Back Pain or Sciatica: What's the Difference? - Amazing Life Chiropractic and Wellness

Back Pain or Sciatica: What’s the Difference?

About 65 million Americans have reported recent episodes of back pain. Unfortunately, not many people realize their back pain could indicate a completely different condition: sciatica.

What’s the difference between back pain and sciatica? Does a back brace help sciatic pain? How do sciatic pain symptoms differ from back pain symptoms?

Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know to differentiate the two.

Read on to discover the difference between sciatic pain vs back pain. 

Back Pain Symptoms 

Most people experience lower back pain near the beltline. The pain can feel like a stiff ache to a stabbing pain.

Different situations can cause lower back pain symptoms, such as stress, poor lifting techniques, physical activity, or accidents. 

Back pain symptoms include:

  • Dully or achy pain
  • A burning, stinging sensation
  • Difficulty standing or walking
  • Muscle spasms and tightness
  • Pain that gets worse after sitting or standing

If your symptoms persist, visit a chiropractor for an adjustment. 

Sciatica Pain Symptoms

Sciatic pain symptoms usually start in the lower back. However, they can also affect the buttocks, legs, and hips. About 40% of people experience sciatica during their life. 

Sciatic pain develops when nerve roots in the sciatic nerve become compressed or pinched. You’ll likely experience symptoms on one side of the body.

Acute sciatic pain can last for one to two weeks before resolving itself. You might have episodes throughout the year. Chronic sciatica, on the other hand, can become a life-long condition. 

Sciatic pain symptoms include:

  • A pins and needles sensation
  • Pain that gets worse when you move
  • Weakness or numbness in the feet or legs
  • Painful tingling in the feet or toes
  • Incontinence 

You could develop sciatica after an injury. Some conditions can cause sciatica, including:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated disks
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Spondylolisthesis

Make sure to seek medical attention right away if you experience sudden, excruciating pain. A medical professional might recommend treatments like hot or cold therapy, stretches..

Chiropractic manipulations, massages, and acupuncture might help as well. And does a back brace help sciatic pain? Yes!

What’s the Difference?

What exactly is the difference between back pain and sciatica?

Back pain refers to a range of various symptoms. Sciatica, however, is a type of back pain. Since sciatic pain symptoms are unique, they’re easier to identify.

Back pain can happen anywhere along your spine. Sciatica pain, on the other hand, specifically restricts the sciatic nerve. Sciatica can only develop where the sciatic nerve is located.

Sciatica can also take longer to resolve, while low back pain might resolve itself.

Having a difficult time differentiating your sciatic pain symptoms from back pain ones? Walk across the room on your heels. Is it difficult to elevate your feet?

If so, you could have sciatica.

Visit a chiropractor for a professional diagnosis. 

Let’s Straighten It Out: The Difference Between Back Pain and Sciatica

To recap, what’s the difference between back pain and sciatica? Back pain is a general term, while sciatica is a more specific condition. 

Don’t live your life in pain. Instead, visit a chiropractor to find relief.

Eager to get started? We can help. Request an appointment today.