped with ergonomic positions for breastfeeding to prevent and relieve body strain.


Does your baby prefer feeding on one side more than the other? A baby with a misaligned vertebrae or pinched nerve can have difficulty achieving the proper head position to breastfeed. If you have ever had neck pain that made it difficult to turn your head, you know how limiting this can be. Chiropractic care can help your child have full range of motion and flexibility.

Treatments with a licensed pediatric chiropractor are safe for children as young as birth. The techniques are very gentle, using only mild pressure. To learn more, check out our article about pediatric chiropractic care and Dr. Gabrielle Soucy’s video explaining how she works with breastfeeding patients.

Milk Science

At Amazing Life Chiropractic, we understand and respect that choosing breastfeeding or bottles can be a complex and personal decision. Dr. Gabrielle Soucy says, “I am passionate about helping my patients breastfeed if possible. A baby’s gut is under-developed, and allergies can form by using formula. Plus, science continues to discover new ways how breastmilk is brilliant. Just in the last few years, research found that a breastfeeding child’s saliva goes into the receptors around the mom’s nipple. The chemical makeup tells the mom’s body the baby’s body composition and what type of nutrients it needs (such as carbs, protein, etc.) The breastmilk will then adjust to the diet the infant needs. Our bodies are incredible!”

Trusted and Experienced

Dr. Gabrielle Soucy at Amazing Life Chiropractic is a licensed pediatric Doctor of Chiropractic who loves to partner with parents to help children heal and feel their best. As part of her training, Dr. Gabby spent 15 months studying on top of her 4-year doctorate program to be specialized in pre-natal and post-partum care, and pediatric chiropractic. Patients describe Dr. Gabby as caring, knowledgeable, educational, personable, and a great communicator. Schedule your appointment today for a consultation. We would be honored to be a resource of health for your family.

Start Today!

Start Today!

Make Today The Day

Today is the day. No more pushing off important goals, physical and mental health, and overall general wellness. Often times, we take the path of least resistance. This forces us to procrastinate on what is important to us both physically and mentally. Dr. Sergey goes over a simple tip that will allow you to hold yourself accountable even in the times you don’t want to do anything. What is this simple tip?


That’s it! It’s just that simple. Every time you want to push things off, take a hard look at yourself and say, “I’m going to start today!”. Our biggest problem as humans is that we wait for a specific day to take the right steps towards progress. We’ve all said it: “I will start my diet on Monday.” or “I’m going to the gym on January 1st.” or “I will go to the doctor next month.” One thing that is certain about all of these statements is that it is a sure path to failure. People usually do not follow through; and if they do, they fail.

So there it is! Hold yourself accountable. START TODAY!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Stay Fit While You Sit

Stay Fit While You Sit

Sitting Can Make You Sick

Did you know the average adult sits 8-10 hours every day? If you consider the amount of time spent sitting at an average job, in the car, at the dinner table, and perhaps watching TV, it adds up quickly. But there’s a problem. Sitting for long hours may be hazardous to your health!

Ergonomics 101

Today we will look at ergonomics for the lower body. Ergonomics is a scientific word for arranging your area to help you have the best comfort and posture for your health. Making ergonomic changes to the way your lower body is positioned while you sit can prevent back problems, leg pain and fatigue.

Position of your Back

Problem: Constant leaning, reaching, and poor posture while sitting can alter the natural curves of your spine and cause damage to your discs and nerves.

Try This: Find a good chair with lower back support, or add a back-rest cushion to the chair. Try to keep all important equipment and documents within arm’s reach.


Position of your Legs

Problem: When your legs don’t reach the floor properly, it can put stress on your lower back and the nerves that go down your legs.

Try This: When sitting, your thighs should be parallel to the floor and your legs should be slightly bent with both feet squarely on the floor. When using an adjustable chair, first stand next to it and change the height of the sitting surface so it’s just below your kneecaps. If your feet do not reach the ground and your chair does not adjust, try putting a low stool under your feet. Avoid crossing your legs. When driving, remember to position your seat so your legs are slightly bent when your foot is on the pedals.


Chiropractic Coaching and Care for Sitting Stress

Our team at Amazing Life Chiropractic is specially trained to aid in prevention of spinal, muscular or neurological problems related to extended sitting. We can also coach you through stretches and ergonomic adjustments you can use at home or at work to improve health and reduce the stress caused by sitting all day. We look forward to helping you have happier sitting and a healthier life!

Neurological Symtpoms

Neurological Symtpoms

DO NOT IGNORE These Symptoms

There are many symptoms you should not ignore, and Dr. Sergey Kochelayev explains why neurological symptoms is one of them.

What Are They?

As stated in our neuropathy page, neuropathy is a condition where the nerves in the limbs (peripheral) are damaged or diseased. Often time, damages may occur in the arms, wrists, hands, legs, ankles and feet. If you are feeling numbness or tingling, pins and needles, or pain in any of these parts of your body; it is essential that you do not ignore them. Unquestionably, your nervous system plays an important aspect of your day to day activities and is responsible for making everything work. If you are experiencing neurological symptoms, get it check out as soon as possible. It is better to have it checked out and be in the know than procrastinate. If left untreated, you may experience more extreme conditions like gangrene, which can lead to amputation.




800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Define Normal

Define Normal

Is It Normal?

You have probably asked yourself multiple times before, “is this normal?” regarding a medical condition or overall health awareness. In this blog, Dr. Sergey Kochelayev explains why you should seek treatment if this question ever comes up.


Normal can mean different things to different people. It can mean one thing for someone who works a physically demanding job and another for someone who works in an office all day. Often times, people are experiencing abnormal feelings but mask the pain and adopt it as being the norm for them. Dr. Sergey suggests that if you ever have to ask yourself if something is normal, you should probably seek the opinion of a medical professional.

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Sleep Windows for Optimal Health and Wellness

Sleep Windows for Optimal Health and Wellness

Sleeping Windows for Optimal Health and Wellness

We recently posted a blog on sleeping tips that may help you get a better nights rest. In this video, Dr. Gabby Soucy, D.C. breaks down the optimal times to sleep for the best rest and rejuvenation.

Sleeping between the hours of 10:00 pm to 6:00 am and you should always try to keep a consistent schedule. This will help keep your circadian rhythm in check and help balance your hormones. Consistency also plays a huge factor in health. Studies show insomnia can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes; to name a few. Having a consistent sleep schedule will allow for your body to not only get rest, but heal and regenerate your body in the process

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]