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Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment in Mill Creek

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment in Mill Creek

What causes injury to the Sacroiliac joint?

Before we talk about treatment, we must understand what is causing the pain in the sacroiliac joint.

The SI joint can become painful when the ligaments are too loose or too tight. This can occur as a result of a fall or car accident or it can be due to small traumas in the past. As we get older, the bones in our body become arthritic and ligaments stiffen. This results in damaged cartilage which in turn causes bones to rub against each other and generate pain.

Pregnancy can cause SI joint pain as well. During pregnancy, a woman’s body releases hormones that allow muscles and ligaments to sufficiently relax. When these ligaments – which are holding the SI joint together – are relaxed, they allow increased movement in the joint.

Increased motion in the SI joint results in excessive stress on the joint capsule which can cause inflammation and pain.

Additional weight due to pregnancy and abnormal gait also adds up to SI pain. The uneven walking pattern which is usually seen in people with uneven limbs or arthritis in hips or knees can also cause SI joint pain.

In rare cases, infection in SI joint, autoimmune diseases such as axial spondylarthritis, and surgical procedure of foot or ankle can also cause SI joint pain. The pain can be aggravated by prolonged standing, running, bearing weight unevenly on both legs, climbing stairs and taking long strides.

What are the signs and symptoms of Sacroiliac joint pain?

Gaining full knowledge about signs and symptoms of SI joint pain is the key step towards the correct diagnosis and corrective treatment of the SI joint. A chiropractor will usually make a diagnosis based on the history and signs and symptoms related to the condition.

This requires in-depth research, as SI pain can often mimic other conditions. The most common signs and symptoms are listed below:

  • Pain in lower back and buttock
  • Pain in one or both sides over the joint
  • Pain can also radiate to lower hip, groin area and front of the thigh
  • Numbness and tingling in the leg
  • Feeling weakness in the leg
  • Pain after lifting or twisting the limb
  • Pain may worsen with sitting, climbing, standing or bending forward
  • Sleeping on the affected side tends to increase pain
  • Pain during transitional movements such as going from sitting to standing or standing on one leg
  • Pain is relieved to some degree when lying down
  • The sensation of Pins and needles

Chiropractic treatment for Sacroiliac joint pain

Our highly trained Doctors of Chiropractic can help relieve pain by making adjustments and stabilize the joint. They will use techniques that move your muscles and joints without causing any pain or stress.

Modern equipment and techniques used at our clinic such as a flexion-distraction table and Si belt support will help make your SI joint pain go away. The Doctor of Chiropractic will also help you restore motion in the SI joint, through a corrective adjustment.

Adjustments are generally performed using either one or a combination of two approaches.

This includes spinal manipulation to decrease the stiffness of the joint and increase the joint’s range of motion. Spinal mobilization is another approach to restoring proper SI joint function.

A chiropractor may choose a mobilization technique over a manipulation technique, depending upon the patient’s preference, body weight, and inflammatory concerns.

To prevent becoming a chronic or recurrent sufferer, your chiropractor will evaluate your core stability and do the right type of exercises as taught by a qualified chiropractor.

Sacroiliac joint pain is a prevalent disorder that affects your sacroiliac joint, otherwise called the SI joint. Misalignment of one or both joints can cause swelling which can stress the cartilage, causing the joints to become painful.

Once this condition has been identified and treated, it’s important to make adjustments to the way you move in order to help prevent reoccurring injuries. A chiropractor will first take your health history and conduct a medical exam to determine the cause of SI joint pain this will help them to assess any changes that may be needed beyond treatment

Of course, the first goal of every chiropractic treatment is always to relieve the pain of the patient which is done by multiple methods such as pelvic traction. Core stability exercises can treat SI joint pain effectively. With the help of chiropractic treatment, you will be able to move your hip and lower limb during movements like sitting, standing, running without any pain.

It’s important that you follow the instructions of your physician and chiropractor to achieve the best possible results. If you feel this may be something you are suffering with and need some help, then give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist you.



Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

The Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

orthotics foot leg balance alignment pain posture

Just as the concrete foundation supports a house, your feet and legs are the foundation for your entire body. Seemingly small misalignments at your “foundation” can create large problems. This is a common issue seen in our clinic. 77% of people suffer from moderate to severe foot pronation, and 95% have some degree of leg length inequality.

