Common Factors That Impact Injury Recovery Time - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness

Recovering from an injury can be a frustrating experience, especially if recovery is limiting your mobility. There are various factors that can impact how well or how fast you might recover from an injury and knowing what they are can increase your chance of feeling better faster. 

Common Factors That Impact Injury Recovery

  • Pushing yourself physically: Depending on the injury in question, you can slow your recovery if you are doing too much with the injured part of your body too quickly. For example, if you have sustained a leg injury, pushing yourself to walk on it before you are ready can compromise your recovery significantly. It is important to follow the instructions of your medical provider when it comes to how much you can do after an injury and when you can do it. You should also listen to your body and if you are in pain or feel too uncomfortable while engaging in physical activity, you might be doing too much too fast. This kind of overexertion can significantly set you back in the recovery process. 
  • Expending too much energy too soon: Expending too much energy too soon can also compromise your recovery. Rest is important during recovery even from the seemingly smallest of injuries. It is the way that your body heals. If you expend too much energy too soon, then your body cannot regenerate energy effectively to heal the injury in question. Therefore, energy conservation should be a priority as you recover from an injury of any kind.
  • Poor nutrition: Poor nutrition and lack of hydration can also compromise healing from an injury. This is similar to the body’s need for rest in that it operates more effectively when you are taking care of it. If you are not eating properly, then your body’s systems are not firing on all cylinders and you are likely to heal much more slowly than you otherwise might. 
  • Improper medication management: Improper medication management is also a common reason for healing slowly from an injury. Taking too little or too much of any medication provided for an injury can derail your healing. This is the reason it is imperative to take any medications prescribed for healing exactly as directed and check in with your healthcare provider often to determine how effective any medication might be as you recover.

Supplemental Assistance

While the speed of your recovery is important, so is the efficacy of it. The last thing you want is for an injury to heal improperly or cause issues elsewhere in the body. This is the reason that supplemental assistance during the healing process can make a huge difference in your physical outcome. 

Chiropractic care, physical therapy and other forms of supplemental assistance can help tremendously during the healing process to both help you recover faster and better. 

If you are frustrated with the speed of your recovery or just want to know how to make lifestyle changes that can help, reach out to Amazing Life Chiropractic to learn more.