Injury Archives - Page 13 of 14 - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness
Does Your Chiropractic Care Consist of This After an Accident

Does Your Chiropractic Care Consist of This After an Accident

Does Your Chiropractic Care Consist of this After a Car Accident?

In this video, Dr. Sergey explains the noteworthy chiropractic procedures your chiropractor must follow after your car accident. At Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness, our main goal is to get you from Point A to Point Fixed. As a result we intend on making the entire process a smooth one. We understand how stressful a car accident can be and these steps will help you protect yourself physically and mentally.

The first step is documentation. Let your chiropractor be your quarterback. Provide them with all the essential documents including pictures, insurance documents, etc. This can be helpful because everything gets backed up on the electronic records system and can be available to you in the future.

Finally, the most important step is your treatment. Your chiropractor should run you through an evaluation that sets up a treatment plan to get you fixed. This is usually a conducted with you, your chiropractor, and other medical professionals like your doctor, acupuncturist, etc. Above all, our goal is to have you pain free and back to full health!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

The Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

orthotics foot leg balance alignment pain posture

Just as the concrete foundation supports a house, your feet and legs are the foundation for your entire body. Seemingly small misalignments at your “foundation” can create large problems. This is a common issue seen in our clinic. 77% of people suffer from moderate to severe foot pronation, and 95% have some degree of leg length inequality.

When the arches of your feet are collapsed (also known as flat feet or pronation), or if one leg is a different length than the other, it affects the distribution of weight throughout the rest of your body. As a result, areas such as your knees, hips, back, and shoulders become strained.

Movement can also be distorted. Unequal leg length and collapsed arches in the feet causes a chain affect in the way you walk, and how your pelvis either stays stable or twists out of alignment. A misaligned pelvis causes muscle spasms and pain in the low back.

An easy step towards relief

At Amazing Life Chiropractic, we take detailed measurements of your feet, and assess your joint alignment and gait to prescribe custom-made orthotics. These shoe inserts support the unique needs of your individual feet and leg length, treating the source of the problem rather than just the symptoms. Dr. Gabby Soucy says, “At our office we prescribe special x-rays when warranted to determine the difference in length from one leg to another. Then we provide the appropriate size heel lift and custom-made orthotics to help straighten out the pelvis and reduce the risk of low back pain and re-injury.”

A 2017 study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows the custom prescription orthotic shoe inserts we use in our office, combined with chiropractic care, showed a 40.4% reduction in pain. This is a greatly welcomed pain relief that does not rely on medications, especially avoiding addictive opioids.

A helping hand for your feet

Is pain stopping you in your tracks? Allow us to be a helping hand for your feet. Schedule your appointment today for a consultation.

The Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

Just as the concrete foundation supports a house, your feet and legs are the foundation for your entire body. Seemingly small misalignments at your “foundation” can create large problems. This is a common issue seen in our clinic. 77% of people suffer from moderate to severe foot pronation, and 95% have some degree of leg length inequality.

When the arches of your feet are collapsed (also known as flat feet or pronation), or if one leg is a different length than the other, it affects the distribution of weight throughout the rest of your body. As a result, areas such as your knees, hips, back, and shoulders become strained.

Movement can also be distorted. Unequal leg length and collapsed arches in the feet causes a chain affect in the way you walk, and how your pelvis either stays stable or twists out of alignment. A misaligned pelvis causes muscle spasms and pain in the low back.

An easy step towards relief

At Amazing Life Chiropractic, we take detailed measurements of your feet, and assess your joint alignment and gait to prescribe custom-made orthotics. These shoe inserts support the unique needs of your individual feet and leg length, treating the source of the problem rather than just the symptoms. Dr. Gabby Soucy says, “At our office we prescribe special x-rays when warranted to determine the difference in length from one leg to another. Then we provide the appropriate size heel lift and custom-made orthotics to help straighten out the pelvis and reduce the risk of low back pain and re-injury.”