When the arches of your feet are collapsed (also known as flat feet or pronation), or if one leg is a different length than the other, it affects the distribution of weight throughout the rest of your body. As a result, areas such as your knees, hips, back, and shoulders become strained.

Movement can also be distorted. Unequal leg length and collapsed arches in the feet causes a chain affect in the way you walk, and how your pelvis either stays stable or twists out of alignment. A misaligned pelvis causes muscle spasms and pain in the low back.

An easy step towards relief

At Amazing Life Chiropractic, we take detailed measurements of your feet, and assess your joint alignment and gait to prescribe custom-made orthotics. These shoe inserts support the unique needs of your individual feet and leg length, treating the source of the problem rather than just the symptoms. Dr. Gabby Soucy says, “At our office we prescribe special x-rays when warranted to determine the difference in length from one leg to another. Then we provide the appropriate size heel lift and custom-made orthotics to help straighten out the pelvis and reduce the risk of low back pain and re-injury.”

A 2017 study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows the custom prescription orthotic shoe inserts we use in our office, combined with chiropractic care, showed a 40.4% reduction in pain. This is a greatly welcomed pain relief that does not rely on medications, especially avoiding addictive opioids.

A helping hand for your feet

Is pain stopping you in your tracks? Allow us to be a helping hand for your feet. Schedule your appointment today for a consultation.

The Importance of Foot Support and Leg Length Equality

Just as the concrete foundation supports a house, your feet and legs are the foundation for your entire body. Seemingly small misalignments at your “foundation” can create large problems. This is a common issue seen in our clinic. 77% of people suffer from moderate to severe foot pronation, and 95% have some degree of leg length inequality.

When the arches of your feet are collapsed (also known as flat feet or pronation), or if one leg is a different length than the other, it affects the distribution of weight throughout the rest of your body. As a result, areas such as your knees, hips, back, and shoulders become strained.

Movement can also be distorted. Unequal leg length and collapsed arches in the feet causes a chain affect in the way you walk, and how your pelvis either stays stable or twists out of alignment. A misaligned pelvis causes muscle spasms and pain in the low back.

An easy step towards relief

At Amazing Life Chiropractic, we take detailed measurements of your feet, and assess your joint alignment and gait to prescribe custom-made orthotics. These shoe inserts support the unique needs of your individual feet and leg length, treating the source of the problem rather than just the symptoms. Dr. Gabby Soucy says, “At our office we prescribe special x-rays when warranted to determine the difference in length from one leg to another. Then we provide the appropriate size heel lift and custom-made orthotics to help straighten out the pelvis and reduce the risk of low back pain and re-injury.”

A 2017 study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows the custom prescription orthotic shoe inserts we use in our office, combined with chiropractic care, showed a 40.4% reduction in pain. This is a greatly welcomed pain relief that does not rely on medications, especially avoiding addictive opioids.

A helping hand for your feet

Is pain stopping you in your tracks? Allow us to be a helping hand for your feet. Schedule your appointment today for a consultation.

Choosing the Right Orthotics

Choosing the Right Orthotics

Every orthotic needs to contain these 4 key elements. In this video, Dr. Sergey Kochelayev from Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness explains the benefits of custom orthotics. A good pair of orthotics may be able to completely change your life.

Four Key Points

First and foremost, your insert has to be custom. There’s just no way around it! More specifically, we’re not talking about going to your local retail store and just getting one of the five or six that are pre-made, we are truly talking about custom to you. If it doesn’t fit properly to you – how can it help?

Second of all, your orthotic has to be dynamic. What we mean, it has to bend nice and easy. For example, when you walk, your foot is dynamic; it moves, it bends and so does your shoe, so does your insert. Thus, your custom orthotic should be doing the same.

The third thing you should be looking for is support for the arches of your feet, which you actually have three of. Everybody knows the inside arch, but there’s also one going across your foot following your toes, one going down the length of your foot on the outside. If you’re missing one of those arches, its like having a tripod and with only two of the legs. Not very stable!

And lastly, we’re looking for a little bit of padding under the heel of your foot, which will give you additional comfort and support.

We recommend company called FootLevelers that we work with in our office. Their orthotics have a great warranty and all of the four key points we’re looking for in orthotics to be able to effectively support our skeletal system and reduce back, shoulder, hip, knee, and neck pain.

Contact us!

For more information or if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us or visit our clinic at the Mill Creek location in Washington State