Drop Foot and Custom Orthotics - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness

Foot Drop Relief in Mill Creek

One of the many conditions treated by chiropractors is known as foot drop or drop foot. It’s characterized by an inability to lift the front of your foot upwards and is often painful.

Even more concerning is that foot drop makes it difficult to walk properly and can make it far more likely that you’ll trip and fall. However, with the right treatments, you can make a full recovery.

Keep reading to learn more about drop foot treatments that are available and how to prevent foot drop in the future.

Foot Drop Treatments

Drop foot is not a condition on its own. Instead, it’s the result of an underlying muscular, skeletal, or neurological condition. For that reason, it’s essential for a physician to identify and treat the condition that’s causing foot drop in addition.

Here are four treatment options that can improve the prognosis of foot drop.



Chiropractic Care

In many cases, poor alignment in the hips, lower back, and spine causes or else contributes to foot drop. For this reason, one of the most important things you can do is seek out the help of a chiropractor who can ensure your spine alignment is correct.

Your chiropractor may also recommend massage therapy, acupuncture, or other alternative treatments to help you get the pain relief you need.

Foot Drop Orthotics

While your subluxations in the spine are being addressed, you will also likely need foot drop support directly on the affected foot or feet. This happens in the form of custom orthotics.

Orthotics are specialized inserts you wear with your regular shoes. They help you create a strong foundation as you walk which can help stabilize your spine. When dealing with foot drop, they assist in keeping your foot in a comfortable position.



The most extreme treatment option for foot drop is surgery. This only occurs in cases in which the ligaments and tendons have deteriorated to the point where they can no longer support the foot. The ankle bones may need to be fused or a tendon could be brought in from another muscle.

How to Prevent Foot Drop

The best way to prevent foot drop from occurring again in the future is to avoid whatever condition caused it. Often, continuing to get regular chiropractic care can be enough to help you avoid getting drop foot again.

Foot drop can occur in immobile or bedridden individuals. To prevent it in these cases, be sure to continue to stretch and strengthen the ankle and you may avoid suffering from foot drop.

Need Help Getting Foot Drop Orthotics?

Now you can see how you can be treated for drop foot and have a few foot drop prevention options so you can avoid this condition in the future. As you can see, orthotics make up a large part of the solution for many people suffering from this condition.

If you live in Mill Creek, Washington and want to get drop foot support so you can get relief from pain, contact us today. We would be more than happy to evaluate your situation and help you get chiropractic care and the custom orthotics you need.