A 2017 study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows the custom prescription orthotic shoe inserts we use in our office, combined with chiropractic care, showed a 40.4% reduction in pain. This is a greatly welcomed pain relief that does not rely on medications, especially avoiding addictive opioids.

A helping hand for your feet

Is pain stopping you in your tracks? Allow us to be a helping hand for your feet. Schedule your appointment today for a consultation.

Massage vs. Chiropractic

Massage vs. Chiropractic

People often wonder whether they should get massage therapy or chiropractic. In this video, Dr. Sergey Kochelayev explains how to utilize the two to obtain maximum benefits.

Massage Therapy vs. Chiropractic

To answer this question, Dr. Sergey outlines that people should consider getting a massage before their chiropractic care. Reason being is that your muscles will be more relaxed before your chiropractic treatment. This will in turn will make it easier to adjust your joints and increase the longevity of your chiropractic treatment. If you are experiencing pain or have an injury, feel free to stop by. We will be happy to take a look.


For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

What To Do After A Car Accident

What To Do After A Car Accident

In this video, Dr. Sergey Kochelayev explains what to do in the event of a car accident. He outlines the steps one should take to protect themselves both legally and physically after an accident.

What to Do Immediately After an Accident

The first thing that you should do is check to see if you, along with the passengers in your car are okay. Once this is complete, you should check to see if the other driver and passengers are safe as well. It is essential that you document the scene of the accident by taking pictures. You should also document your symptoms from the date of the accident to 2 months after the accident. If you are injured or experiencing pain after the accident, seek medical attention. This could be through a chiropractor, emergency room, urgent care, or your family doctor.

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Ice vs Heat for an Injury

Ice vs Heat for an Injury

In this video, Dr. Gabrielle Soucy explains the different situations in which you apply ice vs when you apply heat to an injury. It is important to note that if you are in an emergency situation, please call 911 immediately.

What to apply? That depends on the injury

We would like to talk to you about when to apply ice versus when to apply heat. So, a rule of thumb is if you get a fresh injury, make sure that it is cleaned, and immediately put some ice on for at least 5 to 10 minutes, take the cold off for 15 minutes, and then repeat. If you have maybe a sore muscle or a muscle ache, then you can apply heat for around 15 minutes to help with muscle flexibility.

Our recommendation for you

Right now, it is soccer season so we know a lot of kids that might be getting an injury out there and the Dynarex Instant Cold Packs are really great and those are the ones that we use at our clinic. Parents can have them in the car and you just squeeze them, shake them, and they last for about 5 minutes. For this reason, these instant cold packs are very convenient for immediate care for unexpected bruising or strains. Of course, if you’re concerned about the extent of your injury, please consult a physician or a doctor. Don’t forget that we are always here to help, so do not hesitate to reach out to us!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State.

Live without health problems – Because you’re worth it!


800 164th St SE Ste O Mill Creek, WA 98012

[email protected]

Kyphosis Treatment: How to Correct a Hunched Posture

Kyphosis Treatment: How to Correct a Hunched Posture


Does your back naturally slouch? You may not quite resemble Quasimodo, but you may have a hunched back that is just terrible for your posture. A hunched back is a medical condition known as kyphosis. Fortunately, a chiropractic care unit can treat kyphosis and return your posture to the way it’s supposed to be.

What Causes Kyphosis?

Osteoporosis is the leading cause of kyphosis. Old age and/or poor health can cause the vertebral bones in the spine to weaken and become brittle over time. This leaves it susceptible to compression and cracking.

Of course, years of poor sitting posture can also cause a hunched back. You especially need to take heed if you work in an office cubicle and spend most of your hours sitting. When you’re seated, your shoulders are naturally pulled forward, constricting your muscles and causing the upper back to curve.

Kyphosis can also be caused by rickets, or a vitamin D deficiency. Nutritional kyphosis is more prevalent in children and seniors, though adults may also be diagnosed with the condition. In any case, you will need to speak with a qualified nutritionist. The solution may not be as simple as just drinking more milk or taking a vitamin D supplement. (more…)